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I摘 要 差异教学是立足于学生个性的差异,促进每个学生全面发展的教学。我们应重视对学生学习差异的研究,看到每个学生的优势和潜能,满足不同学生的不同需求,使教与学更好地结合起来,在学校营造一个生动、民主、和谐、学生积极参与学习设计的教育环境,指导学生选择自身需求知识,合理安排适合自身发展的课程结构,通过学生主动学习,实现既掌握各科基础知识与基本技能又充分发展个性特长的教育目的,为学生的全面发展提供广阔的空间。 教学模式是教学理论的具体化,又是一种教学经验的具体概括,它既可以直接从丰富的教学实践中通过理论概括而形成,也可以在一定的理论指导下提出一种假设经过多次试验后形成。传统的初中英语教学模式使得作为认知主体的学生在整个教学过程始终处于比较被动的地位,难以达到比较理想的教学效果,更不可能培养有创新精神和创新能力的人才。初中英语教学现实呼唤差异教学,同时,社会对差异教学的需要也意味着在初中英语教学中实施差异教学的必要性。 本文首先解读了差异教学和教学模式的内涵,揭示了差异教学的价值,明确了教学模式的基本构成要素;然后,在访谈初中英语教师和学生的基础上,参考已有文献研究,并结合自己在初中英语教学一线工作的反思,从初中英语教学现实和社会对差异教学的需要两个角度对初中英语教学中实施差异教学的必要性进行了深入的分析;其次,从主体性教学理论、素质教育理论、多元智能理论、个别化教学理论等几个层面阐述了初中英语差异教学模式建构的理论基础;进而,根据教学模式的基本构成因素及其模式建构的基本方法,结合初中英语学科特色,笔者从基本理念、教学目标、实施原则、实施程序和实施策略等方面对初中英语差异教学模式进行了更为深入的解读;最后,从实践的角度对初中英语差异教学模式的一个实施案例进行了勾画和分析。 关键词:关键词:初中英语 差异教学 模式建构 IIIAbstract Difference teaching is based on student-character development and promotes each student to develop completely. We should pay more attention to researching the students different characteristics. We should know about their advantage and latent energy and find a new way to be fit for the students development, and meet the needs of different students. And combine what teachers teach with what students learn to create a vivid, harmonious and democratic circumstance in which students take an active part in class activities. To direct the students to choose what they need and arrange proper courses for them. By this way, they not only master basic knowledge and basic skills, but also full develop their individual characteristics. They can communicate, cooperate and share with each other. Many talents of different level and different kind will be trained for our society. Teaching model is the embodiment of the teaching theory, it is also a kind of concrete summary of teaching experience, it can be formatted directly in the rich teaching practice through theoretical generalization and puts forward a kind of hypothesis test after many forms under the guidance of the certain theory, it has a brief, specific, operational and developmental characteristics. Traditional junior English teaching model makes the students as a cognitive main body in teaching process which has always been in a relatively passive position, it is difficult to achieve more satisfactory teaching results and cultivate the talent who has the spirit of innovation and innovative ability. Reality of junior English teaching calls for difference teaching, at the same time, social demands to difference teaching in junior English teaching means that it is necessary to implement difference teaching. First, this thesis discusses the concepts of difference teaching and teaching model, explains the importance of difference teaching, and clarifies the basic elements in teaching model. Then analyzes the necessity of implementing difference teaching, from two aspects IVwhich are the necessities of difference teaching in instruction practice and society. The analyzes are based on the interview with students, study the related documents and self reflection. Besides, expounds the theoretical basis on construction of model for English difference teaching in junior high school, from the main-body teaching theory, the theory of multiple intelligences, the theory of quality education, individual teaching theory. Further, according to the basic method of construction of model, take difference teaching as the main line, combines with the junior English training target, the author has conceived the model with the idea of junior English teaching in characteristics disciplines model, and separated from the basic idea, teaching objectives, principles, strategy, operation steps to discuss it comprehensively. At last, an implementation of the case has been outlined and analyzed about model for English difference teaching in junior high school from a practical point of view. Key words: Junior English; Difference Teaching; Construction of Model 1导 论 (一)研究缘起 教学是以教师起主导作用的教和以学生为主体的学组成的双边统一活动,是人类世界一种特殊的认识活动。教学环节、教学程序本身并无优劣、高低之分,教学环节的增削取舍、穿插调度,关键在于各个程序的优化组合,形成有效的教学模式。长期以来,传递接受教学模式是我国初中英语教学活动中普遍采用的教学模式。传递接受教学模式源于赫尔巴特及其弟子提出的“五段教学” ,后经凯洛夫等人加以改造传入我国。我国教育工作者根据现代教育学与心理学理论的启示以及教学的实践经验,对其加以调整,形成了今天所说的传递接受教学模式。这种模式的基本程序是:激发学习动机复习以往旧课讲授新的知识强化巩固应用督促检查评价。这种模式采用的基本教学策略是:以书本为中心,教师为中心,课堂为中心进行的。 传递接受教学模式的优点是有利于教师对课堂教学的组织、管理与控制,有利于教师主导作用的发挥。但它存在一个很大的缺陷,就是忽略学生的主动性,创造性,不能把学生的认知主体作用很好地体现出来。许多初中英语教师把学生当作灌输的对象,外部刺激的接受器,前人知识经验的存储器,强调学生的任务就是要消化、理解教师讲授的内容,忽视了学生是存在各个方面差异并具有主观能动性和创造性思维的活生生的人。在英语学习过程中,绝大部分学生逐渐养成了一种不爱问“为什么” ,也不知道“为什么”的麻木习惯,形成一种盲目崇拜老师和书本的迷信思想。这种思想步步相传,不断强化,就使学生的发散性思维、逆向性思维被束缚、被禁锢,敢于冲破传统的新思想、新观念被扼杀,大胆幻想的翅膀被折断,作为认知主体的学生其自主性、主动性无从发挥。不难想象,作为认知主体的学生如果在整个教学过程中始终处于比较被动的地位,难以达到比较理想的教学效果,更不可能培养有创新精神和创新能力的人才,这就是传统教学模式的最大弊端。 显然,随着科学技术的飞速发展,知识经济的到来,创新意识、团结协作精神2己成为现代人才必备的基本素质之一,传统的初中英语教学模式已不适应二十一世纪对人才的要求。如何打破传统的初中英语教学模式取而代之以新的能适应上述变化的教学模式,自然应该引起理论界的思考和研究。当然,一段时间以来,很多类似于初中英语差异教学模式的理论被陆续提出和研究,有些相关教学模式比如分层教学、分材教学、因材施教等已被付诸于教学实践并取得了一定的效果。综而观之,笔者认为在初中英语教学中实施差异教学无疑是解决传统教学模式的弊端、迎合时代和社会发展、培养学生创新精神和创新能力的较好办法和方式。初中英语差异教学,就是在初中英语班级授课
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