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First DayJittersby Julie Dannebergillustrated by Judy LoveMain Selection15更多交流下载请加QQ群62830121w w w .o l s c h i n a .c o m .c n /j i a z h o u /h u o d o n g .h t m l YY语音交流频道:8960137716更多交流下载请加QQ群62830121w w w .o l s c h i n a .c o m .c n /j i a z h o u /h u o d o n g .h t m l YY语音交流频道:89601377“Sarah, dear, time to get out of bed,” Mr. Hartwell said, poking his head through the bedroom doorway. “You dont want to miss the first day at your new school do you?” “Im not going,” said Sarah, and pulled the covers over her head. 17更多交流下载请加QQ群62830121w w w .o l s c h i n a .c o m .c n /j i a z h o u /h u o d o n g .h t m l YY语音交流频道:89601377“Of course youre going, honey,” said Mr. Hartwell, as he walked over to the window and snapped up the shade. “No, Im not. I dont want to start over again. I hate my new school,” Sarah said. She tunneled down to the end of her bed.Plot What events have taken place so far?18更多交流下载请加QQ群62830121w w w .o l s c h i n a .c o m .c n /j i a z h o u /h u o d o n g .h t m l YY语音交流频道:8960137719更多交流下载请加QQ群62830121w w w .o l s c h i n a .c o m .c n /j i a z h o u /h u o d o n g .h t m l YY语音交流频道:89601377“How can you hate your new school, sweetheart?” Mr. Hartwell chuckled. “Youve never been there before! Dont worry. You liked your other school, youll like this one. Besides, just think of all the new friends youll meet.”20更多交流下载请加QQ群62830121w w w .o l s c h i n a .c o m .c n /j i a z h o u /h u o d o n g .h t m l YY语音交流频道:89601377“Thats just it. I dont know anybody, and it will be hard, and I just hate it, thats all.”21更多交流下载请加QQ群62830121w w w .o l s c h i n a .c o m .c n /j i a z h o u /h u o d o n g .h t m l YY语音交流频道:89601377“What will everyone think if you arent there? We told them you were coming!” “They will think that I am lucky and they will wish that they were at home in bed like me.” Mr. Hartwell sighed. “Sarah Jane Hartwell, Im not playing this silly game one second longer. Ill see you downstairs in five minutes.”22更多交流下载请加QQ群62830121w w w .o l s c h i n a .c o m .c n /j i a z h o u /h u o d o n g .h t m l YY语音交流频道:8960137723更多交流下载请加QQ群62830121w w w .o l s c h i n a .c o m .c n /j i a z h o u /h u o d o n g .h t m l YY语音交流频道:89601377Sarah tumbled out of bed. She stumbled into the bathroom. She fumbled into her clothes.24更多交流下载请加QQ群62830121w w w .o l s c h i n a .c o m .c n /j i a z h o u /h u o d o n g .h t m l YY语音交流频道:89601377“My head hurts,” she moaned as she trudged into the kitchen. Mr. Hartwell handed Sarah a piece of toast and her lunchbox.25更多交流下载请加QQ群62830121w w w .o l s c h i n a .c o m .c n /j i a z h o u /h u o d o n g .h t m l YY语音交流频道:8960137726更多交流下载请加QQ群62830121w w w .o l s c h i n a .c o m .c n /j i a z h o u /h u o d o n g .h t m l YY语音交流频道:89601377They walked to the car. Sarahs hands were cold and clammy. They drove down the street. She couldnt breathe. And then they were there. “I feel sick,” said Sarah weakly. “Nonsense,” said Mr. Hartwell. “Youll love your new school once you get started. Oh, look. Theres your principal, Mrs. Burton.” Sarah slumped down in her seat.Character How does Mr. Hartwell feel about Sarahs attitude?27更多交流下载请加QQ群62830121w w w .o l s c h i n a .c o m .c n /j i a z h o u /h u o d o n g .h t m l YY语音交流频道:89601377“Oh, Sarah,” Mrs. Burton gushed, peeking into the car. “There you are. Come on. Ill show you where to go.”28更多交流下载请加QQ群62830121w w w .o l s c h i n a .c o m .c n /j i a z h o u /h u o d o n g .h t m l YY语音交流频道:89601377She led Sarah into the building and walked quickly through the crowded hallways. “Dont worry. Everyone is nervous the first day,” she said over her shoulder as Sarah rushed to keep up.29更多交流下载请加QQ群62830121w w w .o l s c h i n a .c o m .c n /j i a z h o u /h u o d o n g .h t m l YY语音交流频道:89601377When they got to the classroom, most of the children were already in their seats. The class looked up as Mrs. Burton cleared her throat. “Class. Class. Attention, please,” said Mrs. Burton. When the class was quiet she led Sarah to the front of the room and said, “Class, I would like you to meet 30更多交流下载请加QQ群62830121w w w .o l s c h i n a .c o m .c n /j i a z h o u /h u o d o n g .h t m l YY语音交流频道:89601377. your new teacher, Mrs. Sarah Jane Hartwell.”31更多交流下载请加QQ群62830121w w w .o l s c h i n a .c o m .c n /j i a z h o u /h u o d o n g .h t m l YY语音交流频道:89601377
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