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Discussion of to Establish o-management of Protection Areas in ChinaA Thesis Submitted to Chongqing Universityin Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for theDegree of Master of LawsbyLiao WeiSupervisor:Associate Prof. Gao FeiMajor: Environment and Resources LawCollege of Law ofChongqing University, Chongqing, ChinaApril, 2008重庆大学硕士学位论文摘要中文摘要近年来,我国保护地的数量与面积得到大幅增长,然而保护地生物多样性、自然资源及相关的文化多样性保护能力并没有与其形成正比。造成这种现状最为重要原因之一在于,传统的保护地采取的是一种低设计成本、高实施及监督成本的管理方式。这种方式使保护地的建立变得简单易行,却由于监管所需的巨额后期成本而于保护地长期管理不利。相比而言,共管,作为一种高设计成本、低实施及监督成本的管理方式,虽然在建立之初需要大量成本投入,建成后却可以以较低的监管成本,从长远的角度来说更为经济。为此,本文围绕我国保护地共管的构建进行初步分析。本文共四个部分,近三万五千字。第一部分主要阐述了保护地共管的概念及特点。保护地共管是指为实现保护地自然资源、生物多样性及相关文化多样性保护的目标,以政府为主导,以原住民及当地社区参与为核心,联合其他利益相关者共同分享保护地管理权、共同承担管理责任的公共管理模式或技术。它不仅仅指形式上的共同协商,还必须是管理者实际拥有决策、计划、实施和评价等权利。它具有管理主体多元化、分权及高度合意性等特点。第二部分讨论了构建保护地共管的理由。传统保护地管理模式已不能适应保护地的发展,在生态科学的经验总结与个体自由选择权的双重证明下,对于改善保护地资源和原生民自身能力建设现状而言,共管成为最佳的选择。第三部分是我国构建保护地共管的总体思路。我国保护地共管构建遇到了保护理念落后;原住民及当地社区传统自然资源管理系统衰落;法律位价低、参与权利不明且自然资源使用权缺乏保障等不利因素的影响。笔者认为,应从转变传统保护理念开始,以原住民及当地社区的能力建设为核心,在此基础上逐步建立一种全新的公共管理模式。第四部分是我国构建保护地共管的具体设想。主要从共管主体、共管协商程序、共管组织和共管协定等四个方面对构建保护地共管作了一些具体的设想。关键词:保护地,共管主体,共管协定,共管组织,共管协商I重庆大学硕士学位论文英文摘要ABSTRACTIn recent years, Protection Areas (PA) was increasing largely in quantity and area.But the protection and conservation of biodiversity or nature resources and relativeculture resources have not increased in such rate. Many PAs were just “paper PA” forthey were not managed in effective way. There are so many reasons for the situation.Among of them the traditional management which has the low cost of design and highcost of execution and supervision is one of the most important reasons. Compared withit, the co-management has the high cost of design and low cost of execution andsupervision which is the new economic management style. So I analyze theestablishment of co-management of PA.The dissertation has four parts and generally 35,000 words.The first part of the dissertation is the expatiation of the concept and characters ofco-management of Protection Areas (PA) .The co-management of PA is a technology ofmanagement that the government and aborigines and other stakeholders are sharing thepower of control and responding the liability of management for the same aim of NRmanagement or biodiversity and relative culture protection. It is not only formallynegotiation, but also means the virtual power of decision, planning, execution, valuationand so on. Its characters are the diversification of the body of co-management,decentralization of authority, the highly consensus and so on.The second part is the discussion of reason to establish the Co-management of PA.The traditional management could not to adapt the development of PA. Proved by theexperiences in the ecological research and the right of free choice, Co-management ofPA becomes the best choice to change the disadvantages.The third part is the depiction and analysis of the practices of Co-management ofPA in china. The practices have shown many problems, these conflict are the root ofpsychology, the ambiguously conception of Co-management; aborigines who the lack ofcapability to participate, and the low level legal of management of PA. Then I suggestestablish the Co-management of PA. The first step is to change the traditional ideologyof protection, and then we should realize the essence of Co-management of PA is theconstruction of the capability of aborigines or local communities. Under such basis wewould to establish a new model of public management.The forth part is to conceive the establishment of Co-management of PA, mainlyII重庆大学硕士学位论文英文摘要from the subject, the procedure of the negotiation before Co-management, theorganization of Co-management and the agreement of Co-management.Keywords: Protection Areas, Co-management Negotiation Procedures,Co-management Agreements, Co-management Organization,Co-management negotiationIII重庆大学硕士学位论文目录目录中文摘要.I 英文摘要. II 引言. 1 1 保护地共管的概述 . 31.1 保护地与保护地管理 . 31.2 保护地共管的概念及其特征 . 41.2.1 保护地共管的概念 . 41.2.2 保护地共管的主要特征 . 5 2 我国构建保护地共管的理由.
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