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I情感思维理论及其意义研究情感思维理论及其意义研究 研究生:孙兰欣 导师:尹鑫教授 专业:马克思主义哲学 方向:思维哲学 年级:2006 中中 文文 摘摘 要要 关于情感这个恒古的命题,千百年来人们纵说纷纭,莫衷一是。其发展历史贯穿着人的思维由低级向高级的发展过程。纯粹的情感和纯粹的思维都不存在,探索情感的多彩世界,恰恰显示出了思维的强大威力。发掘情感思维的深层矿藏,研究情感思维的理性化发展过程,达到情感和理性相互渗透、融合,实现情感思维的理论价值和实践意义。这在当今时代发展越来越重视价值理性研究的背景下显得尤为重要。随着科学技术的发展,人的社会化,符号化,理性化,工具化,个性化在不断发展着,人所面临的问题也不断增多,其中一个就是人的精神性,心理性,思维能力的难以把握。而在实践过程中,把人的情感体验和思维活动紧密融合在一起的理性化过程更是一个许久以来的盲点。同时,人的情感高度、广度、深度、丰度、持久度的重大拓展,对情感思维理论有了新的理解。虽然近年来有些专家、学者对情感思维进行了论述,从某些方面提出了情感思维的作用,但都仅仅是作为辅助内容零星的进行叙述,对其研究的深度还远远不够。本文从情感思维理论的渊源与研究现状入手,深刻探讨情感思维的本质内涵,分析情感思维的特征、功能。并把握其与认知、意志、审美的关系,研究其理论价值和实践意义。以求更好的发挥情感思维的积极效用,浇注人类和谐的金像,推动人类认识和改造世界的顺利进行。 首先,从情感思维的理论渊源及其研究现状入手,探讨情感思维的本质内涵。主要从情感思维是一种情感化的思维方式和情感思维是情感理性化与理性情感化的辩证统一这两方面进行深入分析,然后站在马克思主义立场上定义情感思维理论。 其次,分析情感思维理论的形成过程,发展阶段,状态表现,发展维度,揭示出情感思维的特征和功能。它的特征包括:稳定性与非稳定性、逻辑性与非逻辑性、聚合性与发散性、顿悟性与综合性、求同性与求异性的辩证统一。对情感思维的功能:动力和强化功能,调控和选择功能,信号和疏导功能,感染和迁移功能,保健和协调功能进行系统论述。这是全文的核心关键之所在。 最后,探索情感思维与认知、意志、审美的关系,突出情感思维的重要性地位。充分发挥情感思维的积极功能,抑制消极作用的出现,实现情感思维的理论价值与实践意义。通过正确认识情感思维与认知、意志、审美的关系,把握人的“真善美”三者的辩证统一,实现其在世界观人生观价值观所具有的理论意义。更好的完善对哲学社会科学领域中所涉II及的情感与思维、理性与非理性、智力与非智力因素等关系的理解,加深对辩证唯物主义认识论的把握,实现主观世界与客观世界的辩证统一。同时,发挥情感思维对科学技术、艺术文学的指导作用,通过情感思维在情感教育和各项实践活动中的运用,更好的推动人的智力发展及不同主体之间的友好交往,实现人与自然、社会、他人的和谐发展,使人真正成为完善,完美,全面而自由发展的人。这是文章写作的闪光之处。 通过正确的分析认识和综合运用,我们知道改造和认识世界是一个社会的过程,我们应综合运用高尚、正面、有益于人的积极情感思维,去探索自然和改造世界,更好的发展自己,实现自我的价值。因此,人作为一个完整的存在,确实是离不开情感思维理论的指导作用,它每时每刻都在人的实践活动中具有巨大的推动力。深刻地影响着人的价值观,人生观和世界观,扩展着人类的心灵世界,实现着人的真善美的有机统一,传承着人的情感、人格魅力和精神感召力,更好的实现人的健全的理性,完满的人性,使情感思维世界焕发出无限的生命力。 关键词关键词:情感 思维 情感思维 意义 IIIResearch to the Theory and Significance of Affective Thinking Postgraduate: Sun Lanxin; Supervisor: Prof. Yin Xin; Major: Marxist philosophy; Focus: Thinking philosophy; Grade: 2006 Abstract Emotion, as regards this old topic, has been variedly discussed by human beings in thousands of years. Its development goes with humans thought from lower to higher class. Pure emotion or pure thought does not exist. In research of emotion matter, the way of thinking plays an important role. Making deeper research of the development of affective thinking is to achieve their mutual penetrate and integrate, in order to realize its theoretical value and practical significance. And its particularly important when people increase emphasis on rational research of value. Due to the development of science and technology, humans socialization, symbolization, rationalization, toleration, and personalization also grows, and the problems that human faces are increasing as well. Among them, its difficult to control humans spirit, psychology, and the way of thinking. In practice, its still a blind spot so far by putting humans emotion experience and thinking activity together. At the same time, the expansion of the height, depth, abundance, durability of humans thinking puts forward new demands to the theory of rational understanding of affective thinking. In recent years, some experts and scholars already discussed about affective thinking and mentioned the function of affective thinking in some aspects, but its only as a supplement to the description of them and thats far not deep enough. This thesis will starts from the source and research status quo to explore the nature and connotation of affective thinking, analyze their features and functions, grasp their relations with cognition, will, and aesthetics, and research their theoretical value and practical significance, in order to better play the positive effect of affective thinking, achieve the goal of humans harmony, and promote human to acknowledge and transform the world smoothly. Firstly, this thesis straits from the theoretical resource and research status quo to explore the nature and connotation of affective thinking. It mainly analyses from two aspects: affective thinking is a kind of emotional thinking; and affective thinking is the dialectical unity of emotional rationalization and rational emotional. And then it stands on the position of Marxism to define the theory of affective thinking. Secondly, this thesis reveals the features and functions of affective thinking by analyzing the formation process, development stage, state performance, and development dimension of their theory. Their features include the dialectical unity of stability and non-stability, logicality and non-logicality, convergence and divergence, insight and comprehensiveness, and demanding IVsameness and difference. And it systematically discuss the functions of affective thinking, including dynamic and enhancing function, controlling and selecting function, signal and leading function, infection and migration function, health and coordination function. This is the key of this thesis. Finally, this thesis explores the affective thinkings relations with cognition, will and aesthetics, and highlights the importance of affective thinking. It give full play of the positive functions of affective thinking, withhold their negative functions, in order to achieve their theoretical value and practical signif
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