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Grammar情感类使役动词情感类使役动词喜乐 高兴 满意 兴奋 激动 鼓励 怒 哀 担心教学内容 观察, 分析, 归纳语法-以-ing 和-ed结尾的形容词的用法。形容词化了的-ing分词和-ed分词用作名词修饰语时, 仍保留一定的动词含义。一般说来, 由及物动词的-ing分词转化来的形容词往往带有主动意义, 常译为“使人; 令人”; 由及物动词的-ed分词转化来的形容词往往带有被动含义,用来形容人感到如何。1. The girl let out a _ cry at the sight of the snake. 看到蛇, 女孩尖叫起来。 frightenedThe girl was frightened. 2. His _ shout scared the boys. 他大吼一声把那帮男孩给吓跑了。 The shout was frightening and the boys felt frightened. frightening又如:His puzzled look made me very angry.他迷惑的样子使我很生气。 The exciting news made every one of us very excited. 那令人兴奋的消息使我们每个人都很兴奋。 None of the banks I spoke to were interested.我去找过的银行没有一家感兴趣。William Hartley looked disappointed when the bookseller refused the request.当店员拒绝他的请求时,威廉哈特利显得很失望。 Defarge was pleased at their arrival.对于他们的到来,德法奇感到很高兴。 That sounds very interesting. 那听起来倒挺有趣的。这类词常见的有:interesting 有趣的;interested 感兴趣的disappointing 令人失望的;disappointed 失望的exciting 令人兴奋的;excited 激动的surprising 令人惊奇的;surprised 惊奇的astonishing 惊人的;astonished 感到惊奇的discouraging 令人泄气的;discouraged 泄气的puzzling 令人迷惑的;puzzled 迷惑的tiring 令人厌倦的;tired 疲劳的pleasing 令人高兴的;pleased 高兴的satisfying 令人满意的;satisfied 满意的worrying 令人担心的;worried 担心的frightening 恐怖的;frightened 受惊的boring 乏味的;无聊的boreddelighted 高兴的 delighting这类词常见的有:interesting ; interested 感兴趣的disappointing 令人失望的;disappointedexciting ; excited 激动的surprising 令人惊奇的; surprised astonishing 惊人的; astonisheddiscouraging ; discouraged 泄气的puzzling 令人迷惑的; puzzledtiring ; tired 疲劳的pleasing ; pleased 高兴的satisfying 令人满意的;satisfiedworrying ; worried 担心的frightening 恐怖的; frightened 受惊的boring ;无聊的 boreddelighted 高兴的 delighting这类词常见的有:interesting ; interesteddisappointing ; disappointedexciting ; excitedsurprising ; surprised astonishing ; astonisheddiscouraging ; discouragedpuzzling ; puzzledtiring ; tiredpleasing ; pleasedsatisfying ; satisfiedworrying ; worriedfrightening ; frightenedboring ; boreddelighted delightingverbs touch touched touching move moved moving encourage encouraged encouragingModule 1 11. bored adj. 厌烦的; 厌倦的 boring 4. amazing adj. 令人吃惊的;令 人惊讶 17. amazed adj. 吃惊的;惊讶的 Module 1 12. embarrassed adj. 尴尬的;难堪 的 ;困窘的 18. embarrassing adj. 令人尴尬的;令 人难堪的 26. disappointed adj. 失望的 27. disappointing adj. 令人失望的 skillsverbs usages What _ sb most is that clause( 使人最.是.) E g .What pleases his parents most is that he always studies hard.skills Nouns usages to ones great surprise/joy/ pleasure/encouragement/ amusement/fright/disappointment/ 等名词1. The situation is more _ than ever. Im _ about what to do next.A. puzzled; puzzled B. puzzling; puzzling C. puzzling; puzzled D. puzzled; puzzling Exercises I2. The _ news _ Jim. He was _ at it.A. surprising; surprised; surprisedB. surprised; surprised; surprisingC. surprised; surprising; surprised D. surprised; surprising; surprising3. It was so _ a poem that quite a few students were _ to tears.A. moved; moved B. moving; moving C. moving; moved D. moved; moving 4. China is a large country which is getting _.A. more and more developed B. more and more developing C. more developed and more developedD. more developing and more developing 5. How did Jack do in the exams this time?Well, his parents seem _ with his results.A. pleasing B. pleasure C. pleased D. pleasant 6. It is _ to travel by air than by water.A. a lot more excited B. much exciting C. a lot more exciting D. much more excited 7. They are _ at the news that their team was beaten by ours.A. disappointing B. disappointed C. surprising D. pleased8. How did Jack do in this exam? Well, his parents seem _ with his results.A. pleasing B. pleasure C. pleased D. pleasant Exercises II动词填空: 1. Hearing the _ news, we were all _. (excite) 2. The little boy seemed _ at the sight of the _ snake. (frighten) 3. How _ it is to see a _ look on his face. (disappoint) 4. All of us were _ by the _ maths problem. (puzzle)exciting excited frightened frightening disappointing disappointed puzzled puzzling 5. _ of the _ film, the man went out of the cinema half way. (bore) 6. Have you seen the _ (miss) boy? 7. The dishes tasted nice,making me _ (please). 8. He hadn
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