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科研的重要性不上课就不是教师,不搞科研就不是好老师。钱伟长中国科学院院士、科学家、教育家思考Questions:您写过哪些教学论文?您在写作中遇到哪些问题?A Guide to Paper Writing论文写作指导魏晓红13931098970weixiaohonghd163.comPaper Writing本课程标准描述让每一位学员让每一位学员: :了解论文写作的要求了解论文写作的要求1掌握论文写作的方法掌握论文写作的方法2为组建课题研究团队奠定基础为组建课题研究团队奠定基础3顺利通过本培训结业答辩顺利通过本培训结业答辩4思考Questions:论文由哪些部分构成?Paper WritingPaperPaperPre-Text Pre-Text Text Text Post-Text Post-Text文前文本:文前文本:题目题目作者信息作者信息中文摘要中文摘要英文摘要英文摘要文本:文本:引言引言论证论证结论结论文后文本:文后文本:注释注释参考文献参考文献附录附录+思考Questions:如何选题?When you start working on your graduation thesis, the first step is to select a subject area you have interest in.Suggestions from Prof. Suggestions from Prof. TianTian GuisenGuisen InterestsTopicMultisourc eA good topic should be interesting, significant, researchable, and modest.Try to write more and more about less and less.Make detailed use of several different sources. If you copy from one person, you are stealing. If you are copying from a hundred people, you are doing research.选题 What is a good title?What is a good title?返回题目What is a good title?1) Meaningfulness to the writer and the reader;2) Compatibility with its contents;3) Stylistic appropriateness. 题目Definition of a Good TitleA Good TitleStylistic appropriateness: (1) Short ( 1020 words, less than 25);(2) Attractive (striking);(3) Explicit (clear);(4) Informative (instructive). 题目Stylistic AppropriatenessA Good Title中小学外语教学2010(1-9)举例:“测试研究”1. 高考外语作文命题工作中几种矛盾关系的处理2.高考英语全国阅读理解测试历时分析与研究3. 2009年厦门市中考英语试题解读与复习建议4. 2009年牡丹江市中考英语试卷分析题目写作Devices for Good TitlesWriting a Good Title举例:“教法与经验”1.初中英语“话题牵引复习法”教学模式探究与实践2.以主题意义为核心的词汇教学探究3.运用情景语境策略培养高中学生的词汇学习能力4. 在链式情景中教学词汇的案例分析与反思5.高中英语阅读课中的词汇教学题目写作Devices for Good TitlesWriting a Good TitleHow to write a good title?How to write a good title?返回题目写作DevicesDevicesWhat are the devices for writing good titles? 1) Title elaboration (提炼法) 2) Title imitation: use classical ones for new texts(借用法) 3) Imitation plus modification (翻造法借用翻造法相结合) 4) Innovation (标新立异法) 5) Quotation(引用法)题目写作Devices for Good TitlesWriting a Good TitleHow to write a good title?How to write a good title?返回题目写作PatternsPatternsPatterns for Titles: Simple Type Phrases: 短语式题目写作Simple Type TitlesWriting a Good Title举例:“教法与经验”1.牛津初中英语教材Speak up板块的教学缺失与建议2.英语课堂教师反馈中的常见问题及对策3.基于学生体验的高中英语写作教学4.图表法在高中阅读理解教学中的实践与探索题目写作Devices for Good TitlesWriting a Good TitleBACKPatterns for Titles: Complex Type1) Titlesubtitle(破折号连接)2) Title: subtitle (冒号连接) 题目写作Complex Type TitlesWriting a Good Title返回举例:“教学研究” 1. 从课标到课堂:中学英语课堂教学目标实践反思与改进 2.高中学生对“教”与“学”新理念的认同程度分析一项基于新课程标准的调查题目写作Devices for Good TitlesWriting a Good TitleBACKDefinition定义AbstractAbstract 摘要摘要Function功能Contents内容Key words关键词返回Wring an Abstract Definition of an Abstract 论文摘要是整篇论文的一个缩影(epitome) 。包括:研究的内容、研究方法、研究目的和重要性以及结论。 BACKFunction of an AbstractBy reading the abstract, the reader can get quick mastery of the main idea of the thesis, so the language must be brief, clear, exact, coherent to the title. BACKThree parts of the Abstract(1) Abstract labeling (文摘标标示)(2) Abstract body(文摘正文)(3) Key words(关键词语)Contents of an Abstract purpose of the thesis writing method of the research contents discussed in each chapter results, or conclusions.摘要的正文内容 (1) 主题句 (Topic sentence) (2) 主体句 (Supporting sentences) 在概述了论题后,接下来要进一步涉及研究方 法、实验过程、调查或论证分析等具细内容来 填充骨架。 (3) 结束句 (Ending sentence) 从某种意义上说摘要就相当于一篇微观论文(a miniature of the paper),其结语句的功能也类 似本论文中的结论。需要阐明结果、说明应用 ,点明意义或引发反思。Attentions An abstract is usually 100 to 200 words. It is usually within one page and written in a single paragraph, or no more than 3 paragraphs.Suggestions 1-5 1. Shape your abstract from the points you have underlined or the summaries you have made of each major part of the article.2. Link your points with helpful transitions.3. Use standard terms. 4. Try to avoid using abbreviations and symbols.5. Use standard words and terms.Suggestions 6-10 6. The exclamation mark (!) is never used in an abstract, and question mark(?) is seldom used. 7. Both active and passive voices can be used and better use the third person. 8. Omit needless words, phrases and sentences.9. Avoid including background information or citing the work of others in the abstract. 10. Be creative and make your abstract clear, informative, short and easy to read. BACK如果说摘要是整篇论文的缩影,那么关键词就是其提炼出的精华essence,它们直指中心论题,是论文中出现频率最高的词汇,同时也是论文论述的焦点。关键词大多选择名词形式,字数一般在4到6个之间,其间用逗号隔开或空23个字母,首字母不必大写,位于摘要底端。关键词How to Write Key WordsKey Words举例 如何提高英语课堂教学活动的有效性关键词 教学活动,有效性,活动要素,实施策略基于话题的立体式语言教学的设计与实施关键词:话题,立体式语言教学Exercises 1-2从一届公开课看初中英语阅读教学的定位 与活动设计 关键词初中英语,阅读教学,教学活动,活动定位,活动设计2009年厦门市中考英语试题解读与复习 建议 关键词2009年,厦门市中考,英语试题高中学生对“教”与“学”新理念的认同程度分析一项基于新课程标准的调查关键词 新课程标准,认同程度,学习策略,文化意识,传统教育题目写作Devices for Good TitlesExercises 3BACK思考Questions:正文包括哪些内容?Introduction引言Text WritingText Writing 文本写作文本写作Conclusion结论Argument论证部分字数 5000字 = 2/5(引言结论)+ 3/5(论证部分)文本写作返回 How to write “Introduction”?How to write “Introduction”?引言IntroductionIntroduction(引言)(引言)1. 1. Sig
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