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智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料2015年9月12日大陆托福考试口语真题回顾(超强范文+模板)-智课教育旗下智课教育备考托福的小伙伴们注意了,托福真题是你不可缺少的备考利器, 智课教育小编给大家整理了9月12日托福考试口语真题,并带来超强范 文和模板! 备考托福的小伙伴们注意了,托福真题是你不可缺少的备考利器, 智课教育小编给大家整理了9月12日托福口语真题。小伙伴们,赶紧来 看托福口语真题回顾!这里是不容错过的托福口语备考资源,希望其中的 解析可以让大家距离考场更近一步! Task1 The best way to learn about a city they are currently visiting? Take an organized tour Visit a local history museum Walk around the city streets 分析: 二中择一回答即可:喜欢组团旅游还是自由行?无论选哪种,都要 给出原因。如选择和别人一起组团旅游,可以是因为可以得到某个地方更加专业 的信息 (have access to more professional knowledge about a particular place );另外,跟团游还可以享受住宿和机票优惠(get discounts in terms of accommodation and flight tickets )。 参考范文:In comparison to the other two choices, which aim at the local culture and life, the most effective way to grasp the beauty of the city is to take an organized tour. There are some reasons for my choice. First of all, the time available for tourism is too limited to thoroughly understand the life and culture of the local area. Therefore, in the first visit, one must finish viewing the most representative sites to leave a deep impression, the strong impulse for a second travel. While the guide in the tour is experienced enough to show tourists the most remarkable things in the city, sites, food and culture. Moreover, to follow a tour guide is to save money. Because tourism sites restaurants andhotel tend to give special discount to tour group, based on the great number of people. Task2 Some people prefer to keep a busy schedule and participate in a number of activities. Others prefer to have a lot of free time. Which do you prefer and why 分析:二中择一回答即可:更喜欢忙忙碌碌还是慢慢悠悠的生活? 无论选哪种,都要给出原因。 如果选择慢慢悠悠的生活,可以是出于自己的个性喜欢live slower;另外慢生活有益健康,尤其是cardiovascular system ;还有时间可以和家人朋友共同享受美好的时光,可以become much closer to each other。参考范文:Rather than have a lot of free time, I would keep a busy schedule and participate in a multiple of activities. There are some reasons for my choice. First of all, a busy schedule is a good indication of my value. For example, if I am required to take part in certain competitions or activities, that says I am competitive enough among other candidates. And if I insist on participating in the activity, that game must be attractive either in the enhancement of my capability or personal life. And thus my value increases as well. Moreover, being busy keeps me focus. Concentration is a continuous process and any interruption in between forces me to regain my focus when I have come back on the work I was busying with before the interruption. Therefore, being busy saves up time and energy. Task3 建议: chemistry department should give money to student 原因:1) good encouragement 2) the department has recently receive a sum amount of money 学生态度:the man does not agree: 反对原因: (1)a certification can will be enough to encourage students(2)money should be spend on buying equipment 模板: In the reading material, there is a proposal that. Moreover, the man does not agree with such a proposal for two reasons. One is that . , and the other is that . 参考答案 The proposal is to suggest the top students in chemistry department, since this semester, should get cash award besides certificate, in consideration of encouragement and the money donation from a large corporation. The speaker does not agree with the proposal. There are two reasons. First of all, the certificate itself is motivated enough, because it will be a great advantage in the resume when applying for graduate school or a job. Students cannot be more promoted merely for money. Moreover, the money should be used to renovate the old and out-dated equipment in the chemistry lab and therefore, it will benefit all the students in the department instead of only the top students. Task4.讲座内容:shopping assistant s role play when train them teach in professor s brother s car company old staff play as customers in order to teach the new staff 通过角色扮演来训练商店员工。教授用自己哥哥的汽车公司做例子 ,老职员扮演成顾客教导新职员 模版:The reading passage gives a term named., which means The professor in the listening material gives an example to demonstrate it in detail. Thus, the conclusion is drawn that. 参考范文:Role-playing describes a technique to train salesperson in the business that new employees will play the role of salesman when the trainer acts as a customer, acting out the selling scenario, in order to make the green hands more experienced.The professor talked about the example of his brother. He owned a car company. In his training of new employees, the new staffs were required to be salesmen, while the boss himself would be the customer, asking questions about the cars hes interested in. After the salesperson answered his questions, he would pretend to be hesitated, doubting whether the car was worth the price. Then the salesperson would have to explain the specific features of the car in order to convince him of the purchase. In this way, his salespersons were ready to sell cars to real customers. Task5 对话内容:appointment with dentist and study group for French both in the same afternoon.
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