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智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料2015年10月31日托福写作真题机经2015年10月31日托福考试已经结束,托福写作都考了哪些题目呢 ,智课安徽外语第一时间为大家搜集整理了2015年10月31日托福写作 真题回忆(托福写作机经),希望对各位考生有所帮助。 2015年10月31日托福写作真题机经 独立作文which one is the most important for teacher of high school?the ability to help students plan for their future;the ability to find the student who need the most help and to give that help; the ability to encourage students to learn on their own outside of the classroom. 综合: reading passage:3 theories about what short-faced bear ate (1)large mammals,因为 legs and feet (2)跑得快的动物如antelope and deer,因为bear也跑得很快可以追上他们 (3)作为scavenger 吃别人剩下的,因为bear can frighten or fight other predators lecture:否定 (1)skeletons shows weak bones,不能对付大型动物,(2)antelope 不会run in straight line,而是会 sharp turnning。change the direction,而bear too heavy 做不到。 (3)bear 的牙齿嚼不动骨头,因此不是scavenger
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