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暨南大学硕士学位论文 题名(中英对照): 我国沪市 A 股上市公司定向增发绩效研究 基于不同的认购对象类型视角 The Private Placement Performance of the Shanghai A-share Listed Companies:Based on the Perspective of Different Subscribe Objects 作者姓名: 李艳青 指导教师姓名: 罗其安 及学位、职称: 硕士 副教授 学科、专业名称:管理学 财务管理 论文提交日期: 论文答辨日期: 答辨委员会主席: 论文评阅人: 学位授予单位和日期: 独独 创创 性性 声声 明明 本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得 暨南大学暨南大学 或其他教育机构的学位或证书而使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示谢意。 学位论文作者签名: 签字日期: 年 月 日 学位论文版权使用授权书学位论文版权使用授权书 本学位论文作者完全了解 暨南大学暨南大学 有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,有权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和磁盘,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权 暨南大学暨南大学 可以将学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存、汇编学位论文。 (保密的学位论文在解密后适用本授权书) 学位论文作者签名: 导师签名: 签字日期: 年 月 日 签字日期: 年 月 日 学位论文作者毕业后去向: 工作单位: 电话: 通讯地址: 邮编: 暨南大学硕士论文 我国沪市 A 股上市公司定向增发绩效研究基于不同的认购对象类型视角 I 摘摘 要要 2006年股权分置改革是中国资本市场上一个重要的里程碑, 这之后包括定向增发、 配股和可转债等再融资在内的市场融资功能开始得以全面恢复。 2006年5月8日 上市公司证券发行管理办法的正式颁布,标志着定向增发作为一种主流的的再融资方式,它与公开发行股票、配股成为上市公司三大主要的股权融资的方式之一。目前,中国大陆定向增发以其较低的发行成本、 便捷的发行方式成为了上市公司融资的首选,动辄在资本市场上募集千亿元的资金,能量巨大。而定向增发作为一种重要的上市公司融资手段,究竟能否能优化资本市场上资源配置,改善上市公司的绩效,并使其优胜劣汰,定向增发对公司治理结构的影响会不会因认购者不同而不同, 这不仅对上市公司自身的业绩和经营有重要的意义,而且对我国政府监管部门出台政策措施,促进国内产业升级,优化产业布局有积极的意义,同时对于维护我国广大的中小投资者的利益有积极的意义。 以往学者对定向增发的长期绩效的研究表明, 定向增发后上市公司的绩效普遍是下降的。作者通过阅读大量的文献发现,定向增发前后上市公为了迎合市场的需求,增加定向增发被审核通过的几率, 会存在一定程度的盈余管理。 本文在研究方法的选取上将先通过文献研究等规范研究对国内外相关的文献进行梳理, 之后通过实证方法, 对定向增发的上市公司在增发前是否存在盈余管理,公司的长期绩效是否有所提高,以及不同认购对象、不同资产认购方式会不会对上市公司的绩效的改善有影响进行研究。 通过以上理论预测和实证分析之后, 本文研发现上市公司在进行定向增发前一年普遍存在正向的盈余管理, 并且显著为正, 在剔除长期经营业绩中盈余管理的影响后发现其真实经营业绩逐年提高, 并且不同增发对象下的绩效都没有显著的差异。 关键词:关键词:定向增发,绩效,盈余管理,机构投资者 暨南大学硕士论文 我国沪市 A 股上市公司定向增发绩效研究基于不同的认购对象类型视角 II ABSTRACT In 2006, the split share structure reform is an important milepost in Chinese capital market, after which the market financing function, including refinancing such as private placement, share allotment and convertible bonds, began to be fully restored. In May 8, 2006, the “administrative measures for the issuance and listing of securities“ was officially promulgated, marking that the private placement had been a mainstream refinancing way and had become one of the three major equity financing of listing Corporation, coupled with public offering of shares and share allotment. At present, Chinese, private placement became a preferred financing way of listing Corporation with the advantages of low cost and convenient ways of issuing. It raise funds to 100 billion yuan in the capital market frequently. It is important to know the role of private placement, as an important financing way of listing Corporation, in optimizing the capital market allocation of resources and improving the performance of listing Corporation for the survival of the fittest. Simultaneously, this role is sensitive to the type of corresponding subscribers or not. Those factors are important not only to the listing Corporations performance and operating, but also to the supervision department of the Chinese government introducing policies and measures, to the upgrading of domestic industries and to the optimizing of industrial layout, and have positive significance for the maintenance of the medium and small investors the interests of our country. Moreover, it also has a positive significance for the interests maintenance of the medium and small investors in our country. Previous research on the long-term performance of private placement shows that, the performance of listing Corporation generally declined after that. By reading a lot of literature, author found, earnings management will be done in a certain extent by the Corporation to meet market demand in order to increase the risk of private placement through the audit successfully before or after private placement. The present author, firstly, sorted out the relevant literature at home and abroad by normative research such as literature research; Secondly, study whether the earnings management occurred and long term performance is improved and sensitive to the corresponding subscribers type in the listing Corporation, by the empirical research method. Through the above theoretical predictions and empirical analysis, the results show A significant 暨南大学硕士论文 我国沪市 A 股上市公司定向增发绩效研究基于不同的认购对象类型视角 III positive earnings management generally occurred in listing Corporation in the year before the private placement processing. The real performance increases year by year after eliminating the influence of earnings management in the long-term operating performance. Moreover there is not significantly different for different private placement objects and the performance of corporation subscribing with not cash assets was significantly higher than that of the corporation subscribing in cash. Keywords: Placement,Performance,Earnings management,Institutional investors 暨南大学硕士论文 我国沪市 A 股上市公司定向增发绩效研究基于不同的
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