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中 文 摘 要 近年来,随着中国新农村建设的蓬勃发展和高校毕业生就业压力的持续加大,一个新的事物“大学生村干部”应运而生。作为一个崭新的群体,他们日益受到社会的关注。在国家积极引导青年人才到农村基层服务的政策下,鼓励和帮助高校毕业生到基层去参加新农村建设,带动农村发展,越来越成为人们的一项共识。目前,大学生村干部计划的实施取得了一定的成效,这些成效主要体现在:促进新观念、新思潮在农村的传播,建立城市与农村之间的沟通桥梁;促进新技术和新知识在农村的推广和应用,成为新农村建设的生力军;有效地改善农村基层干部队伍的结构,提升农村基层干部队伍的素质;一定程度上缓解了大学生的就业压力,维护了社会的和谐稳定。但是,这项政策仍有许多不完善和不成熟的地方:如高校毕业生报考村干部的“动机不纯”,导致三年任职成了考公务员或研究生的“跳板”;即便是愿意在农村施展抱负,又常常不知从何下手的大学生们则感觉到“屈才”;加之社会地位与福利水平上的相对低下和管理上的不规范,很多大学生村干部选择离开,造成了大学生村干部的流失率较高。本文开展的问卷调查结果,亦验证了这些观点。总体来说,大学生村干部计划的实施,一方面能够为新农村建设注入新鲜血液,另一方面,对高校毕业生多方位的锻炼,素质、能力的提升是显而易见的。具体来说,本文认为应该从以下几个方面加以推进和完善大学生村干部计划的实施:加强正确的舆论宣传导向,社会要对大学生村干部予以充分的理解和扶持;高校要紧跟社会变革的需要,培养相应的人才,改良配套教育体系;管理层要从制度上对大学生村干部计划加以完善和补充。对大学生村干部工资制度及社会保障,考核制度、选拔和任用机制、培训机制、奖惩机制做一清晰的界定和规范;同时,还要塑造大学生村干部精神与打造大学生村干部团队,建立市县乡村四级联动的“四位一体成才机制”。既要注重激励保障,又要强化竞争择优,做到大学生村干部下得去、待得住、干得好、流得动,逐步建立一支规模适度、结构合理、素质优良、充满活力的大学生村干部队伍。这些制度和办法具有一定的可操作性,对大学生村干部相关政策的进一步健全和完善具有一定的指导性。 关键词: 大学生村干部 新农村建设 关于建立选聘高校毕业生到村任职工作长效机制的意见R北京,中央组织部2009,4。 ABSTRACT Accompanied by the skyrocketing trend of Chinese new rural area constructing and the uprising pressure of college students unemployment, a fresh group of Chinese youth who have walked their own way out of the ordinary by following the nations encouraging policy of College students self-developing by making contributions to the rural areasthe Chinese University graduate county officialshave taken the spotlight of the entire society since the very first day of their occurrence. Up to now, the nations Graduate-County-Official Project has made quite a lot of achievements which could be presented as the following points: 1, a faster spreading of innovative ideas in Chinese rural area; 2, a strengthened reconnection between the rural area and the metropolitan places; 3, a better application of high technology into daily practices of the rural area; 4, an diversified and improved structure of the rural officials team; and 5,reducing employment pressures by providing more positions to the university graduates. Nevertheless, the whole project and its policies have leaks which could lead to the college graduate officials insincerity as they tend to treat the job as a gangplank which may bring opportunities of postgraduate educations. Meanwhile, being actually in the rural areas also brings feelings of unfitness. Due to the above reasons, many college graduate officials choose to leave the original position after their compulsory years are over. This paper concentrates on the actual situation of how big this problem could be. Our result, according to the data from the whole questionnaire survey, has proved the existence of the above problem. In order to solve this bitter but serious problem, this paper aims to provide several applicable solutions which could help modify the original project: 1. A more positive media promotion and representation of the college country officials should be built to achieve better mutual understanding of the society; 2. A much more career-oriented college education system should be constructed in order to provide the undergraduates with equipment that actually works in real society; 3. An institutional policy perfection should be done to make the project more effective by making clearer rules about rewards and punishment, for instance a better offer of social security insurance, more strict rules for selecting checking and promoting, and a more systematic position related education. Meanwhile, the government should also pay attention to their morale aspect and tries to strengthen the whole teams pure spirit of public servant, and constructs a “four-in-one” dynamic among the city, the county, the country, and the village. By using more effective incentive policies and building up a high-competition environment, this paper aims at providing practical and constructive solutions which could help build up a structural improved, skill-qualified and optimal energetic team of college graduate rural officials who may longer stay in their positions in the countryside and do a much better job. Key words: The university student village officials; Chinese new rural area constructing承承 诺诺 书书 本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是在导师指导下独立完成的,学位论文的知识产权属于山西大学。如果今后以其他单位名义发表与在读期间学位论文相关的内容,将承担法律责任。除文中已经注明引用的文献资料外,本学位论文不包括任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的成果。 学位论文作者(签章) : 2009 年 月 日 1 引 言 研究的目的和意义:研究的目的和意义:近年来,随着中国新农村建设的蓬勃发展和高校毕业生就业压力的持续加大,一个新的群体“大学生村官”应运而生。太原市以山西省省会城市的身份,参与了大学生村干部计划的实施。大学生村干部作为一个崭新的群体,日益受到社会的关注。 毋庸置疑, “大学生村干部”对我国的新农村建设有着重要的意义。大学生担任村官,不但能够优化农村干部队伍素质,而且能够给当前我国严峻的就业形势做一个缓冲,缓解大学生的就业压力,并且在无形之中锻炼和提高了大学生的社会实践能力,其重大意义是显而易见的。 但是,作为一项还在试探阶段的政策,在实际的施行过程难免出现一些不足和问题。虽然选聘大学生村干部有着制度化和长期化的趋势,但实施的情况却仍与党中央选聘大学生村干部的初衷有一定的差距。具体表现为:大学生村干部的流失严重;大学生村干部在农村的适应性差,无法快速融入农村;大学生村干部所学专业与农村实际需要相差甚远等等。形成这些问题的原因是多方面的,需要通过政策层面和大学生自身多方面角度来考察,同时,也要针对农村的现实状况,提出一些大学生村干部在新农村建设中发挥作用的有效途径。 本文侧重于从多方面考察大学生村干部计划实施的现状和解决问题的办法,从制度等多方面探索完善大学生村干部计划的实施办法,从而使这项工作更符合党中央制定这项政策的目的,提高高校毕业生的素质和能力,推动社会经济发展和新农村建设。 国内外研究动态:国内外研究动态:当前国内对这一课题的研究主要是理论上的。近一年来随着“大学生村官”选聘规模的扩大,研究文章逐渐增多,并有了初步的研究成果,但目前尚处于研究的初级阶段。主要以分
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