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Useful Expressions(短语)1、Excuse me. Which one is your bag?对不起,打扰一下,请问哪个箱子是你的?2、Is this bag yours?这些箱子都是你的吗?3、Ive come for your luggage.我来帮你拿行李吧。4、I hope you will come again!期待您的再次光临!5、This is your claim tag.这是你的行李寄存卡。6、May I help you with your luggage?我帮你提行李好吗?7、What else can I do for you?还有其它需要帮忙的吗?8、Gould you sigh here?请在这里签字。9、Breakfast is on the first floor, from 7:00am to 9:00am.早餐在一楼,时间是早上 7 点到 9 点10、Is your luggage will be here shortly?你的行李只是暂时寄存一下吗?11、How long will you leave the luggage here?你的行李大概要寄存多长时间呢?12、Let me take it please!请让我来帮你吧!13、May I have your tag, please?请出示你的寄存卡。14、Whats your room number?请问您的房号是多少?15、 Toilet is turn left.洗手间在左边。16、How many pieces (of luggage ) do you have.请问你有多少件行李。17、In our hotel we dont accept tips. Thank you all the same.在这里我们不需要小费,但还是同样感谢您!18、I hope you will enjoy youre stay.祝您住店愉快!19、Have a nice trip.祝您旅途愉快!20、Are these your luggage.这些都是您的行李吗?Conversation (对话)ABellman: Good afternoon. Madam. Welcome to our hotel.行李生:小姐/夫人,早上好!欢迎光临我们酒店!Guest: Good afternoon.客人 :早上好! B: May I help you with your luggage, madam?小姐/夫人,我可以帮您拿行李吗? G: Yes, please!好的。 B: Please Just a moment, Ill get a luggage cart. madam.Thank you for waiting. Ill show you to the front desk. This way, please.小姐/夫人,请稍等,我去推一辆行李车来。让您久等了,我带您去前台吧,这边请! G: Thank you!谢谢! B: Youre welcome.不用客气!BBellman: Madam. May I have your room card, please?行李生:小姐/夫人,请出示您的房卡?Guest: Yes. Here you are.客人:好的,给你。 B: Thank you. your room is on the 10th floor. This way please(take a elevator ).Your room is here, after you (go into the room).谢谢!您的房间在 10 楼,这边请!(乘电梯)这就是您的房间,请先进房间。(进入房间) G: Thank you very much.非常感谢你! B: Not at all. Where would you like me to put your luggage.不用客气,我把行李放在哪里比较好呢? G: Anywhere. If you like.随便放哪都可以。 B: Please check it. Is it the right number of your luggage?请您检查一下,行李件数都对吗? G: Oh, Yes, Its very correct. Theres something for you.好的,都在这里,这是给你的小费。 B: Its very kind of you. But we cant accept tips. Thank you all the same. Please enjoy your stay, Good-bye.您真好,但是我们不需要小费,非常感谢您对我们服务的认可。祝愿你入住愉快,再见! G: Good-bye.再见!WORD(单词)Baggage/luggage 行李 Bellboy/bellman 行李生Cart 行李车 Tag 寄存卡Lift 电梯 Concierge 礼宾部Newspaper 报纸 Letters 信件Door 门 Taxi 出租车Bus 公交车 Red flag 红旗Frontdesk 前台 Baggage room 行李房Lobby 大堂
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