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10目的 PURPOSE:通过系统化的招聘管理保证公司招聘工作的质量,为公司选拔出合格、优秀的人才;规范招聘制度,建立公司“优良雇主”形象,采用严格的招聘程序。The procedure is established to provide a complete recruitment system, to select qualified talent, to set up a standard criteria and procedure to develop good image of good employer.20 范围 SCOPE:适用于公司所有职位的招聘工作。The procedure applies to 3.0定义 DEFINITIONS:无 None40 职责 Responsibility4.1 人力资源部:负责组织招聘工作的实施;HR: In charge of recruitment implement.4.2 用人部门:采用适当方法甄选合适之人员;Department concerned: Using suitable method to select the qualified candidate 4.3 各部门主管/经理:对新进员工实行试用评核。4.3 The department supervisors or managers must evaluate the performance of new comers.50 程序 Procedure5.1 招聘流程图:见附页 Recruitment Process: Appendix 5.2 招聘需求:Recruitment Requisition5.2.1 缺员的补充:因员工异动,按规定编制需要补充,如因员工调动、晋升、离职等原因。Replacement vacancy: thanks to employee transfer、 promotion or resign and so on.5.2.2 突发的人员需求:因不可预料的业务、工作变化而急需特殊技能人员,如技术变革或引进新工艺等。Urgent vacancy: unpredictable expand business、special skill requirement 、technology revolution or bring in new production technique and so on.5.2.3 扩大编制:因公司发展壮大而需扩大现有的人员规模及编制。Expand vacancy: Because of the expand business expand the headcount budget.5.2.4 储备人才:为了促进公司目标的实现,而需储备一定数量的各类专门人才,如应届大学毕业生、专门技术人才等。Talent backup: For the development of company need to backup some talents, for example: this years graduates and special technology talent.5.3 招聘政策:Recruitment Policy5.3.1 招聘原则:Recruitment Principle公司强调公平均等机会,只关注资格以及竞争力。关于申请人的种族,宗教信仰,性别和年龄不能影响任何招聘结果。xx is an Equal Opportunity Employer and invites applications from all qualified persons without respect to age, race, religion, gender, gender preference, or national origin.5.3.3 招聘方式:Recruitment Method5.3.3.1 采用内部招聘与外部招聘相结合的两种方式。Adopt internal and external recruitment methods. 内部招聘:一方面是公司解决内部富余人员的途径,另一方面使得员工获得与个人职业发展相一致的工作岗位。Internal recruitment: internal transfer as a way to broaden the employees existing skill and career development. 外部招聘:可通过广告、参加招聘会、网站公布、职业介绍所、内部推荐和同行业推荐等形式从外部招聘。External recruitment: use a variety of methods to recruit qualified candidates include advertisement 、job fair、internet advertising、internal referral and referrals from professional organization. 对公司内符合招聘职位要求及表现卓越的合适员工,将优先给予选拔、晋升机会,其次再考虑面向社会公开招聘。Qualified employees are considered for available positions before outside applicants are hired. 聘用人员的基本条件及要求需参考职位说明书。Refer the Job Description when consider whether the candidate is qualified or not 5.4 招聘程序:Recruitment Procedure5.4.1 招聘需求:Recruitment Requisition每年人力资源部根据公司的发展战略和年度经营计划进行人员需求预测,并制定公司人力资源规划和费用计划,报总经理审批。HR department needs to do the manpower plan and recruitment budget according to the development strategy and operation plan of company and get the approval from Managing Director.5.4.2 招聘申报手续: Personnel Requisition Procedure5.4.2.1 以各用人部门为单位,在确认本部门内无横向调剂人员的可能性后,填写招聘申请表经部门负责人批准后,报人力资源部,如系新岗位,需同时附上职位说明书。Any department requiring manpower has to complete the Personnel Requisition Form ().This form required the department head approve then submit to HR department. If this position is a new one, need to submit the Job Description at the same time. 人力资源部认真审核该职位的工作性质、等级以及部门人员编制、计划等,提出采用公司内部招聘或对外招聘的建议,将招聘申请表报总经理审批。HR review content, grade of the position, manpower plan and O-Chart of the department, suggest adopting internal recruitment or external recruitment and send the form for Managing Directors approval.5.4.3 内部招聘流程:Internal recruitment procedure5.4.3.1 人力资源部根据职位空缺情况,拟定发布内部招聘公告,发布的方式包括在公司内部网上通知、公告栏发布、内部招聘文件等形式,内部招聘公告要尽可能传达到每一个正式员工。HR will post the available positions on the internal recruitment website, notice board of the company, or post the internal recruitment document to let the employee could get information of the opening positions. 所有在公司服务 6 个月以上的正式员工都可向人力资源部提出应聘的书面申请,但书面申请需征得本部门负责人的签字批准。The internal employee who has worked for xx more than 6 months could submit the Internal Job Application Form (Appendix 2) approved by Department Manager to HR department. 人力资源部根据职位说明书要求进行初步筛选,并组织用人部门进行考核及评审。HR will screen through all applications and short-list applicants according to the Job Description and arrange interview with the department concerned. 人力资源部将评审合格者名单报经总经理审批。HR will send the qualified candidates list for Managing Directors approval. 审批通过后,由人力资源部为其办理相应的转岗手续并填写员工异动申请表。After got the VPs approval, HR will coordinate with department concerned for transfer related issues, 人力资源部通知应聘合格者与原部门办理工作交接手续,然后安排到用人部门报到。HR will coordinate the transfer and arrange the on board issues to the concerned department.5.4.4 外部招聘流程:External Recruitment Procedure5.4.4.1 工人招聘:Operator recruitment人力资源部发布招聘信息,并确定招聘的具体时间。HR will post the opening vacancy and arrange interview schedule.禁止招聘童工(未满 16 岁),如果需要招聘未成年工(已满 16 周岁未满 18 岁员工),不得安排以下岗位:执锡,波峰焊,喷油 和维修工,同时对未成年工在录用后一个月之内需到劳动部门备案。It is forbidden to hire the child labor (workers who below 16 years old). If we need hire juvenile workers,(Juvenile workers refer to labor up to 16 years old but below 18 years old),we
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