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国际市场营销试卷(2 卷) 国际市场营销试卷(2 卷) 课程课程国际市场营销国际市场营销授课教师 授课教师 考试时间 考试时间 考试班级 考试班级 姓名 姓名 学号 学号 题号 题号 一 一 二 二 三 三 四 四 五五 六六 七七 八八 九九 十十 总分 总分 得分 得分 请将答案写在答题纸上,在本试卷上做答无效。 请将答案写在答题纸上,在本试卷上做答无效。 一、选择题(每空一、选择题(每空 1 分,共分,共 20 分)分) 1. _ is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals. A)Exchange B)Marketing C)Selling D)Organizational focus 2. The marketing management philosophy in which the firms focus is on its own internal capabilities rather than on the desires of the marketplace is called a A)Production orientation B)Sales orientation C)Market orientation D)Societal orientation 3. A sales orientation A)Helps firms to understand the needs and wants of the marketplace B)Focuses on customer wants and needs so the organization can distinguish its products from competitors offerings C)Is based on the idea that people will buy more goods and services if aggressive sales techniques are used D)Proves that companies can convince people to buy goods and services that they neither want nor need 4. A manager states to the firms shareholders: “We are in the business of maximizing perceived value for our customers.” What marketing management philosophy is this firm practicing? A) A production orientation B)A sales orientation C)A market orientation D)A societal orientation 5. Which of the following marketing management philosophies is described by phrases such as “interfunctional coordination,” “delivery of superior value,” and “competitor intelligence”? a. A production orientation b. A sales orientation c. A market orientation d. A societal orientation 6.Customer value is A) The ratio of benefits to the sacrifice needed to obtain those benefits B)The outcome of most transactions for firms using a sales orientation C)The number of items sold that are of high quality and high cost D)The outcome of most transactions for firms using a production orientation 7. The key issues facing a manager whose firm is practicing a _ are creating customer value, maintaining customer satisfaction, and building long-term relationships. A) Production orientation B)Sales orientation C)Simple trade orientation D)Market orientation 8. Many market-oriented firms are giving employees more authority to solve cus- tomer problems on the spot. This approach is called A)Employee-related marketing B)Delegation C)Empowerment D)Teamwork 9. In a sales orientation, the customer, not the seller, defines value. A)True B)False 10.One of Phillipe Ortizs difficulties in marketing his line of Philippine cabinetry in Los Angeles is that he is still tied culturally to business models that work in the Philippines. These models do not work in the United States. The obstacle that Mr. Ortiz is facing may be identified as being which of the following? A)xenophobia B) SRC (self-reference criterion) C) globalism D) racism E) intellectual challenges 11. _ is generally a problem when managers from affluent countries work with managers and markets in less-affluent countries. A) Xenophobia B) Racism C) Cultural backlash D) Ethnocentrism E) Global redlining 12 .To avoid errors in business decisions, it is necessary to conduct a _ that isolates the SRC influences and to maintain a vigilance regarding ethnocentrism. A) cross-cultural analysis B) global research effort C) search of the Internet D) purge E) parallel cultural simulation 13. To be globally aware, a manager must have knowledge of cultures, history, world market potential, and global economic, social, and political trends. Additionally, the manager will not succeed with respect to global awareness if he or she does not have: A) pronounced skill in languages. B) a tolerance of cultural differences. C) an ability to drive a hard bargain with any foreigner. D) a local counterpart to handle negotiations. E) all of the above. 14. The Ajax Corporation has _ in that it actively does not cultivate customers outside the United States; however, this company products do reach foreign markets through trading companies. A) infrequent foreign marketing B) pre-global marketing C) pre-international marketing D) anti-foreign marketing E) no direct foreign marketing 15. If a company adopts a concept wherein it views an entire set of country markets as a unit, identifying groups of prospective buyers with similar needs as global market segment and developing a marketing plan that strives for standardization wherever it is cost and culturally effective, the company has adopted what is called the: A) marketing concept. B) social marketing concept. C) global marketing conce
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