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数字技术正在从生活到思想改变着人类也必将使艺术发生前所未有的变迁论文提要随着电子计算机技术的出现及迅速 普及,它潜移默化而深刻地改变着我们生活的各个方面。与人类历史进程中每一个新的工具相同,电脑的出现是人类器官的延伸,给人类以更方便有效的生产能力。计算机在以下几个方面带给人们新的创造能力:记忆能力、数码化、重组与合并、自动化。这些特性还只是在生产工具的价值层面,为人类的新发展提供了必要条件。而网络的出现与迅速普及更为人类的信息与知识的传播与交流、为人与世界的关系找到了打开无可限量之宝库的阿里巴巴咒语。网络的快速普及,逐渐出现了全球性的计算机文化,它不但更强化一个失去真迹的虚拟社会的发展,也更使得多元文化以惊人的速度在网络界面上杂交。它是一个具有互动性、开放性、包容性的庞大系统,具有吸纳一切的力量。它已不再是一个为专门目的而建立的专家系统,而是一种新的大众传播方式,一种新的通讯形 式和新的认知手段。网络已赋予个人以更大的交往范围,更大的感知范围和更大的自由想象空间。伴随着多元文化的融合、生态方式及认知方式的变迁,人类的哲学、美学也与时俱进,不断变化。随着人类从同一经济模式和全球战略构想,朝着多元经济和后殖民化战略转变。哲学上出现对严格的理性主义和科技决定论的反思。哲学思维的自身反省对整个哲学体系随即产生了各方面的新阐释。单一的知识形态被多元的、相互平行、相互竞争的知识规范所取代。并放弃了指定普遍有效模式的努力,而告别了整体性和统一性。同时倡导多元化即坚持认为事物的产生、发展是由多种不同本源、因素等决定;承认感觉、范畴、假设、概念有各种来源而不可归并和通约。 主张世界之本源的多元论、知识的多元论、历史论的多元论,这种多元性不再是某统一整体中的内部现 象,不再期望总体性能够构成一切知识领域 、社会生活和文学艺术的本质。在任何知识、生活领域,以往那种一体化、封闭性和规范性都已成陈迹,它强调的不是抹杀或取消差异,相反主张各差异的同存和相互竞争;它不肯定任何压倒性模式及其它包容一切、规范一切、限定一切的模式之存在,即趋向一种语言的民主取向而藐视一切权威主义的元语言,以此调动多样性和文化相对主义。在此后现代哲学思想基础之上,这个时代的艺术美学与以往的艺术思潮有着明显的差异。而具有复制性、切片性或瞬间性、挪用性、解构性、暧昧性、艺术的波普化和商品化。因此上述物质与意识的变迁,人类的艺术手段与审美取向也走向了新的发展。空间审美判断的多元化与新的材料、工具的遇合,产生了新的艺术手段数码艺术(科技艺术、计算机艺术)、网络艺术、生物科技艺术,等等 。因为新材料、新媒介的大量涌现,新艺术现象层出不穷,艺术领域内的一片欣欣向荣的无头绪。因此,与这样的纷繁之中,我们以最具代表性、最彰显新的时代特征的数码艺术中的计算机艺术和网络艺术为典型,进行叙述。以二进制编码为本质的数码艺术具有以下几个工作特性:数码化再现、模块化架构、自动化、液态化。而新艺术的也具有新的美学特征:主体与客体的转换 、虚拟世界 、感知方式的转换 、非线性叙事 、片段化。由于数码艺术的互动、流动、不确1、对传统意义上的“著作权”与“原 创性”提出挑战。2、使“艺术”与“非艺术”(资讯、电子游戏、网络虚拟生活等)之界限模糊。3、更注重观者的感观与主动,而将传统艺术家的表现欲放之次位。4、它改变了传统的陈列和展出方式,变成随机的、流动的而不需要具体的现实空间来收藏、陈列、展出。5、这将打破以艺术家、画廊(画商)、收藏家(博物馆)为主的旧的艺术流动模式。6、这样就提出了新艺术的生存方式的问题。另外,新的艺术形式出现的今天,艺术家对这个“新玩具”充满了新鲜感和不了解,因此许多作品仅停留在技术的层面之上。但技术的炫耀是可以理解的,随着它的进一步发展艺术家必将会取向于语言的自觉和精神的回归。毕竟,随着科技的飞速发展,技术的艺术注定将如过眼烟云。无论用什么媒材,艺术总是得回归到本质上深层的探讨。新的艺术手段只是为了更好的传达这个时代的精神。重要的是要充分了解、分析自己所处的时代及其特征、状况、并将这个时代特有的美学表现出来的作品,才不会迅速地被时代抛弃和遗忘。定等特征,给艺术的发展带来了新的可能性的同时也带来了以下崭新的问题。论文关键词: 数码艺术网络艺术计算机艺术互动性summaryAs mankinds the same economic models and global strategy ideas,itis in plural economy and behindcolonize by strategic change oftaking. Appear to the strictintrospection of rational doctrineand scientific and technologicaldeterminism on philosophy.Ones own introspection ofphilosophy thinking has produced thenew explanation of the differentfields to the whole system ofphilosophy immediately . The singleknowledge form is replaced by theplural, each other parallelknowledge standard vying each other.And has given up appointing theefforts of the effective modegenerally, and has said good-bye tothe globality and unity.Advocate the pluralism at thesame time and insist promptly thatthe production, development of thethings are decided by many kinds ofdifferent origins, factor,etc.;Acknowledge feel, category, suppose ,concept have sources merge into andnot put through to invite.Advocate the pluralism, thepluralism of knowledge, pluralism ofthe historical theory of the originof the world, This kind of pluralismis no longer a inside phenomenon in some unified whole , no longer expectthat overall performance is enough toform all knowledge fields, sociallife and essence of literature andart. In the fields of any knowledge,life, and the standardizing naturehas all already become the thing ofthe past for that kind of integration,sealing nature in the past, What itemphasize to obliterate or canceldifference is opposite to maintaindifferences with depositting and vieeach other; It does not affirm thatthe mode and other forgives all, allof standard, existence of limittingall modes for any overwhelmingnature , Tend to the democraticorientationses of language lookauthoritative the yuans of languagesof doctrineses down upon each, Arousevariety and culture relativism withthis.On the modern philosophy thoughtfoundation after this, there areobvious differences between artaesthetics of these era and artideological trend in the past. Haveperson who duplicate, person who cutinto slices or twinkling of an eyequality, person who divert, solve ,POP of art take and commercializeambiguous qualities person who construct.So the changes ofabove-mentioned materials andconsciousness, human art means andaesthetic orientation have movedtowards new development . The meetingand shutting of aesthetic pluralismjudged of space and new material,tool, Have produced the new artisticmeans -Digital art( scientific andtechnological art, art of computer),art of the network, biotechnology art,Wait a moment. Because new material,new media emerge in a large amount,the new artistic phenomenon emergesin an endless stream , It is too veryprosperous to there are not mainthreads that in the world of art.However, one that is with this inbeing numerous and complicated, withmost representative, most clear toshow we the computer art and art ofthe networks of new the digitalartses of characteristic of the timefor the model, Narrate.Regarding code of the binaryscale as essential digital art hasfollowing several pieces ofperformance characteristics: Numbertake reproduce, module ization buildup, automation, liquid stateization.New art has new aesthsticcharacteristics too: Thetransformation of the subject andob
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