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Unit 4 Earthquakes Unit 4 Earthquakes 语言要点(模块) 语言要点(模块) 单元要点预览单元要点预览(旨在让同学整体了解本单元要点) 词语 辨析 1. congratulate / celebrate 2. destroy / ruin / damage / harm 3. rise / raise / lift 4. hurt / injure / wound 1. frighten vt. 吓 唬;使惊吓 frightened n. 受惊的; 受恐吓的 frightening adj.令 人恐惧的 2. nation n. 民族; 国家;国民 national adj. 民族的; 国家的 词形 变化 3. suffer v. 受 苦; 吃苦头 suffering n. 苦难; 痛苦 sufferer n.受苦者; 受难者 重点 单词 1. burst v. 吃 苦头 suffering n. 苦难;痛 苦 sufferer n.受苦者; 受难者【练习】用括号内所提供词的适当形式填空 1) Hes travelled to the _ of Western Europe. (nation) 2) We are talking about _ and international issues. (nation) 3) _ children were calling for their mothers. (frighten) 4) The child _to death by the violent thunderstorm. (frighten) 5) It is even _ to think of the horrors of nuclear war. (frighten) 6) We _ huge losses in the financial crisis. (suffer) 7) Theyre arthritis _. (suffer) 8) There is so much _ in this world. (suffer) 答案: 1) nations 2) national 3) Frightened 4) was frightened 5) frightening 6) suffered 7) sufferers 8) suffering 重点词汇 重点词汇 (旨在提供综合运用所需材料) 用心 爱心 专心 21. burst v.&n. 爆裂, 爆发, 突然破裂 典例 1).The red balloon suddenly burst. 那个红色的气球突然爆了。 2). The police burst through the door. 警察破门而入。 3). On hearing the news, Leslie burst into laughter while Tracy burst out crying. 一听到这则消息,Leslie 突然大笑,而 Tracy 则突然大哭起来。 4). A burst of hand-clapping followed the ending of the song. 歌声结束后响起了一阵掌声。 重点用法 burst into laughter = burst out laughing 突然大笑 burst into tears = burst out crying 突然大哭 练习 中译英 1). 水管在寒冷的天气里经常冻裂。 _ _ 2). 太阳突然从云端里露出来。 _ _ 答案: 1). Water-pipes often burst in cold weather. 2). The sun burst through the clouds. 2. rescue n.&vt. 援救,营救 典例 1). The police came to his rescue and pulled him out of the river. 警察来救他,把他从河里拉了出来。 2). The rescue team made countless rescues during the earthquake. 营救队在这次地震期间进行了无数次救援。 3). Michael rescued a boy from drowning. 迈克把溺水的男孩救了起来。 重点用法 rescue sb./ sth. from sb./ sp. 把.从营救出来 come to/ go to sbs rescue = rescue sb. 援救某人 a rescue team 救援队 a rescue mission 救援任务 rescue workers 救援人员 练习 用 rescue 的适当形式填空 1). The mother, along with her two children, _from the sinking boat by a passing ship. 2). The firemen _ five children from the burning house yesterday. 答案: 1). has been rescued 2). rescued 3. judge n.&v. 法官,鉴赏家,裁判,判断,估计 典例 1). His father used to be a judge. 他的父亲过去是一名法官。 2). Shes a good judge of wine. 她是鉴别酒的专家。 3). The blind cant judge colors. 盲人无法判断颜色。 4). Dont judge a man by his looks. 不要以貌取人。 重点用法 judge sb./ sth. by/from 通过判断 as far as I judge 我认为 judging from 从来看, 根据判断 用心 爱心 专心 3练习 用与 judge 相关的词汇填空 1). _his appearance, he must be a rich man. 2). _ , he must be from the south. 答案: 1). Judging 2). In her judgment 4. ruin v.&n. 毁灭,使破产,遗迹,废墟(名词时常用复数) 典例 1). The hurricane ruined all the houses here. 飓风使这里所有的房屋成为废墟。 2). He ruined his prospects by carelessness. 他因疏忽大意而断送了前途。 重点用法 be in ruins 呈一片废墟 fall into ruin 变成废墟 come to ruin 毁灭,落空 ruin oneself 自我毁灭 bring sb. to ruin 使毁灭 练习 中译英 1). 那建筑物已成断壁残垣。 _ _ 2). 那教堂已破败不堪。 _ _ 答案: 1). The building is in ruins. 2). The church has fallen into ruin. 重点词组 重点词组 (旨在提供综合运用所需材料) 1. right away 立刻,马上 典例 1).Ill return the book to you right away. 我会马上还书给你。 2). If war breaks out, we shall be called up right away. 如果战争爆发,我们将立即被征召服役。 短语归纳 “立刻,马上”的表达方式: right away,right now,at once,immediately, in no time 练习 中译英 1). 请立刻把它打印出来。 答案: 1). I want it typed right away, please. 2. at an end 结束,终结(= finished) 典例 1). The war was finally at an end. 战争终于结束了。 短语归纳 与 end 搭配的常用短语 at the end of 在末尾 by the end of 在末为止 in the end 最后,终于 at a loose end 无所事事,处于杂乱状态 make ends meet 收支相抵 练习 用 at the end of, by the end of 和 in the end 填空。 1). How many English words have you learned _ last term? 2). He became an outstanding doctor _. 3). My uncle will fly to China _ this year. 答案: 1). by the end of 2). in the end 3). at the end of 3. instead of 代替,而不是 用心 爱心 专心 4典例 1). The Chinese use chopsticks instead of knives and forks. 中国人不用刀叉,用筷 子。 2). Instead of working, Jack was idling away his time. 杰克不去工作,虚度着光阴。 3). She decided to leave here on Sunday instead of Monday. 她决定星期日而不是星期一离开这里。 短语归纳 instead 是副词,单独使用,用于句首或句末作状语,意为“代替;相反”。 instead of 是复合介词,后接名词、代词、或动名词,其后面的动作,意为“代替、 而不”。 in place of 为介词短语,也是“代替、而不”的意思,表“以甲代乙”,不含比, 而 instead of 则是
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