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静静动态混凝土半圆弯拉动态混凝土半圆弯拉实验实验的的数值模拟数值模拟 Numerical simulation of Semir-circular bending test for concrete under quasi-static and dynamic loading conditions 作作 者者 姓姓 名名 耿 宁 宁 学学 位位 类类 型型 学 历 硕 士 学学 科、专科、专 业业 固 体 力 学 研研 究究 方方 向向 工程结构实验技术和动态模拟 导导 师师 及及 职职 称称 巫绪涛 副教授、李和平 教授 2013 年年 04 月月 致致 谢谢 研究生的学习生活即将结束,将近三年的学习生活使我受益匪浅。经历两年的学习和大半年时间的磨砺,我的硕士毕业论文终于完稿。在此过程中,我得到了许多的关怀和帮助,现在要向他们表达我最诚挚的谢意。 文章是在导师巫绪涛副教授和李和平教授的悉心指导下完成的,尤其感谢巫老师这三年来对我的辛勤教育和关怀。在论文的选题、搜集资料和写作阶段,巫老师都倾注了极大的关怀和鼓励。在模型建立的最初阶段,巫老师给我提出了宝贵的意见,每当我计算出现问题,巫老师总会细心指导,和我一起找出问题所在;每当我遇到困难时,巫老师总会放下繁忙的工作,不厌其烦地指导我;在我初稿完成之后,巫老师又在百忙之中抽出空来对我的论文认真的批改,提出许多中肯的指导意见。他严谨的治学之风和对事业的孜孜追求将影响和激励我的一生,他对我的关心和教诲我将永远铭记。借此机会,我特向巫老师致以深深地谢意。 感谢力学系的孟益平老师和董钢老师,在我研究生学习阶段和论文撰写过程中给予的热心帮助和指导。 同时感谢土木与水利工程学院的各位领导和老师,他们辛勤的工作和教学,为我研究生的学习和论文写作打下了坚实的基础,也使我为今后的工作的做足了准备。 感谢我的师兄徐沛保、师姐包海玲、同门严龙胜、蒋兆晖,在这几年求学过程中,他们教会了我很多,给予了我很多帮助,以及师弟胡凤辉、张振在我论文写作过程中提供的帮助。同时感谢和我一起度过研究生生活的各位同学兄弟。 最后,特别感谢我的父亲耿显灵、母亲李素芹对我多年的培养教育、对我学习的大力支持和鼓励,以及对我的默默付出和无私奉献。你们一直是我坚强的后盾和前进的动力,再次感谢你们。 感谢各位专家、教授在百忙之中抽出时间对我硕士论文的审阅与建议。 作者:耿宁宁 2013 年 3 月 3 日 静静动态混凝土半圆弯拉动态混凝土半圆弯拉实验实验的的数值模拟数值模拟 摘摘 要要 本文对静态和动态混凝土半圆弯拉实验进行了数值模拟,研究了半圆弯拉试样在不同条件下的静态和动态力学行为,并拟合了相关公式。 首先,在静态作用下,对不同泊松比、加载宽度和不同支座间距/L D的半圆弯拉(SCB)试样进行了数值模拟,分析泊松比、加载宽度和支座间距的影响,拟合了相关的公式。模型中增加了实验中真实的圆棒垫条,采用接触的方式进行加载,使整个模拟过程更接近实验,继而获得更真实的模拟数据,拟合公式也更加精确。 其次, 在动态作用下, 采用 LS/DYNA 程序对基于分离式 Hopkinson 压杆(简称,SHPB)装置的高应变率半圆弯拉(简称,SCB)实验进行了数值模拟。模拟结果表明,与巴西圆盘(简称,BD)实验相比,SCB 实验用于测量脆性材料动态间接拉伸强度具有显著优点。首先是各种入射波形状下,试样动态力平衡对实验精度的影响较小。主要表现在两个方面:1)试样最大拉应力点位置固定;2)基于静态弹性理论的试样最大拉应力计算方法的精度较高。其次,SCB 实验有利于增大试样最大拉应力和压应力比值,脆性材料更易实现拉伸破坏。模拟结果还发现:1)动态 SCB 实验中计算试样最大拉应力不适合采用三波法,应直接由透射波计算。2)试样顶端圆棒垫条会产生一定程度的应力集中,采用 BD 实验中的圆弧垫块可以很好解决该问题。 另外,由于 SCB 实验中试样各点为复杂应力状态,因此在实验中确保实现拉伸破坏是衡量其有效性的重要因素。采用脆性材料常用的 Griffith 强度理论进行分析,并按其理论公式计算等效应力,验证了动态 SCB 实验有效性。 关键词:关键词:数值模拟;固体力学;SCB 实验;BD 实验;霍普金森压杆;应变率;静力平衡;动力平衡 Numerical simulation of Semir-circular bending test for concrete under quasi-static and dynamic loading conditions Abstract In this paper, the static and dynamic concrete bending experiments were simulated to research mechanical behaviors under the different static and dynamic force equilibrium conditions, and the correlate formulas was fitted. First of all, finite element program was used in the numerical simulations of semi-circular bending (SCB) test for the sample with different Poisson ratios, loading widths and different /L D ratio under static force equilibrium conditions. The effects of the Poisson ratio, loading width and different /L D ratio was analyed, the related laws were found out and the related formula was fitted. Compared with other scholars researches, these models adds a round bar pad used in real experiments, and the load was applied by the way of contacting , so the whole simulation process are closer to the real experiments, then the more realistic simulated data can be obtained , and the fitting formula is more accurate. Secondly, Ls-Dyna program was used in the numerical simulation of semi-circular bending (SCB) test loaded by the split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) device under the high strain rate with the dynamic force equilibrium condition. The simulation results show that, compared with the Brazilian disk (BD) test, the SCB test has obvious advantages for measuring the dynamic indirect tensile strength of brittle materials. First of all, the influence of the dynamic force equilibrium process of the specimen on the experimental accuracy is less under the condition of different incident wave shapes. It mainly displays in two aspects: 1) The point of maximum tensile stress has a fixed position; 2) The calculation method of maximum tensile stress based on static elastic theory has higher precision. Secondly, the SCB test can increase the ratio of the maximum tensile stress to maximum compressive stress, so the brittle materials can occur tensile failure easily. The simulation results also show that: 1) In the SCB test, the three-wave method is not suitable to calculate the maximum tensile stress of specimen and the transmitted wave should be directly used to calculate . 2) The round bar strip at the top of the specimen can cause a certain degree of stress concentration, in place of the arc-shaped cushion used in the BD test can solve the problem effectively.In addition, since the SCB experiment sample points for complex stress state, therefore in the experiment to ensure the realization of tensile failure is a measure of the effectiveness of important factors. The brittle material commonly used Griffith strength theory are analyzed, and according to the theoretical calculation, equivalent stress, verify the dynamic SCB experimental validity. In addition, the SCB experiment sample points has complex stress state, so that ensuring the realization of tensile failure in the experiment is a measure of the effectiveness of important factors. Griffith strength theory commonly used for the brittle material was used to analyse and calculate the equivalent stress. The dynamic
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