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1Calibration and Validation of Ocean Color Products for Coastal Waters March 31-April 1, 2009 CH2M Hill Alumni Center Oregon State University, Corvallis, OregonThis workshop addressed the issues of calibration and validation of ocean color products for coastal waters. It built on the results of an earlier workshop on the cross calibration of OCM and MERIS data with MODIS and SeaWiFS to extend the useful data sets for coastal monitoring. This workshop expanded the discussion to include protocols for the use of above-water and in-situ instrumentation and approaches for validation of products for the coastal ocean and related issues such as validating atmospheric correction for coastal locations. Workshop Objectives: 1. Address the issues of calibration and validation of ocean color products for coastal waters. 2. Build on the results of an earlier workshop on the cross calibration of OCM and MERIS data with MODIS and SeaWiFS to extend the useful data sets for coastal monitoring. 3. Expand the discussion to include protocols for the use of above-water and in-situ instrumentation and approaches for validation of products for the coastal ocean and related issues such as validating atmospheric correction for coastal locations. 4. The product of the workshop will be a set of recommendations for algorithms and approaches for validation of SeaWiFS, MODIS and MERIS and in the future the Hyperspectral Imager for the Coastal Ocean (HICO) and VIIRS coastal products, including atmospheric corrections relevant to coastal areas, recommendations for coastal validation site selection and use, and requirements for new instrumentation for coastal validation. 5. The long term goal is to develop a set of automated procedures for coastal product validation for all ocean color sensors.2Workshop Agenda and Notes with references to Presentations:March 31, 2009 MorningDay 1: coffee and continental breakfast 8:00 AM, meeting begins at 8:30AM Introductions and meeting overview (Davis, Arnone, Stumpf) Summary report of the first meeting (Davis, below)A Workshop on the use of MERIS and OCM by NASA, NOAA, Navy and university scientists was held at NRLSSC January 29-31, 2008. Current US ocean color sensors are past their design life and we need to assure continuity of data and products for ocean applications. Additionally MERIS and OCM are the only sensors designed for ocean color measurements at higher resolution that meet coastal requirements. The workshop focused on identifying issues that needed to be addressed to make use of MERIS and OCM data by US scientists for coastal waters with a goal of transitioning to operations. The workshop specifically addressed approaches for cross-validating MERIS and OCM-1 with coincident SeaWiFS and MODIS data and in-situ measurements.A primary result was a plan to assemble a comparison data set for 5 representative US coastal regions including MERIS, SeaWiFS and MODIS satellite data and in situ data for the sites for clear days in 2005 and 2006. A plan was developed to process the data to a standard level for the comparisons at the remote sensing reflectance level and to compare a standard chlorophyll product and a standard product that estimates particulate scattering (Rrs 490 nm/ Rrs 560 nm). The data would be analyzed at full resolution for comparisons to in-situ data, and it would be binned to a 4 km average for comparisons of large scale averages and temporal changes. The workshop participants were enthusiastic about the use of MERIS and OCM data for a host of science and operational applications. The 620 nm and 709 nm channels on MERIS have proven especially useful to address issues of bathymetry of optically shallow waters and of harmful algal blooms in the Laurentian Great Lakes and coastal waters. Also the higher resolution of the MERIS 300 m data and the OCM data should be particularly valuable in many coastal regions. For MERIS we need to demonstrate the utility of 300 m for operational coastal applications and the group plans to prepare a Cat 1 proposal to ESA for that work. We recognize that there is no mechanism in place for operational use of MERIS data at this time but the goal is to demonstrate the utility of the data and develop products that can be used by US and other scientists and resource managers. The group also discussed the fact that OCM-1 may not be operating much longer, but that OCM-2 is due to be launched in 2009 and that it should provide better coverage and higher quality data. The group concluded that it was important to continue to work with OCM-1 to better understand the issues with this type of data and prepare for OCM-2 when it becomes available.3Therefore the group had two specific recommendations. First, US agencies (NASA, NOAA and Navy) should work with ESA for improved access to 1.2 km and 300 m MERIS data. For MERIS we should request routine near-real time access to 1.2 km data for th
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