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上海交通大学硕士学位论文美联国际英语培训公司精准营销应用研究姓名:郭玉鹏申请学位级别:硕士专业:工商管理指导教师:伍青生20070128上海交通大学 MBA 学位论文 美联国际英语培训公司精准营销应用研究 4 美联国际英语培训公司精准营销应用研究 摘 要 随着贸易、经济、金融的全球化和信息技术的突飞猛进,中国逐渐产业化的教育行业无疑成了发展最快和最有潜力的行业之一。 中国是全球最大的英语教育市场,据中国教育部的最新统计显示,在中国的各个教育层次上,现在有 2.4 亿的学生在学习英语,其中超过一半的学生年龄在 10-19 岁,这意味着在未来十年会出现对教育市场的巨大需求。另外,我国的成人教育学校在校人数也达到了近 7500 万人。以上两个数字构成了中国英语教学的巨大基数。在这个庞大的受教育人群中,虽然只有 3%5%的人群具有进一步进修英语的强烈愿望和经济能力,但其人数也已达到 1000 万之巨!再加上中国各类企业及个人的英语培训需求在中国加入 WTO 后的强劲增长,目前的英语培训市场可以说已成为中国一个潜力无限的朝阳产业。 近年来,中国英语培训业进入了一个快速发展的时期。由于市场进入门槛较低,很多机构和个人受利益驱使,纷纷进入了这个似乎充满暴利的行业。然而,随着竞争对手的增多,英语培训市场已经开始步入微利时代。 如何适应市场的这个变化, 制定培训发展战略, 调整业务结构,寻求新的利润增长点,追求更大的社会经济利益,成为各英语培训机构不得不思考的问题。本文以所在的美联国际英语培训学校为例,就培训市场如何实现精准营销进行分析研究。 上海交通大学 MBA 学位论文 美联国际英语培训公司精准营销应用研究 5 本文在阐述精准营销产生的背景及相关概念的基础上,对精准营销的理论依据及个性化体系做了仔细分析,由此得出精准营销与传统营销的区别以及在营销领域的发展趋势。在搜集大量行业资料并实施实地调研的情况下,采用系统的营销理论知识对国内英语培训行业做了全面的分析,呈现了该行业目前的现状及市场需求点所在。美联国际英语作为新兴的英语培训机构,在初创阶段遇到了很多的问题,结合行业发展的现状,分析得出实施精准营销是企业实现生存求得发展的必要举措,在此基础上,全面设计了适合于自身的精准营销体系,实施了有针对性的营销方法,取得了显著的成就。在对美联国际英语实施精准营销的效果做全面评估的基础上,指出其存在的问题,并提出了切实可行的改进方案。 本文通过对美联国际英语实施精准营销过程中所遇到的困难和取得的成功,由此引申出精准营销在企业市场营销中将发挥日益重要的作用,同时,笔者相信,在不久的将来,精准营销势必成为营销领域的主流。 关键词:精准营销,英语培训,客户满意度,营销信息 上海交通大学 MBA 学位论文 美联国际英语培训公司精准营销应用研究 6 APPLICATION RESEARCH FOR PRECISION MARKETING OF METRO INTERNATIONAL TRAINING COMPANY ABSTRACT With the globalization of business trade, economics and finance as well as the rapid development of information technology, there is no doubt that the gradual industrialization of education field has become one of the fastest and highest potential industries in China. China is regarded as the biggest education market in the world. According to the most recent statistics from Chinese Ministry of Education, there are 2.4 billion students learning English in Chinas various education levels. Half of those students aged from year 10 to year 19, which means that there will be tremendous needs for education market in the following ten years. Furthermore, the number of students at adult educational schools has achieved about 75 million. The previous number of students have made up of the huge cardinal number of English training in China. Among these English learners, though only about 3% or 5% of them have strong desire and financial ability to further study English, the number of potential English learners is about 10 million. Along with the enormous rise in the 上海交通大学 MBA 学位论文 美联国际英语培训公司精准营销应用研究 7 need of English training for different companies and individuals after China joined WTO, current English training market has become the highest potential promising field in China. In recent years, Chinese English training industry has stepped into a period of rapid development. Due to the lower requirement for education market, driven by high profits many institutions and individuals become interested in this field that seems to easily gain huge profits. However, with the increasing number of competitors, the profit of English training filed become less and less. How to adapt to the changes of this education market, to establish developmental strategies, to adjust the structure of business, to seek new profit increasing point, and to gain more social and economical benefits are the necessary questions that every English training school should consider. This essay takes Metro International English Training School for example aiming to investigate and analyze how to implement precision marketing in the educational training field. This essay illustrates the background and pertinent concepts of precision marketing, carefully analyzing the theoretical foundation and individualized system, and thus elicits the differences between precision marketing and tradition marketing along with the trend of marketing field. While collecting large amount of information on the English training area and carrying on investigations in practice, we apply systemic marketing theory to comprehensively analyze national English training industry and 上海交通大学 MBA 学位论文 美联国际英语培训公司精准营销应用研究 8 present current marketing situation and needs in the English training field. As a newly increasing school Metro International English has met many problems at the very beginning, we, based on current trends in English training industry, find that the implementation of precision marketing is essential for company surviving. Accordingly, we designed a precision marketing system for Metro, carried out pertinent marketing strategies, and have obtained great accomplishments. On the basis of full-scale assessments of the effectiveness of implementing precision marketing, we point out the existing problems and bring forward feasible improvement plans. This essay analyzes the difficulties and successes of implementing precision marketing in Metro International English Training School and explicates the more and more important role of precision marketing in company marketing. Meanw
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