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合肥工业大学硕士学位论文工程机械仪表无线显示及工程操作遥控系统的研究与实现姓名:张燚申请学位级别:硕士专业:信号与信息处理指导教师:王琼2011-04工程机械仪表无线显示及工程操作遥控系统的研究与实现 工程机械仪表无线显示及工程操作遥控系统的研究与实现 摘摘 要要 工程机械的应用,涉及国民经济的各个领域,使铁路、公路、港口等物流和矿山开采、基础设施建设等重要国民经济领域相关作业效率得到极大提高。随着工程机械不断大型化、智能化,驾驶操纵室回转操作和长距离工程操作日益增多,传统的利用通讯线缆传输各类信号的方式所导致的故障不断增加,传输可靠性受到一定影响,已越来越不能适应工程机械日益大型化的需要。近年来,随着射频无线通信技术的迅速发展,对大型工程机械驾驶操控室仪表显示及操作遥控采用无线通信的信号传输方式,可有效消除线缆传输固有的弊端,保证信号传输的质量和可靠性。 本文针对大型工程机械各类信号与驾驶操控室仪表异地显示以及工程操作遥控等无线通信问题,提出了基于射频收发芯片 nRF2401 实现无线数据传输的通信方案,并完成了方案设计及系统样机的研制。 本文在分析研究短距离射频通信及关键技术基础上给出了无线通信系统软、硬件设计及系统样机研制方法。 针对系统在实际通信环境中的信号干扰和数据丢失问题,采用了自适应跳频软件扩频协议等抗干扰处理,提高了通信系统的可靠性;针对点对多点无线数据通信中射频机的通信问题,采用了基于地址的身份认证算法,增强了系统的安全性;针对传统上位机通讯接口方式单一问题,采用了 UART 和 USB 双接口设计,增加了系统的灵活性。 系统样机在 HZB908A-JAC 型工程叉车上完成了仪表数据采集、射频无线通信、工程操作遥控、与上位机通讯、抗干扰等测试实验。测试结果表明:系统具有低功耗、抗干扰、易携带等优点。在 100 m 左右的通信距离内,能够稳定地实现数据的有效传输,通信速率高、质量好。 此外,本系统的发射机和接收机均能工作在收发方式,并预留多种接口,方便扩展功能和组网,在大型工程机械上有着广泛的应用前景。 关键词:关键词:nRF2401 射频无线通信 仪表显示 工程遥控 自适应跳频 Research and Implementation of Wireless Display Meter and Remote Control System for Construction Machinery ABSTRACT The applications of Construction Machineries, which cover all fields of the national economy, have improved operational efficiencies in some important areas of national economy such as railway transport, highway transport, port logistics, coal mining, infrastructure development, and so on. With the continued large-scale and intelligent applications of Engineering Machinery, as well as with the increased rotary and long-range operations of driving cab, it is that the traditional way of transmitting types of signals by cable does result in more faults so as to affect the transmission reliability, and this way has become more and more unable to meet needs. However, in recent years, with the rapid development of radio frequency (RF) communication technology, a new way which can effectively eliminate the inherent drawbacks of cable transmission and can ensure the quality and reliability data transmission is used for driving cab instruments display wirelessly kinds of signals. Here, aiming at the telecommunication problems of instrument display in driver cab for diverse signals in different places and remote control, the author proposed a scheme for realizing wireless data communication based on RF trans -ceiver of nRF2401, and completed the system design and prototypes development. Based on analysis of short-rang RF communications and its key technologies, a way how to design the systems prototypes on software and hardware was given have. Morever, the author improves the reliability of the system by doing spread spectrum protocol of adaptive frequency-hopping software to avoid signal interference and data loss, enhances the security of the system by doing authentic ation algorithm based on address to stop misoperation, and increases the applicability of the system by doing design UART and USB dual-interfaces to solve single interface issues of the traditional host computer communication. Of course, many relevant tests on HZB908A-JAC and prototypes have show that this system can transmit effectively within 100 meters, as well as with some advantages as low power consumption, anti-interference, easy to carry and so on. Keywords: nRF2401; RF wireless communication; instrument display; remote control; adaptive frequency hopping; 插图清单插图清单 图 2-1 射频信号发送框图6 图 2-2 射频信号接收框图8 图 2-3 ShockBurstTM 发射流程图10 图 2-4 ShockBurstTM 接收流程图10 图 2-5 射频通信协议格式12 图 2-6 数据包封装结构图12 图 2-7 射频数据包字节写入控制时序图13 图 2-8 射频信号点对点传输物理模型20 图 3-1 系统结构框图21 图 3-2 系统的设计流程图22 图 3-3 模拟仪表盘无线显示的功能示意图22 图 3-4 模拟工程操作遥控的功能示意图23 图 3-5 HZB908A-JAC 组合仪表25 图 3-6 电源管理电路26 图 3-7 射频通信模块电路28 图 3-8 RS-232 串口异步通信电路28 图 3-9 USB 串口异步通信电路29 图 3-10 HZB908A-JAC 组合仪表数据采集接口电路图30 图 3-11 HZB908A-JAC 组合仪表接口30 图 3-12 无线显示系统数据采集接口电路图30 图 3-13 时钟与存储器电路31 图 4-1 IAR EW430 编辑界面35 图 4-2 点对点无线数据传输的软件流程图36 图 4-3 系统操作遥控原理框图37 图 4-4 点对多点无线通信关联图38 图 4-5 跳址方式时序图39 图 4-6 跳频序列基序号同步图案42 图 4-7 射频发射机与接收机握手流程图43 图 4-8 同频干扰时的频点自适应跳变流程图44 图 4-9 信道恶化时的频点跳变流程图45 图 4-10 不同跳频序列基下频道跳变对比图46 图 4-11 BAEA 算法的数据包结构47 图 4-12 BAEA 算法密文奇数次发送结构示意图48 图 4-13 系统射频机身份认证流程图49 图 4-14 仪表无线显示系统数据采集流程图52 图 4-15 上位机通讯窗口界面53 图 5-1 系统样机实物图54 图 5-2 HZB908A-JAC 型工程叉车仪表实物图54 表格清单表格清单 表 2-1 nRF2401 输出功率与对应电流消耗值7 表 2-2 nRF2401 工作状态9 表 2-3 nRF2401 的状态字11 表 2-4 系统射频机地址查询表
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