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Government Food Service: What changes to subsis- tence operations have you seen or helped bring about since last years Commanders Update?Capt. Rackauskas: The Subsistence organization continues to evolve as we look to support an ever- changing customer base. We have begun implementa- tion of new contract models, tailored support concepts and emergency operations, all while maintaining high levels of support to our warfighters in Iraq and Afghani- stan. Processes are being reviewed to determine any or-ganizational modifications that are needed to gain more efficiencies and expertise. We have already begun to make changes with the establishment of a new division in our customer directorate that focuses on customer inquiries. Additionally, with the loss of several manag- ers, there are a number of new managers moving up to fill key roles in the organization, while we plan for the future and making an even better organization.Government Food Service: DSCPs focus has been on modifications to its acquisition approach, enhanced support to the customer and refinement of its processes. Explain these.Capt. Rackauskas: Recent events have required us to do a complete review of our acquisition models. Our overseas solicitations have incorporated changes, and most are currently under evaluation, with one region for Korea already awarded. CONUS changes have trig- gered concern within our industry partners due to our added oversight requirements. These changes are still being discussed, with a final resolution close at hand. Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) continues to re- view support solutions for our valued customers. With our prime vendors making direct deliveries to customers on the battlefield, flexible requirements and support are essential. The Navys expanding mis- sion in remote areas challenges our ability to provide timely support; however, continuous discussions are in process to develop agile support solutions.Government Food Service: You mentioned that, with drawdowns and troop realignment, contracts in the Middle East would require modification to support programs as re- newals are approaching. Please identify the renewal dates and explain the modifications being considered.Capt. Rackauskas: New solicitations either have been issued or are about to be issued to support Class I to customers in the Middle East. The solicitations have addressed factors such as drawdowns and realign- ment. Several solicitations have been issued, others are pending and contract awards are anticipated this year. Drawdowns and reduced sustainment will be key factors in Iraq. Expanding support requirements in the soon-to-be-released Southwest Asia solicitation will be center page, and war-zone support will be front page in Afghanistan.Government Food Service: Catalog-streamlining was tested at a pilot site; how did that go? Has this plan been ex- panded or is it still being tested?Capt. Rackauskas: The Catalog Streamlining Pi- lot took place in February 2009 and was a true success, with an overall reduction of 34.5 percent of catalogued line items. The prime vendor that participated in the Defense Supply Center PhiladelphiaCapt. Ed Rackauskas, SC, USN, DSCP Director of SubsistenceGovernment Food Service March 201016COMMANDERS UPDATECustomers worked together for all 10 streamlining sessions and continue to produce great re- sults with a spirit of cooperation during these events. Catalogs streamlined during the 2009 cal- endar year averaged 25 percent reduction in line items, thereby reducing errors and increasing efficiency of operations. I like to refer to this streamlining initia- tive as “choice without clutter.” Future sessions are in the plan- ning stages for the East Region and Central Region, with OCO- NUS sessions on the horizon.Government Food Service: Have these steps led to improvements? Capt. Rackauskas: They have definitely led to im- provements. The common sense improvements in- clude: a reduction in time spent on the weekly review of catalogs and correction of errors, a reduction in the time spent on the review and approval/disapproval for F explain the differences.Capt. Rackauskas: DSCP has entered into MPA with manufacturers in order to provide more transpar-ency to pricing by redefining price. In addition, DSCP conducts a Fair and Reasonable Assessment for every item being considered for addition to customer order- ing catalogs. This is different from some third-party logistics providers who sometimes rely on distributors rather than deal directly with manufacturers. Several changes have been incorporated into OCONUS solici- tations that require more information or restrict certain actions. While they may not meet commercial practices in some areas as the only customer being supported under these contracts, DLA is entitled to require addi- tional oversight to ensure contract compliance.COMMANDERS UPDATE20Government Food Service March 2010order and the ve
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