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河南大学硕士学位论文“空心村”治理背景下农村土地的流转与利用研究-以河南 省郸城县为例姓名:王龙申请学位级别:硕士专业:土地资源管理指导教师:朱连奇2011-06IV摘 要 摘 要 目前,我国农村“空心村”已成为普遍存在的现象,这种外实内空的“空心村”,在全国大部分地区都有不同程度的存在。“空心村”现象造成了大量土地闲置,严重阻碍了农村经济的发展, 大量抛荒的土地作为一种 “沉睡的资本” 要想实现其应有的价值,农村土地流转不失为社会主义新农村建设环境下治理“空心村”的有效途径。 “空心村”中闲置宅基地较多,科学、合理的整治出大量的闲置土地,使土地参与到市场化中,从而使土地规模化的经营,也就加大了土地的集约利用。农村土地流转更加有利于推动农业的现代化,推动我国城市化和城乡一体化进程;有利于推动土地资源优化配置,实现农业生产规模化、产业化与集约化;有利于促进农村的产业结构调整和增加农民的收入,最终有利于构建社会主义和谐社会。但是当前农村土地流转大多数仍然处于自发和无序状态, 土地流转无相关法律依据, 缺乏必要的土地流转信息服务机构,土地流转市场的配套服务欠缺,畸形的行政干预,金融信贷支持的缺乏和制约,这些问题都在一定程度上阻碍了农村土地流转科学、合理、有序地进行。因此,农村“空心村”通过治理后的农村土地流转应从所在区域以及村庄的实际出发,因地、因村制宜进行土地流转。在政策建议方面提出了积极建构农村土地流转中介、服务和监督机构,完善土地流转市场配套服务,完备政府宏观调控措施,积极开展土地整理,提高耕地质量、增强耕地综合生产能力,从而实现农村土地的集约利用与可持续利用。 本文分为五个部分: 第一部分: 主要阐述本文研究的背景、 意义和目的, 以及论文研究采用的技术路线。 第二部分:总结了我国“空心村”和“土地流转”形成的概念、原因和演变过程同时分析了“空心村”和“土地流转”理论基础,主要包括地租地价理论、区位理论、产权理论等; 第三部分:主要介绍了我国城市化背景下的“空心村”现状、农村土地流转的原则及流转模式,并在此基础上提出了“空心村”治理背景下农村土地流转的必要性。 第四部分: 是本文的重点, 分析了郸城县农村土地流转的规模与分布、 流转的形式、流转的成效, 并在此基础上分析了郸城县 “空心村” 治理后农村土地流转与利用的特征,以及郸城县的“空心村”通过治理后农村土地流转与土地集约利用的机理分析等。 V第五部分:通过对农村“空心村”治理前后变化的趋势及问题的分析,提出了农村土地流转及土地集约利用与农村土地可持续利用的政策建议。 第六部分:从以上的研究、分析得出,我国“空心村”治理背景下农村土地流转与利用的问题与不足,得出结论和政策建议,同时分析了论文研究的创新与不足。 关键词:关键词:“空心村”、农村土地流转、郸城县 VIIAbstract At present, hollow village is a ubiquitous phenomenon, and the outer-real while inner-empty villages are existing in most parts of China at varying degrees. This phenomenon has caused a series of damages, such as leaving a large amount of land unused and seriously impeding rural economic development. Therefore, if a large amount of wasted lands, as a kind of potential asset, want to realize their deserved value, land movement can be regarded as an effective means to manage hollow villages under the circumstances of new rural communities construction. In hollow villages, there are many house sites.Through scientific and reasonable management, we can utilize many unused lands and put them into market, and therefore expand their operations to a commercial scale, which in turn greatly increase the lands intensified utilization. Rural land movements are benefit to promote agricultural modernization, which in turn puts forward the course of Chinas urbanization and the integration of city and countryside, to propel optimum distribution of land resources, to realize the scalization, industrialization and intensification of agricultural production, to facilitate rural industrial restructuring and increase farmers incomes, and finally to build a harmonious socialist society. But most of the present rural land movements are still in a state of spontaneity and disorder. Problems, such as the lack of legal ground for land movements, necessary information medium during land movements and supporting services in the market of land movements, the malformed administrative intervention and the lack and restriction of financial credit aids, will impede the rural land movements from proceeding scientifically,reasonably and orderly. Therefore, the rural land movements of hollow villages should start from the actual and present facts of the areas and villages, specifically conduct land movements by taking into consideration of the lands and villages. We should actively construct intermediary service system, perfect market supporting services for land movements, complete governmental macro-control measures, vigorously carry out land arrangements, improve the quality of cultivated lands and strengthen their comprehensive product ability to realize sustainable development of rural lands. This paper is divided into five parts: Part one:it mainly illustrates the background, meaning and aim of the paper as well as the technical VIIIway adopted in the study of the paper. Part two:it concludes the theoretical basis of Chinas hollow villages and land movements, mainly including the theory of land rent and price, location, property right, and so on. Part three:it chiefly introduces the present situation, reasons and harms of hollow villages under the background of Chinas urbanization, and on this basis, proposes the necessity of rural land movements under the management background of hollow villages. Part four:it is the key of the paper, which analyzes the scale and distribution, the form and the effect of rural land movements in Dancheng County, and on this basis analyzes the characteristics of land movements and utilization after the management of hollow villages in Dancheng County, as well as the mechanism of rural land movements and lands intensified utilization under the management background of hollow villages. Part five:through analyzing the changing trends and problems of the rural land movements and lands utilization befor and after the management of rural hollow villages, it proposes policy advices for the sustainable development of rural lands. Part six:from the above analysis, it reaches a conclusion that there are problems and shortages in the rural land movements and utilization under the management background of Chinas hollow villages, gives po
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