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才思教育网址:才思教育网址:www.caisiedu.com才思网址:www.caisiedu.com才思网址:www.caisiedu.com1form over substance 形式重于内容formal employment 正规就业formal-sector job 正式部门工作former Soviet Union 前苏联formulating development strategies 制定发展战略formulation 预算制订forward-vision 前瞻性foster integration with the global economy fostering greater openness and participation in decision-making 增加决策的开放性和扩大决策的参与面Four modernizations 四个现代化fragmentation of the banking system 银行系统的分割framework conditions 框架条件framework for insolvency 破产框架framework 框架franchising 特许经营 fraudulent accounting and financial practices 假账和金融欺诈fraudulent investment 欺诈投资free distribution of shares 股份自由分销free float/tradable shares 流通股free float 自由流通free market 自由市场free ride 不劳而获的东西,搭便车freely floating exchange rate 自由浮动汇率free-trade zone fresh water resources 淡水资源Friends of the Earth 地球之友from a “fairness” perspective 从公平的角度出发from a very low base 起点低from concentration-based to mass-based 从浓度控制到总量控制才思教育网址:才思教育网址:www.caisiedu.com才思网址:www.caisiedu.com才思网址:www.caisiedu.com2
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