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说明: 由于欧盟决议很多,查看起来会比较麻烦,请大家按以下方法进行查看: 1.先确定你所要查的内容是哪个标准中的 2.然后再根据你要查的内容找到欧盟决议的编号 3.最后根据决议的编号到对应的标准里找你所要的决议内容. 另外特别说明一下:如果你的电脑联了 internet 网的话, 就可以按住 Ctrl 键单击相应的 决议编号直接打开欧盟决议快速查看决议的内容. 欧盟决议目录EN60335-1 欧盟决议目录ENEN 60335-1:198860335-1:1988Clause(Clause(章节章节) )Subject(Subject(主题主题) )Keywords(Keywords(关键字关键字) )Sheet(Sheet(决议决议编号编号) )2.2.10 Definitions (定义)- special purpose tools(特殊工具) 0001.OSM-HA 4.10 General conditions for the tests (总的测试条件)- built in appliances (固定式器具)0002.OSM-HA 6.1.2 IP system(IP 标志) - IP system (IP 标志)0006.OSM-HA 8.6 Protection against electric shock (对带电部件的保护)- Thickness of insulation (绝缘厚度)0016.OSM-HA 8.9 Protection against electric shock (对带电部件的保护)- Touching pins of plug(插头的插脚) 0017.OSM-HA 10.1 Input and current (输入功率和电流)- Tolerance- Combined appliances (联合型器具的偏差)0018.OSM-HA 11.4 Heating (发热)- rating 220/240V 额定电压0023.OSM-HA 13.1 Leakage current (泄漏电流)- Protective impedance- Radio interference filters (保护阻抗)0193.OSM-HA 16.4 Electrical strength (电器强度)- cord guard 引线防护装置- - portable appliances(便携式器具) 0028.OSM-HA 16.4 Electrical strength 电器强度)- cord guard(引线防护装置)- - cord anchorage 0029.OSM-HA 19 Abnormal operation (非正常运行)- thermostat and thermal cut out- one temperature sensing device (温控器和保险丝;温度感应装置)0030.OSM-HA 22.22 Earthing (接地)- Snap-on connectors- Earth continuity (接地)0058.OSM-HA 24 Plugs (插头)- Components- Plugs- Built in appliances (固定式器具)0045.OSM-HA 24.1 Controls 控制- components(元件)- thermal controls 0037.OSM-HA 24.1 Switches 开关- Components- Switches 开关0038.OSM-HA 25.13 Internal conductors (内部导线)- Accessible internal conductors (易触及的内部导线)0054.OSM-HA 25.13 Connector 连接器- Special connector(专用连接器) 0165.OSM-HA 26.7 Terminals (接线端子)- Pillar type terminals- Pressure plate 焊接端子0055.OSM-HA 26.7 Terminals 接线端子- Pillar type terminals 支撑端子0056.OSM-HA - Pressure plate 焊接端子27 Earthing 接地- Circuit boards 电路板- Earth continuity 接地连续性0057.OSM-HA 27.2 Earthing 接地- Snap-on connectors- Earth continuity 接地连续性0058.OSM-HA 27.2 Earthing 接地- Pillar type terminals- Pressure plate(固定端子和焊接端子) 0059.OSM-HA 27.4 Earthing 接地 -Pillar type terminals- Pressure plate (固定端子和焊接端子)0060.OSM-HA 28 Screws and connections 螺钉和连接-Pillar type terminals- Pressure plate (固定端子和焊接端子)0061.OSM-HA 29.1 Creepage/clearance 爬电距离和电气间隙- Tubular sheathed heating elements (管状绡发热元件)0062.OSM-HA 29.1 Creepage/clearance 爬电距离和电气间隙- Resonance voltage exceeding 440V (谐振电压超过 440V)0063.OSM-HA 29.2 Distance (距离)- Insulation between wiring (引线之间的绝缘)0064.OSM-HA B19.101 Electronic components 电子元件-Electronic components- Electronic speed controls 电子元件和电子控速装置0082.OSM-HA B19.104 Abnormal operation 非正常运行- miniature fuses 微型保险丝0031.OSM-HA App.A Controls 控制装置- Thermal cut-outs( 热切断器)0073.OSM-HA App.ZA Switches 开关-Appendix ZA- CEE 24- Switches 附录 ZA 和开关0083.OSM-HA ENEN 60335-1:199460335-1:1994Clause(Clause(章节章节) )Subject(Subject(主题主题) )Keywords(Keywords(关键字关键字) )Sheet(Sheet(决议决议编号编号) )2 Current-carrying hose 载流软管- Current carrying hoses 载流软管0250.OSM-HA 2.4.10 Definitions 定义-SELV- Class II requirements 安全特低电压和 II 类器具的要求0290.OSM-HA 2.7.1 and 2.7.2 Definitions 定义- Detachable and non detachable parts (可拆卸和不可拆卸的部件)0214.OSM-HA 4.10 General conditions for the tests 总的测试条件- built in appliances(固定式器具) 0003.OSM-HA 4.12 Supply voltage 电源电压- Supply voltage 电源电压0005.OSM-HA 7.10 Marking 标志- push-push main switch 推动开关OSM/HA 09 7.12 Marking 标志- instruction sheet 说明书0011.OSM-HA 7.14 Marking 标志- Adhesive label 粘合贴纸 291.OSM-HA 8 Protection against electric shock 对电击的防护- Paint as insulation 涂层作为绝缘0015.OSM-HA 8 Protection against electric shock 对电击的防护-Enclosure of plastic material- Portable fan heaters 塑胶壳和便携式暖风机0192.OSM-HA 8 Protection against electric shock 对电击的防护- Part of luminaires on the appliances 在器具上的日光灯部件0210.OSM-HA 8 and 20 Interlock Switches 互锁开关- Interlock switches 互锁开关0249.OSM-HA 8.1 Protection against electric shock 对电击的防护-test finger- test pin 测试指和测试绡0013.OSM-HA 8.1 Protection against electric shock 对电击的防护-Transformers- Live parts 变压器和带电部件0248.OSM-HA 8.1 Protection against electric shock 对电击的防护-Appliances including luminaires 器具上的光源292.OSM-HA 8.1.1 and 8.1.2 protection against electric shock 对电击的防护- Fluorescent lamps behind detachable cover 在可拆卸盖之后的荧光灯0215.OSM-HA 8.1.4 Protection against electric shock 对电击的防护- Transformers 变压器- Live parts 带电部件0248.OSM-HA 8.2 Protection against electric shock 对电击的防护- Basic insulation 基本绝缘- - Paint coating 涂层0231.OSM-HA 11 Heating 发热- Type X attachment Y 型连接- Permanent connection 永久性连接0020.OSM-HA 11 Heating 发热- Appliance inlets 器具输入插口 0022.OSM-HA 11.8 Heating 发热- other purposes than electrical insulation 除电气绝缘以外的绝缘- table 3 0025.OSM-HA 11.8 Heating 发热- Ambient temperature 室温 0272.OSM-HA 12Endurance and thermaltests on appliances forpurifying water using anUV lamp 使用在 UV 灯内的精制水耐久性和热量测试- Thermal tests 热量测试- Abnormal conditions 非正常条件- Temperature of waterflowing 溢水的温度54413.2 Leakage current 泄漏电流- 3 phase heating element 3相发热元件- 1 phase motor 1 相马达0027.OSM-HA 15.1.2 Moisture resistance 耐潮湿- IPX3- IPX4- Ceiling mounted appliances 固定在天花板上的器具 02
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