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智 课 网 G R E 备 考 资 料新gre考试填空与同意填句新gre考试填空更多的考察单词的用法和精确含义,题干篇幅更长 ,逻辑结构更为复杂,需要推导的层次也更多,同时新gre考试填空中 也加深了对阅读理解的考察,所以要拓宽阅读量,适应新题型,提高信 息的定位和内容的全面把握能力。下面是有关填空与同意填句的相关题 目介绍: 填空 (1)、每题总长度1-5句话。设有1-3个空格。 (2)、若2或3个空,每空对应三个选项,若一个空,对应5个选项。 (3)、独立选择,没有连带关系。 Sample questions: Directions: For each blank select one entry from the corresponding column of choices. Fill all blanks in the way that best completes the text。 Answer: overshadowed, obscure, and superficiality of our theories 2. The authors (1)_ style renders a fascinating subject, the role played by luck in everyday life, extraordinarily (2)_。Answer: soporific and tedious 3. From the outset, the concept of freedom of the seas from the proprietary claims of nations was challenged by a contrary notion that of the _ of the oceans for reasons of national security and profit。 Answer: appropriation 同意填句 (1)、每题6个选项。每次必选2个; (2)、选择填写完毕使得两句话意思接近。 Sample questions: Directions: Select the two answer choices that, when used to complete the sentence, fit the meaning of the sentence as awhole and produce completed sentences that are alike in meaning。 1. Although it does contain some pioneering ideas, one would hardly characterize the work as _。 A. orthodox B. eccentric C. original D. trifling E. conventional F. innovative Answer: C and F 对策: 1、阅读部分拓宽阅读量,适应新题型,提高信息的定位和内容的 全面把握能力。 2、填空部分学会整体全盘把握同时每空独立思考。 3、同意填句注意同义词或近义词的积累。 以上即是新gre考试填空与同意填空的介绍,在备考新gre考试填空 时一定要注意拓宽阅读量,但不是盲目的追求数量,新gre考试填空更 加注重世界运用语言能力的考察,考生要保持心态认真备考。 突破新gre issue写作三大法宝ets具体规定及新gre考试相关事宜 新gre考试7个常见问题专家解答 新gre备考资料问题解析
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