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CHAPTER Art, Culture sculpture in which figures project slightly from the background. cameo n.刻有浮雕的宝石或贝壳 详析详析 A gem on which a design has been engraved in relief. Caricature n.漫画;讽刺画 详析详析 A picture ludicrously exaggerating the qualities, defects, or peculiarities of a person or idea. cartoon n. (报刊上的)政治性漫画, 讽刺画, 卡通画, 漫画 详析详析 A humorous sketch or drawing usually telling a story or caricaturing some person or action. Chiaroscuro n. 光与影,明暗对比法 详析详析 the rendering of light and shade in painting colors, complementary n.补色;对比色 详析详析 Two colors at opposite points on the color scale, for example, orange and blue, green and red. colors, primary n.红,黄,蓝三原色 详析详析 Red, yellow, and blue, the mixture of which will yield all other colors in the spectrum but which themselves cannot be produced through a mixture of other colors. colors, secondary n.合成色,间色 详析详析 Orange, green, and purple, colors produced by mixing two primary colors. composition n. 构图 详析详析 The organization of the parts of a work into a unified whole. engraving n.雕刻艺术,镌版术; 亦指雕版印刷品,版画 详析详析 The art of producing printed designs through various methods of incising on wood or metal blocks, or through photographic processes. etching n.蚀刻版画, 蚀刻术, 铜版画 详析详析 The technique of engraving designs on metal blocks through the corrosive action of acids. foreshortening effect n. 绘画远处看山感到较近或较低的现象; 通过透视原理表现立体 空间 详析详析 Reducing or distorting in order to represent three-dimensional space as perceived by the eye, according to the rules of perspective. fresco n. 绘画 在灰泥的墙壁上作的水彩画, 壁画 highlight n. 绘画 高光 详析详析 On a represented form, a point of most intense light. high relief n. 高浮雕 详析详析 Sculptured relief in which areas strongly project from the background, almost becoming a sculpture in the round. impasto n.绘画厚涂颜料的绘画法, 厚涂的颜料 详析详析In painting, the thick application of paint; in ceramics, the application of enamel or slip to a ceramic object to form a decoration in low relief. inlaying n.镶嵌 The decoration of an object with fine materials set into its surface. landscape n.风景画, 山水画 详析详析 The genre of painting in which natural scenery is the subject. Lithography n. 石印平版印刷术; 平版印刷品 详析详析 A printing process in which ink impressions are taken from a flat stone or metal plate prepared with some greasy or oily substance. Modeling n.建模,造型 详析详析 The formation of an image in clay, wax, etc., to be reproduced in some more durable material, such as bronze; also, the representation of a structure, such as a building. Monochrome n. 单色画由一种颜色的不同色度制作出的图片,尤指图画 详析详析 A painting or drawing with a single color in different shades. Pastel n./adj. 浅淡的色调,柔和色柔和而悦目的色彩 详析详析 A soft, pleasant, subdued color perspective n. 绘画 透视 详析详析 A method of representing three-dimensional volumes and spatial relationships on a flat surface. primary colors 三原色 relief n. 浮雕 (效果) 详析详析 The projection of an image or form from its background. sketching n.写生, 写生画 still life n. 静物 详析详析 The representation of inanimate objects in painting, drawing, or photography. tempera n.蛋彩画(用蛋清代油调和的鸡蛋水胶养料画法) 详析详析 A painting technique in which an emulsion of water and egg yolk, or egg and oil, is used as a binding medium. texture n. 质地, 纹理 详析详析 The visual and tactile quality of a work of art effected through the particular way the materials are worked tone n. 色调 详析详析 The effect of the harmony of color and values in a work, for example, warm or cold tones. (冷色调 、暖色调) trompe loeil n. 一种给人以摄影作品般真实感觉的绘画风格 详析详析In painting, the fine, detailed rendering of objects to convey the illusion of spatial and tactile qualities. 1.3 音乐音乐 aria n.独唱曲, 咏叹调 background music n.背景音乐 band n. 乐队 baritone n.男中音 bass n.低音部, 男低音, 低音乐器 beat n.节奏, 鼓点 brass n.铜管乐器, 或铜管乐队 Broadway musicals n. 百老汇音乐剧 canon n. 卡农,一种乐曲形式,其中同样的旋律被一个或多个声部重复,同一调或 相关调彼此在时间上重合 chord n. 和弦, 和音 composer n.作家, 作曲家 concerto n.协奏曲 conductor n. 管弦乐队、合唱队指挥 contemporary music n. 当代音乐 crescendo n. 声音渐增,渐强 decrescendo n. 渐弱 dissonance n. 不谐和音, 不一致 duet n.二重奏 finale n.(戏剧的)最后一场, 结局, 终曲, (电视剧) 最后一集 flat n. 音降半音 fox trot n.狐步舞,狐步舞曲 fugue n.音赋格曲 genre n.类型, 流派 acid jazz 酸性爵士 alternative 另类(非主流)音乐, 如 gay music (同性恋音乐) bluegrass 蓝草音乐-起源于美国南方的民间音乐, 特色为音乐轻快和象爵士乐那样即兴 演奏 blues 布鲁斯歌曲(蓝调音乐) Celtic 凯尔特音乐 (尤指爱尔兰风格) classical 古典乐 country 乡村音乐 dance 劲爆蹦迪音乐 easy listening 轻音乐 electronica 电子音乐 environmental music 环境音乐 experimental 实验音乐 folk 民族音乐 fusion 融合音乐 heavy metal / hard rock 重金属摇滚 hip-hop / urban 嘻蹦乐, 又译嘻哈 house 电子乐的一种 (注:Hip Hop 或 Rap 源于纽约黑人区, House Music 源于芝加哥, 但多为白人所作,同时 House Music 主要为强调 Bass Line 及 Drums 的音乐花 招,并不涉及文化觉醒或社会运动等主题。) Indie-Rock 独立音乐 (属于另类音乐) jazz 爵士乐 Jazz Blues 爵士布鲁斯 Latin 拉丁乐 musicals 音乐
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