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太原理工大学硕士学位论文AVS 解码器在 PC 机上的实现及优化摘 要我国第一个国家音视频编解码标准 AVS(信息技术先进音视频编码系列标准简称)是数字音视频产业的基础性标准,具有自主知识产权,在技术和性能上处于国际先进水平。AVS 视频编解码标准主要是为了适应数字电视广播、数字存储媒体、网络流媒体及多媒体通信等应用中大尺寸、高质量的运动图像压缩的需要而制定。Intel 公司的 MMXTM(多媒体增强指令集)是对 Intel 体系结构(IA)指令集的扩展,该技术使用了单指令多数据技术(SIMD)技术,以并行方式处理多个数据元素,可以大大提高应用程序对二维三维图形和图像的处理能力,从而提高了多媒体和通讯软件的运行速度。针对 AVS 视频解码算法在 PC 机上的实现及优化,本课题主要的研究内容及取得的成果如下:本文首先分析了 AVS 标准的核心技术和特点,并对多媒体指令集在视频图像领域的应用做了相关介绍。同时通过对 AVS 参考解码器进行一系列性能分析,结合目前主流解码器的优势,设计了符合 AVS 标准解码算法的C 语言实现方案。然后本文重点研究了帧内解码算法的关键技术及其特点,并对其中的熵解码、帧内预测及环路滤波算法进行改进,同时编写了 I 帧解码器的整体代码,实现了全 I 帧解码器,接着对新解码器进行了测试并与参考解码模型做了详细的对比分析。经测试,在不改变图像质量的情况下,新解码效率比参考解码器提高了 3 倍,可实现 CIF 格式实时解码。I太原理工大学硕士学位论文最后论文探讨了 MMXTM 技术及其在视频压缩算法中的应用,并深入研究了 MMXTM 技术的编程要点。通过分析新解码器耗时的模块,确定了可用多媒体指令进行优化的部分,采用 SIMD 指令开发和实现了反变换、环路滤波以及帧内预测等模块。综合测试结果表明,采用多媒体增强指令优化程序,在不改变图像质量的前提下,可进一步提高解码速度。综上所述,本文研究内容几乎涵盖了在 PC 机上实现 AVS 解码算法的各个主要环节,为将来进一步完善解码器功能以及在 PC 机上实时实现标清和高清解码提供了有效参考。关键词:AVS,2D_VLD,SIMD,解码器,实时实现II太原理工大学硕士学位论文IMPLEMENTATION AND OPTIMIZATION OFAVS DECODER ON PC PLATFORMABSTRACTThe first Chinese audio-video coding standard AVS (“InformationTechnology Advanced Audio and Video Coding“ standards)is the basis standardin digital audio and video industry, it possesses independent intellectualproperty rights and has reached the international advanced level both intechnique and in performance. AVS standard is established mainly forcompression requirements of the moving image with large size and high-qualityin the application of digital TV broadcasting, digital storage media, networkcommunications, stream media and multimedia communication. The MMXTMtechnology which developed by Intel Corporation is the extension for the Intelarchitecture (IA) instruction set. The single instruction multiple data technologyis adopted in this technology and multipe data elements is treated in parallel,which can largely improve treating performance of the application program onthe two or three dimensional graphics and images, thus improving runningspeed of the multimedia and communication software. Aiming at the realizationand optimization of the AVS Video decoding algorithm on the PC platform, thecontent and major research achievements in this paper are as follows:Firstly, the key technologies and features of AVS standard are analized andIII太原理工大学硕士学位论文application of the multimedia instruction in the area of video and image areintroduced in this paper. According to a serious of performance analysis on theAVS reference decoder and combining with advantages of current popularizeddecoder, the C language realizing scheme confirming with the AVS standarddecoding algorithm is designed at the same time.Secondly, the key technology and characteristics of the intra decodingalgorithm is studied emphatically, among which entropy decoding , intraprediction and loop filter algorithm is improved, integrated code of the I framedecoder is programed at the same time, full I frame decoder is realized, test onthe new decoder is got, and comparison and analysis is made with referencedecoder in detail. The results showed that speed of the new decoder is improvedthree times than that of the reference decoder, and the new decoder can realizereal-time decoding.Finally, the MMXTM technology and its applications in the videocompression algorithm are discussed in the paper, and programming essentialsof the MMXTM technology are deeply studied. According to analyse on timeconsuming modules in the new decoder, parts which can be optimized based onthe multimedia instruction are confirmed, and the inverse transform module,loop filter module and intra prediction module is developed and realized basedon the SIMD instruction. Comprehensive testing results show that optimizingprogram by using the MMX can further improve decoder speed withoutchanging image qualtiy.IV太原理工大学硕士学位论文To sum up, the research content in this paper almost covers all main links inrealizing the AVS decoding algorithm on the PC platform, which provideseffective references for further performing of the decoder function and realizingof the SD and HD decoding on the PC platform.KEY WORDS: AVS, 2D_VLD, SIMD, Decoder, Realtime ImplementationV太原理工大学硕士学位论文第一章 绪 论1.1 视频压缩技术简介近几十年来,全球信息技术迅猛发展,带动了数字视频的快速发展,随着计算机、微电子及数字通信等相关技术的广泛应用,多媒体技术、计算机和通信三大传统产业的相互渗透和融合,图像、视频信息的传输和交流,日益成为人们通信的重要内容之一。然而,将模拟视频简单地转化为不经过压缩的数字视频,其数据量之大是非常惊人的。例如一幅 640480 分辨率的彩色图像(24 比特/像素),其数据量约为 7.4Mb,如以每秒25 帧的速度播放,则需要传输的比特率约为 185Mb/s。显然,庞大的数据量给视频数据的存贮、传输等都带来了很大的困难,严重地制约了视频应用的推广。幸运的是,视频数据中包含着大量冗余信息,这些冗余的存在使得视频压缩成为可能。因此,研究和开发有效的视频压缩方法,以压缩的形式存储和传输视频数据才是最好的选择。视频编码实质上是一种通过减少视频序列间的相关性,即减少视频内容中冗余信息(包括时间冗余、空间冗余、信息熵冗余、人眼视觉冗余等),从而达到数据压缩的处理方法。依据消除这些冗余的不同,视频压缩编码的方法1基本上分为以下几类:1空间冗余度压缩在任何一幅图像中,均有许多灰度或颜色都相同的邻近像素组成的局部区域,它们形成了一个性质相同的集合块,即它们之间具有空间的强相关性,在图像中表现为空间冗余。从频域来看,图像信号的能量主要集中在低频附近,高频信号的能量随频率的增加而迅速衰减。通过频域变换可以将原图像信号用直流分量及少数低频交流分量的系数来表示,这就是变换编码中正交余弦变换 DCT 方法。2时间冗余度压缩时域冗余是由同一物体在相邻视频图像间的移动而产生的,即指视频图像序列沿着时间轴方向上的冗余。视频序列在时域存在极强的相关性,因此,不传送像素点本身的值而传送其与前一帧对应像素点的差值,也能有效地压缩码率。帧间编码正是利用了时间上的冗余性。8太原理工大学硕士学位论文3信息熵冗余度压缩信息熵冗余也称编码冗余,如果图像中平均每个像素使用的比特数大于该图像的信
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