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高考听力复习指导高考听力复习指导东台市三仓中学Show part of the filmtell a lie blueberrysrawberryskip a dinnerBrainstormingBrainstorming How can we polish up our English listening? What are your solutions when you do listening exercises?考试大纲(全国)要求 听力部分 要求考生听懂简短独白和对话(有关 日常生活中所熟悉的话题)1.理解主旨要义2.获取事实性的具体信息3.对所听内容作出简单推断 4.理解说话者的意图观点或态度听力材料选择要求 1.真实语境中的话语 2.与学生水平相当 3.多种口音的材料题型分类 1.细节题:包括时间、数字、地点、职业、 人物身份等 细节题的题目一般问得都直截了当,答案会 在对话或短文中给出。 对这类问题,考生应注意对话或短文的关键 词语,通过关键词语判断地点。一般情况下 ,试题常出现的地点有:学校、商店、餐馆 、车站、机场、医院、邮局等。57(2) How many cities has the man travelled to according to the conversation?A. Three B. Four C. FiveBut I prefer living in San Francisco 是干扰信息22(4) How much will the man pay?A. 30 dollars B. 60 dollars C. 120 dollarsHalf the price for students; two student tickets.9(3) Whats the mans telephone number?A. 495643 B. 459643 C. 496543干扰数字:495643 2.主旨大意题: 此类题往往涉及中心思想、主题或短文的题目 对这种类型题,抓住短文的前两句话很关键,因为前两 句话往往是主题句,即使不是主题句,也对理解全文有 重要的意义。 同学们要注意转折、让步、否定和虚拟语气的特殊句型 以及时态的转换,要学会透过转折和让步把握说话者的 真正意图。表示真实态度的常见词是“but”, “ well, it depends” , “above all”等. 一般来说听者尤其要注意 but等后的意思,这是整句的主要部分。其他表转折和 让步意义的词还有:though,although,even though,even if,in spite of,despite,unless, instead of,however及whatever(=no matter what) 之类引导让步状语从句的表达法。11(1) What can we learn about Mark?A. He works hard.B. He is interested in biology.C. He has passed an exam. 3.推断题: 推断题要求考生根据录音中提到的信息,对短文 或对话发生的时间、地点、原因、背景等进行合 理的推测。 1)根据表示时间的关联词来判断事件发生的时间 ,如:before,after, until,later, immediately等。 2)听清楚有关数字和数字之间的关系,然后进行 简单的计算. 3)掌握年、月、星期的表达方法。注意一些表示 时间的词,如:quarter,a couple of days, eve,dawn,day break 25(2) What does the woman mean?A. The apartment is very expensive.B. There are no other apartment left.C. The apartment is the best.The only one available left16(4) What does the woman imply?A. Shell join the man for dinner. B. She has been to the restaurant before.C. Shed prefer to go to a different restaurant.Well, Im in the mood for. 背景单词储备 以电影场景为例,总结重点场景词汇:comedy / tragedy / romance / action / war / horror / science fiction / western / modern drama / soap opera / TV play / sitcom等。 如果是天气气候场景,overcast / thunder / strong(high) wind / storm / typhoon / tornado / blizzard / it rains cats and dogs / downpour / the rain is pouring / shower / foggy / freezing / mild / temperature / Centigrade / Fahrenheit等。高考考生听到相应 词汇,会第一时间作出正确的条件反射,以词汇 对应场景,形成正确的答题思路。 不仅如此,基本的地理常识会对做高考题有帮助 ,比如听到tornado“龙卷风”这个单词,美洲是 这种特殊天气的多发地;听到typhoon“台风”, 可以判断出发生地是在亚洲东南部,太平洋沿岸 ;听到freezing,知道是cold的替换词等等。 其实,虽说高考是在考听力,但实际一半的信息 靠听,而一半的信息靠阅读。说得直白一些,没 有听到原文之前,已经可以排除错误选项,降低 选型难度,甚至是直接导出正确答案。29(2) What will the weather be like tomorrow?A. Fine B. Snowy C. CloudyClear up by next morning22(10) 1. What is the average temperature of Haikou annually?A. It is 17.2 B. it is 23.8 C. it is 29 2. When is the rainy season in Haikou?A. From April to October.B. From May to October .C. From May to August.3. How is climate in Haikou?A. It is poor in rain.B. It is very windy.C. It is rich in sunlight.一般来说,英语听力测试主要是获取事实 性的具体信息,这些问题大多以when, where,who,what,why and how等疑问 词的形式出现。该部分主要包括某事件的细 节、数字与计算(时间、价格等)、地点与方向 、身份与职业、计划与打算等。这些细节的 考查往往以简短对话的形式出现,即两人之 间“一问一答式”的谈话。这就要求考生在解 题时,应特别注意倾听第二个人的答语或第 二句话,以便从中捕捉到答题所需的 关键词 。 关键词的重要性一、识别关键词的技巧 1).透露说话人身份的关键词. 常见的对话者 关系: husbandwife; teacherstudent; bossemployee; waitercustomer; doctorpatient; parentskid; classmates roommates; shop assistantcustomer25(4) What is the most probably relationship between the two speakers?A. Reporter and athlete.B. Husband and wife.C. Doctor and patient.NBA championship title26(3) What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Interviewer and interviewee.B. Teacher and student.C. Employer and employee.More effort on the technical side would help2).透露地点/场合的关键词. 以下是有关机场或者旅馆的关键词: Check in入住登记check out结账porter搬 luggage行李book a room预定房间 double room双人房passenger乘客 economy class经济舱business class公 务舱runway跑道passport护照flight航班 stewardess乘务员64(7) 1.What month is it most likely now?A. January B. March C. June2. What season was the BEST season last year?A. Spring B. Summer C. Autumn3. When was the nice period last year?A. September and October .B. October and November.C. March and April.3).捕捉数字.例如:减价:20% off,special offer, special price,25% discount,sale原价 :regular price,normal price增长: 10% increase in1/3 climb in下降 :23% fall in5.5% decrease in62(8) 1. When will the bellet performance be on?A. This week B. Next week C. Next month2. When will the man attend the performance?A. On Sunday evening B. On Thursday eveningC. On Friday evening.3. How much does the man pay for the tickets?A. $20 B. $10 C. $40二、预测技巧 1).对话预测 2).语篇预测 3).依靠开篇句预测.英语听力的第一句话通常 会透露整篇的主题,所以考生要善于抓住听 力材料的首句信息。 4).根据打印在试卷上的听力试题内容预测。.59(10) 1.Why do people build underground houses?A. To save money and energy.B. To save land and money.C. To save land and energy.2. In which country had underground houses been used for a long time?A. China B. Jap
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