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山西大学硕士学位论文老陈醋酿造过程中微生物群落结构与功能研究姓名:弓晓艳申请学位级别:硕士专业:微生物学指导教师:赵良启2010-06I中 文 摘 要 山西老陈醋是我国的四大名醋之一,有着悠久的历史和独特的酿造工艺,闻名遐迩,誉满天下,是山西人民独创的宝贵财富。一直以来,山西老陈醋沿用传统工艺,使其一直保持着品质优良、风味独特等优点,但是随着科技的日新月异,山西老陈醋逐渐暴露出自身的缺点,诸如:科技含量低、劳动强度大、生产过程难以规范、产品质量不稳定等等,这就直接导致了老陈醋生产企业在市场竞争中始终处于不利地位。搞清楚老陈醋酿造过程中的微生物群落结构变化和功能,方可能把握老陈醋生产的实质性技术,才有可能提高老陈醋的产量和质量,改变老陈醋的这种窘境,因此分析老陈醋酿造过程微生物的群落结构和功能对于提高老陈醋的产量和质量有极其重要的意义。 本论文从山西老陈醋酿造过程入手,跟踪老陈醋酒醅和醋醅酿造过程,对酒醅和醋醅中的可培养微生物及其代谢产物进行了定期采样研究,得到如下结论:在酒醅发酵过程中,酵母菌和细菌是其中的主要菌群,数量的变化比较大,变化趋势都是先增后减,代谢产物中乙醇的量持续增加;而在醋酸发酵过程中,主要的菌群是醋酸细菌和细菌,其他菌群的数量都比较少,所有的菌群都随着发酵过程的进行逐渐进入残留期,代谢产物的种类在该阶段比较丰富。 在此基础上,我们对老陈醋酿酒和产酸功能菌株进行了研究,主要通过单菌模拟发酵试验来确定老陈醋酿造过程中所有可培养微生物的代谢规律,将此结果与老陈醋酿造过程中代谢规律进行比对,确定老陈醋酿造过程中的功能菌株,并对这些功能菌株进行了分类地位的研究,为山西老陈醋传统酿造技术革新奠定物种资源基础。结果表明:酵母菌是老陈醋酒精发酵过程中的主要功能菌株,它们代谢产物丰富,包括了各种醛、醇、酯,而且代谢乙醇能力突出;产酸细菌是老陈醋酿醋过程中的功能菌株,它们是醋酸等各种有机酸合成的功能菌。其中酵母功能菌株 3-JN-1归属于德克酵母属(Dekkera sp.) ,6-JO-3 归属于毕赤氏酵母属(Pichia sp.);产酸功能菌株 0-C-2 归属于植物乳杆菌 (Lactobacillus plantarum),3-C-2、3-C-3、6-C-1 归属于巴斯德醋酸杆菌 (Acetobacter pasteurianus)。 最后,我们将得到的功能菌株作为添加型功能菌剂,通过正交试验对老陈醋酿酒和酿醋发酵过程进行优化。主要包括在酿酒发酵过程中添加酵母菌功能菌株和在II酿醋发酵过程中添加醋酸菌功能菌株,并通过正交试验对发酵条件进行优化,得到添加功能菌株的最佳酿造工艺条件。利用最终确定改进型老陈醋酿造工艺生产山西老陈醋,可以使产算量提高 7.5%以上,基本达到了预期的试验目的 关键词:山西老陈醋;酿造过程;群落结构;功能 IIIABSTRACT Shanxi over-mature vinegar is one of the four famous vinegar in our country. It has a long history and unique brewing techniques, so it is famous in the world, and it is the precious wealth of the Shanxi people. All the time, the Shanxi super-mature Vinegar followed the traditional technology, and has maintained the high quality and unique flavor, etc. But with the innovation of technology, the Shanxi Mature Vinegar gradually exposed their weaknesses, such as: low-tech, labor intensive, difficult to regulate the production process, product quality is unstable and so on, which led directly to the vinegar production enterprises in market competition is always at a disadvantage. Finding out the old vinegar brewing process of microbial community structure and function, it may take the substantial technology of the Shanxi over-mature vinegar. And it will be possible to improve the yield and quality of the Shanxi over-mature vinegar, and change the dilemma of the Shanxi over-mature vinegar. So it is extremely important to analysis of the microbial community structure and function during the brewing process of Shanxi over-mature vinegar, which may increase the yield and quality of the Shanxi super-mature vinegar. This paper started from the brewing process of the Shanxi over-mature Vinegar, tracked the brewing process of the Shanxi over-mature vinegar. And the culturable microorganisms and their metabolites were regular studied. The results show that: the yeast is the functional microorganism of producing the alcohol, aldehyde and ester, which would gradually disappeared during the fermentation of brewing-mass for acidity increasing. Acidogenic microorganism is the functional microorganism of producing acids, and acetic acid bacteria were the most active. It was because of the acidogenic microorganism to converse the aldehydes, alcohols and other organic acid IVintermediates into acetic acid, which led lower alcohol content and increased the organic acid content. On this basis, we studied the functional microorganism of over-mature vinegar. Which mainly through the single bacterial simulation fermentation test to determine the metabolism of culturable microorganisms in brewing process. Through comparing the result with regulation of metabolites in the process of Shanxi over-mature vinegar, the functional microorganism was determined, and the taxonomic status were studied, which could provide the brewing strain resource for Shanxi Super-Mature Vinegar in traditional brewing process optimization. The results showed that: the yeast is the main functional microorganism of alcohol production, the metabolites is abundant, including a variety of aldehydes. Acidogenic microorganism is the main functional microorganism in acetic acid production of Shanxi over-mature vinegar, which synthesis of acetic acid and other organic acids. The yeast functional microorganism 3-JN-1 belongs to Dekkera sp ,6-JO-3 belongs to Pichia sp. The acidogenic functional microorganism 0-C-2 attributables to Lactobacillus plantarum, 3-C-2,3-C-3, 6-C-1belongs to Acetobacter pasteurianus. Finally, We add functional strains as additive functional agents, by the orthogonal test to optimize the fermentation process of Shanxi over-mature vinegar. Mainly including add functional microorganism to fermentation process of brewing ethanol and acetic acid. Using the orthogonal test to optimizing the fermentation conditions, obtained the best brewing technology for the additive functional agents. Using the final fermentation technology conditions to of produce Shanxi over-mature vinegar, which can increase production by 7.5% or more, achieved the desired of the basic purpose of the experiment. Key words: Shanxi over-mature vinegar, fermentation process, Community structure, functi
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