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【in】我是“大姐”,因为我后面所接的都是较长时间。具体用法有: 1 表示在较长的时间里 (如周月份季节年份世纪等) 。 如: in a week; in May; in springsummerautumnwinter; in 2008; in the 1990s 等。 2 表示在上午、下午或晚上。如:in the morningafternoonevening。 3 in the daytime(在白天) 属于固定搭配,指从日出到日落这一段时间,反 义词组是 in the night。 4 “in 一段时间”表示“多久以后以内”,常与将来时连用。如:in half an hour; in ten minutes; in a few days 等。 【on】我是 “二姐”,我后面所接的时间多与日期有关。具体用法有: 1 表示在具体的某一天(如日期、生日、节日或星期几)。如:on May 4th, 1919; on Monday; on Teachers Day; on my birthday; on that day 等。 2 表示某一天的上午、 下午或晚上。 如: on the morning of July 2; on Sunday afternoon; on a cold winter evening 等。 【at】我是“小妹”,因为接在我后面的时间最短。具体用法有: 1 表示在某一具体时刻,即几点几分。如:at six oclock; at half past nine; at a quarter to six; at this time 等。 2 表示在某一短暂的时间。 如: at noon; at this moment; at the end of a year; at the start of the concert 等。 68|评论(25) 按默认排序|按时间排序 其他回答 共 5 条 其他回答 共 5 条 2011-07-17 07:55fanrong1229| 十四级 1、 介词 on 用在时间上,表示某一具体的时间前面(常表达某一天), 如:on Sunday morning , on july , 25. 2、 介词 in 用在时间上, 表示在某一特定时间里,或者某段时间之后, 如:in the morning, in a week. 3、介词 at 用在在时间上,是用某一点时间前面, 如:at six oclock. 提问者认可|25|评论(5) 2010-11-15 19:10祝小明也| 来自手机知道| 三级 on Christmas . in Spring Festival 3|评论 2011-07-17 04:36diepen95| 六级 关于时间: in,at,on in the morning/eveningin front of:在前面(in front of me)物体介词后面全宾格 还有啥的想不到了 2|评论(1) 检举|2011-07-17 05:32palmaking| 十七级 记住,以下内容对中考和高考非常有用,要仔细阅读和背出来: in January in winter in 1999; in the morning/ afternoon /evening. in the daytime on Monday, on Sunday afternoon, on July 1st, 2011 at six oclock, at three thirty. at night, at noon, at this time of year. in a year in spring in September in a week , in two weeks in two weeks time on Monday on Monday afternoon on March 7th, 2000 at eight oclock at this time of day /year at the moment in the summer / winter holiday at Christmas on Christmas Day / Eve / afternoon on the evening of May 31st,2011 on National Day on Childrens Day on the day of my arrival / departure on the day she comes in the year I was born on the very Monday she fell ill on Thanksgiving Day during our stay in Japan in Toms absence in the presence of my friends on our way to the library on their first trip to Shanghai on a voyage inthe Atlantic Ocean
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