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单 位 代 码 10475 学号 104754110502 分类号 F713.50 硕 士 学 位 论 文硕 士 学 位 论 文 ( 专 业 学 位 )( 专 业 学 位 ) N N 市烟草公司网络营销体系研究市烟草公司网络营销体系研究 专业学位领域 : 工商管理 专业学位类别 : 工商管理硕士 申请人 : 林楠 指导教师 : 李光亚 副教授 二一三年五月 STUDY ON THE TOBACCO COMPANIES NETWORK MARKETING SYSTEM OF N CITY A Dissertation Submitted to the Graduate School of Henan University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration By Lin nan Supervisor:Associate Professor Li Guangya May, 2013 I I 摘 要 随着我国加入 WTO,国际烟草控制框架公约开始生效,国际卷烟企业进入国内市场,国外烟草制品关税大幅降低,这对于我国烟草行业的持续、快速发展产生了一定的冲击作用,烟草行业在我国国内与国际上所产生的矛盾已日渐明显。随着国内卷烟市场竞争的愈演愈烈,在专卖体制的保护下,如何使烟草商业企业的营销模式由以往传统营销模式向现代营销模式转变, 如何把众多分散、 规模不等的零售客户有序的组织起来,发挥卷烟销售、配送网络体系的整体功能,更牢固地掌控卷烟市场,实现卷烟在国内可持续发展,这是摆在我们面前极为重要和迫切的任务。 针对中国加入世界贸易组织后即将面临的国外烟草企业进入中国市场以及中国烟草专卖制度必然做出相应变革等现实情况, 笔者认为卷烟网络营销体系的有效运用将对提高我国烟草行业的经济效益和效率,优化企业的资源配置,在未来拓展更大的发展空间有起着重要的作用。本论文依据现代市场营销及电子商务相关理论,通过对论文研究时代背景和宏观环境的分析,论述了网络营销是卷烟市场营销发展的必然趋势。 本文以笔者多年的工作实践与卷烟网络营销研究为基础,查阅了大量的市场营销、电子商务、网络营销等相关的资料与文献;借鉴行业其他单位的成功经验,理论联系实际,对 N 市烟草商业网络营销体系进行了 SWOT 分析,对 N 市烟草公司如何运用市场营销策略来建立健全面向市场经济的烟草产品营销网络体系进行了研究, 并且在此基础上提出了一些适合 N 市烟草公司在实践中采用的网络营销建设的策略和方法, 提出解决方案和实施步骤,通过管理理念的创新和运行模式的优化达到全面提升网建水平的目的。 关键词:烟草,电子商务,网络营销 III ABSTRACT Along with our country joining the WTO, the international framework convention on tobacco control came into force, the international tobacco companies into the domestic market, foreign tobacco products tariff reductions and for the sustainable, rapid development of Chinas tobacco industry has a certain impact, in our domestic and international tobacco industry produces contradiction have become obvious. As domestic cigarette market competition intensifying, and under the protection of the monopoly system, how to make tobacco commercial enterprise marketing mode from the past traditional marketing mode to modern marketing model, how many scattered, the scale of retail customers and orderly organization, the overall functions of cigarette sales and distribution network system, the more firmly control cigarette market, cigarettes in China to realize the sustainable development, it is extremely important and urgent task before us. Against will face after Chinas accession to the world trade organization (wto) foreign tobacco enterprises to enter the Chinese market and Chinas tobacco monopoly system must make corresponding change the reality, the author thinks that the effective use of cigarette marketing network system to improve the economic benefits of Chinas tobacco industry and efficiency, optimize enterprise resource allocation, expand bigger development space in the future play an important role. This paper based on the theories of modern marketing and e-commerce related, based on the thesis research background and the macro environment analysis, this paper discusses the network marketing is the inevitable trend of cigarette marketing development. Based on many years working practice of the author and cigarette marketing research as the foundation, access to a large number of marketing, e-commerce, network marketing and other related materials and documents; Industry for reference the successful experience of other units, theory with practice, the N city tobacco business network marketing system has carried on the SWOT analysis, the N city tobacco company how to use marketing strategies to establish a sound market economy oriented tobacco products marketing network system are studied, and based on this, advances some suitable N city tobacco company in practice of the construction of the network marketing strategy and method, propose IV solutions and implementation steps, through the innovation management concept and operation mode of optimization to achieve the purpose of comprehensive enhance the level of network construction. KEYWORDS: tobacco,e-commerce,marketing networkV 目 录 摘 要 . I ABSTRACT . III 第 1 章 绪论 . 1 1.1 研究背景 . 1 1.2 国内外研究现状 . 2 1.2.1 国外卷烟网络营销模式研究 . 2 1.2.2 国内卷烟网络营销模式研究 . 2 1.3 研究目的和意义 . 3 1.4 论文的主要工作和创新之处 . 4 第 2 章 网络营销相关理论综述 . 5 2.1 电子商务功能及其特征 . 5 2.1.1 电子商务功能 . 5 2.1.2 电子商务特征 . 6 2.2 电子商务对传统营销的影响 . 8 2.2.1 电子商务对传统营销理念的改变 . 8 2.2.2 电子商务对传统营销模式的改变 . 8 2.3 网络营销 . 9 2.3.
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