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单位代码10445学 号2007110010分 类 号H319研究生类别同等学力硕 士 学 位 论 文论 文 题 目 The Construction of Context in Multimedia-assisted College English Teaching few are found to investigate theconstruction of context by the application of multimedia in the College Oral English TeachingMultimedia; College Oral English Teaching incomparable quantity and speed of informationconveying; higher quality of information conveying; easier operation; more interactive. Healso points out that the cognitive psychology is one of the most important theories of moderneducational technology, especially for multimedia-assisted instruction. In 1997, Mr. He againpointed out that multimedia can provide the most ideal learning environment for students. Hefurther developed the multimedia-assisted English teaching theoretical foundation by studyingconstructivism. He combined the theory of constructivism with teaching successfully. Thisprovides a basis for the explanation of the relationship between the construction of contextand College English Teaching Xie Youfu and Sun Feifeng (2008)expounded the necessity of multimedia-assisted teaching reform of the English major anddiscussed the feasibility of multimedia-assisted teaching reform on the basis of theconstructivist learning theory; Sun Renjie (2008) analyzed the status quo of the application ofmultimedia and reflected on how to make English teaching more efficient by proposing thatthe traditional teaching method should not be neglected and more emphasis should be laid oninteraction and student-centeredness in the classroom. Ma Qiuxiang (2008) confirmed the7山东师范大学硕士学位论文advantages of using multimedia in English teaching but she also pointed out some invisibleproblems. She declared that the overemphasis on the vividness of slide influences theachievement of the teaching objective. The quantity of information should play an importantrole in class and the roles of teachers and students have changed in a constructive class. Shealso mentioned the lack of interaction in the classroom can lead to low efficiency of pedagogy.Huang Wanbing (2009) stated that multimedia cannot ensure high teaching efficiency andmultimedia-assisted Teaching besides, his account is rathershort and simple and thus insufficient to supply us a detailed model of the application ofcontext theory to foreign language teaching.There are also some Chinese scholars writing some articles which are concerned with theissue as well. They discussed context and foreign language teaching from differentperspectives. Xie Yingguang (1994), Chang Zonglin (1995), Li Jun (1998), Huang Renfeng(2001), Sun Qing (2001), Lin Lin (2001), Liu Huijuan (2001) talk about this issue in differentand various ways in their articles. Some of them just discuss the application of context theoryto foreign language teaching as a whole and others consider the problem from a particularfield of foreign language learning such as listening, reading, writing, vocabulary acquisition,grammatical rules, translation and the like. Their views give us much inspiration althoughsome of their discussions are not comprehensive or even not enough to set up an academicschool. Here the author will illustrate important opinions of some famous Chinese scholarswho have made great contributions to the development of context in the following passage.Professor Huang Guowen (黄国文,1988: 42) views context as the circumstances that thespeech activity is performed. Professor He Zhaoxiong (何兆熊) regarded context as thecorresponding environment where the language is used. He categorized context into two kinds11山东师范大学硕士学位论文of knowledge: inner-linguistic knowledge and extra-linguistic knowledge (1989: 22). BesidesHe Zhaoxiong, Professor Hu Zhuanglin and Professor Liu Runqing also probe into theconcept of context. They classified context into the situational context and the linguisticcontext (Hu Zhuanglin et al, 1988: 140). Professor Hu, Professor Liu and Professor Heprovided different classification of context according to different fields of language. Thestudies on context by Professor He Ziran (何自然,1997) should also be considered significant.He touches upon context when he talks about how to understand the language in use. This is amajor breakthrough in connecting context with the usage of language. According to him,context is the environment in which the language intercourse occurs. He illustrated contextfrom three perspectives: Linguistic context; Social-intercourse context; Cognitive context,with reference to the participants life experiences, beliefs, knowledge and values, wouldinfluence the cognition of an intercourse, and it is this cognition that enables the intercourse tobe completed.(He Ziran, 1997: 209-210)Chen Wangdao (陈望道), a famous linguist in China, published the book On Rhetoricin the early 1930s. Although the author did not use the term context, he claimed in his bookthat the evaluation of the rhetorical effect relies on such factors as when, where, who, towhom, for what purpose and h
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