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1 Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.Transforming ITSanjay MirchandaniExecutive Vice President EMC Corporation2 Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.Global TrendsGlobal MarketplaceOceans of DataCompressionTechnology Innovation3 Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.Disruptive / Transformative IT TrendsMobileCloudBig DataSocialT R U S T4 Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.MobileCloudBig DataSocialT R U S TOur Focus5 Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.Fundamental Business ChallengesLowerLowerLowerLower OperationalOperationalOperationalOperational CostsCostsCostsCostsReduce Reduce Reduce Reduce RiskRiskRiskRiskIncrease Revenue6 Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.CLOUD TRANSFORMS ITLower Operational Costs7 Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.Server Virtualization Was The First StepAutomate3 3 3 3Standardize1 1 1 1 Virtualize2 2 2 28 Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.Virtualization Layer - Cloud Operating SystemSTORAGESTORAGESTORAGESTORAGECOMPUTECOMPUTECOMPUTECOMPUTENETWORKNETWORKNETWORKNETWORKVirtualization Layer - Cloud Operating SystemMore Virtualization = More AutomationAbstract IntelligenceLeverage Intelligence9 Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.NETWORKNETWORKNETWORKNETWORKThis Is The Software-Defined Data Center Lowers Cost & Improves Infrastructure AgilitySTORAGESTORAGESTORAGESTORAGECOMPUTECOMPUTECOMPUTECOMPUTEVirtualization Layer - Cloud Operating SystemLeverage Intelligence10 Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.INFRASTRUCTURE FOCUSAPPLICATIONS FOCUSOPERATIONS FOCUSCase Study: EMC IT TransformationPercentage of IT Percentage of IT Percentage of IT Percentage of IT Spend On New Spend On New Spend On New Spend On New Capabilities Capabilities Capabilities Capabilities Time To Provision Time To Provision Time To Provision Time To Provision Application Application Application Application EnvironmentsEnvironmentsEnvironmentsEnvironments60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 Employees $21.7B $21.7B $21.7B $21.7B Revenues 92% 92% 92% 92% Virtual24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 Employees $8.2B $8.2B $8.2B $8.2B Revenues 15% 15% 15% 15% Virtual42%42%42%42%40%40%40%40%20%20%20%20%21%21%21%21%23%23%23%23%25%25%25%25%20%20%20%20%2004-082004-082004-082004-082009-102009-102009-102009-102012+2012+2012+2012+1111 DayDayDayDay7 7 7 7 DaysDaysDaysDays40404040 DaysDaysDaysDays60606060 DaysDaysDaysDays80808080 DaysDaysDaysDays90909090 DaysDaysDaysDays30303030 DaysDaysDaysDays11 Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.Thank You
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