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I摘 要 大学毕业生失业是市场经济的产物 与其他商品经济国家一样,我国在经济转型过程中,大学毕业生失业问题呈现出日益严峻的趋势越来越多的大学生失业对个人家庭和社会产生了不良的影响,也造成人力资源和教育资源的极大浪费 在这样一个大背景下,研究我国大学毕业生失业问题 是否应该建立大学生失业保障制度以及如何构建一种有效的失业防御机制与失业保障制度,促进大学生就业,具有十分重大的现实意义文章分为五大部分进行论述 第一部分是导论部分 简要阐述了问题的提出与研究背景 对相关概念进行界定回顾国内外大学生就业与失业相关理论并指出现有研究的不足 第二部分是建立大学生失业保障制度体系的必要性分析大学生失业已经成为一个社会问题它增加了巨大的潜在社会压力与社会成本,影响社会的稳定失业保障制度作为一种被动的失业治理政策有其存在的理论基础政府与社会是大学生失业问题的责任主体政府公共管理责任与政府战略选择就自然应竭力减少大学生失业对社会长期发展的威胁而我国现行失业治理机制在大学生失业保障方面严重缺失比较而言目前很多国家都已具备较成熟的青年及大学生失业保障体系因此必然要求我国尽快建立起大学生失业保障制度体系 第三部分主要论述了建立大学生失业保障的制度选择首先明确了构建我国大学生失业保障制度体系的目标和原则然后通过对建立大学生失业保险制度的现实困难之判断和大学生失业救助制度设计与实施的可行性分析认为在当前阶段建立大学生失业保险制度并非明智之举而从参考国外经验并动态观察我国近年来大学生就业政策趋势来看建立大学生失业社会救助制度是可行的且势在必行最后提出一种具体思路即以政府救助为基础将国家现行促进就业政策社会救助和社会参与等一系列社会保障资源整合为一体在保证失业者的基本生活的同时发展与完善就业指导与职业培训介绍等就业援助服务形成政府高校社会组织及个人等不同责任主体分别承担全社会力量共同支撑的基础 整合式的大学生失业保障制度体II系 第四部分论述了大学生失业保障制度建立与完善中应注意的几个问题即应加快建立起高效的失业保障与就业服务信息系统完善监管机制充分重视社会工作在大学生失业保障中的作用应将大学生失业保障制度逐步纳入社会总体失业保障制度将失业保障与就业促进工作结合起来 在文章的最后部分指出了研究的基本结论与不足 关键词大学生失业 失业保险 失业救助 就业促进 IIIAbstract Graduates unemployment is a result of the market economy system. Like other commodity-based countries, graduates unemployment phenomenon has appeared in our country and presents the severe trend, which brings about a bad influence on the individual graduate, his family and the society, consequently leading to a great waste of the human and education resources. For such a background, It has great realistic meanings that we study graduates unemployment and how to create an effective unemployment defend mechanism and unemployment cure system to promote graduates employment. This article was divided into five parts: The first part is the introduction, It mainly states the proposition of the question and its study background, explains the relevant concept, reviews the theory correlating with graduates employment and unemployment, at last points out their insufficient. The second part analyses the necessity of establishing the graduates unemployment security system. Graduates unemployment has become a social problem, which increase enormous social press and influence the society stabilization; As one of passive unemployment cure policy, unemployment security system has its theory base; For the government and society having the main duty on graduates unemployment, government republic manage duty and stratagem choices should make great efforts to reduce the menace of graduates unemployment to society; Then our country badly lacks graduates unemployment security system now, oppositely many country have effective youth and graduates unemployment security system, All of these consequentially require our government establish graduates unemployment security system. The third part mainly discusses the possibility of establishing the graduates unemployment security system. At first, defined the goal and principle of the graduates unemployment security system; Then by compared the unemployment insurance system IVand unemployment social salvation system, points out that now establishing the graduates unemployment insurance system is not advisable; from reviewing other countries experience and our countrys actual graduates employment policies, unemployment social salvation system is necessary and possible .At last conclude that such a basic- incorporate graduates unemployment security system should be set up: the government salvation as the base, incorporate the existing employment policies, social salvation and social participancy etc, ensure the unemployed mans living, at the same time develop employment salvation service just like careers guidance training service and so on, the government, the college and graduate individuals should undertake these responsibility together ,and it should be supported by the whole social forces. The fourth part points out several questions that we must give attention to when establishing the graduates unemployment security system: We should establish unemployment security and employment service information system and the supervision mechanism; Pay attention on social works effect in this field; Should bring the graduates unemployment security system into society unemployment security system step by step; Combine the graduates unemployment security and employment promotion. In the last part, it takes a simple summary and points out the deficiency of this research. Key Words: Graduates Unemployment Unemployment Insurance Unemployment Social Salvation Employment Promotion 独创性声明 本人声明所呈交的学位论文是我个人在导师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果近我所知除文中已标明引用的内容外本论文不包含任何其他人或集体已经发表或撰写过的研究成果 对本文的研究做出贡献的个人和集体 均已在文中以明确方式标明 本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担 学位论文作者签名李妮莉 日期2005 年 4 月 22 日 学位论文版权使用授权书 本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留使用学位论文的规定即学校有权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版 允许论文被查阅和借阅 本人授权华中科技大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索 可以采用影印 缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本学位论文 保密在_年解密后适用本授权数 本论文属于 不保密 请在以上方框内打 学位论文作者签名李妮莉 指导教师签名丁建定 日期2005 年 4 月 22 日 日期2005 年 4 月 22 日 11 开门见山问题的提出与研究背景 1.1 问题的提出 1999 年 6 月我国高校扩招政策出台,我国高等教育步入跨越式发展阶段,这使得我国高等学校在校生从 1998 年的 643 万人上升到 2002 年秋季的 1600
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