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摘要过去几十年间,研究者从各个角度、各个层面持续展开了针对招聘面试话语的研究,同时,社会组织中人力资源行业从事招聘工作的专业人士满怀热情期待更多科学的理论指导以便更有效地做好招聘工作。有关招聘面试话语的研究,运用美国社会学家 Harvey Sacks 提出的会话分析理论(CA)的很多,但主要涉及话轮转换及话语顺序等方面的内容,而运用成员范畴分析机制(MCD)的理论来研究的则不多,中国尤甚。本研究运用成员范畴分析机制理论来做招聘面试的研究,试图在这方面填补一个小小的空白。研究者供职于北京某国内英文媒体,于二零零九年十二月经得单位同意旁听了该单位对十一名应聘者的招聘面试,对整个面试过程进行了录音,同时掌握了应聘者简历、面试官笔记及试后评价等资料,并对面试官和应聘者的互动进行研究,旨在探讨两个主要问题:招聘面试中应聘者如何运用该行业的成员范畴机制,证明自己是上佳人选,能成为该职业群的新成员;面试官如何运用成员范畴机制,以各种方法考验应试者的各方面资质和能力,看其是否有潜力成为该职业群的一份子、新成员。研究表明:应聘者和面试官共同协商、使用成员范畴机制以达到各自的目的;是否能用好成员范畴机制和面试结果成功与否有密切关系。论文分为五部分:第一部分介绍研究的必要性。第二部分综述有关招聘面试的著述并重点阐述成员范畴机制理论。第三部分展示语料的来源、数量、种类、选择和处理方法。第四部分对三类重点案例进行成员范畴机制的分析,对分析结果进行讨论。第五部分回答研究提出的问题,得到研究结论,指明不足之处,并对进一步研究给出几点建议。关键词:会话分析,招聘面试,成员范畴分析理论,中国英语媒体,新闻工作者ABSTRACTConversation Analysis of Journalist Recruitment Interviews at an English-mediumNewspaper Group in ChinaLi ShuoIn the past several decades, with the development of studies on ConversationAnalysis (CA), now also called as talks-in-interaction, employment interviews havebeen explored by many conversation analysts, sociolinguists, sociologists, and scholarsfrom other disciplinary fields. Interviewers from Human Resources departments ofinstitutions in the meantime have keen interest in and need theoretical guidance ondoing a better practice of recruiting employees. In this study, the researcher uses HarveySackss CA-informed Membership Categorization Device (MCD) analysis, an effectivetool for analyzing membership categories during the dynamic talks-in-interaction. Asone of the established theories of conversation analysis in academic fields, the MCDanalysis, a descriptive apparatus of CA, has been applied in many fields, but has notbeen deployed much in studying employment interview, especially in the Chinesesociety. This study tries to bridge the gap with one more step forward, in an effort toapply the MCD analytical tool for the first time to research on the employmentinterviews in China.The researcher shadowed, tape-recorded and transcribed eleven real employmentinterviews for recruiting Chinese journalists with English proficiency in a ChineseEnglish-language newspaper group based in Beijing, called CnBound in the research,where she has been an employee. The researcher explores on the interaction betweenInterviewerandInterviewee,appliestwoperspectivestoinspecttheInterviewer-Interviewee interaction: (a) How Interviewee claims to avow and identifywith Interviewers membership categories; (b) How Interviewer probes Interviewee invarious ways with membership categories sets to test and see if Interviewee is apotential new member of their occupation community. And the result shows that theInterviewer and Interviewee co-construct and apply Membership CategorizationDevices during the unique talk-in-interaction to achieve their respective goals; how tomake good use of MCDs casts strong effects on the outcomes of recruitment interviews.The thesis is made up of five chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the need for the study.Chapter 2 gives a literature review, including explicating basic CA-informed MCDframeworks. Chapter 3 raises the research questions, and gives a comprehensiveelaboration on the data corpus, about its sources, types, quantities, selections andanalysis methods. Chapter 4 covers data analysis and discussion, especially examiningon three types of employment interviews (successful interviews, unsuccessfulinterviews and interviews with clashes at the start but a successful closing), analyzinghow membership categorization devices are applied between Interviewer andInterviewee. Chapter 5 answers two research questions and concludes the dissertationwith some implications, limitations and suggestions for further research.Keywords: conversation analysis, job interviews, membership categorization analysis,Chinas English media, journalists学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文所涉及的研究工作做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律责任由本人承担。特此声明学位论文作者签名:年月日学位论文版权使用授权书本人完全了解对外经济贸易大学关于收集、保存、使用学位论文的规定,同意如下各项内容:按照学校要求提交学位论文的印刷本和电子版本;学校有权保存学位论文的印刷本和电子版,并采用影印、缩印、扫描、数字化或其它手段保存论文;学校有权提供目录检索以及提供本学位论文全文或部分的阅览服务;学校有权按照有关规定向国家有关部门或者机构送交论文;在以不以赢利为目的的前提下,学校可以适当复制论文的部分或全部内容用于学术活动。保密的学位论文在解密后遵守此规定。学位论文作者签名:导师签名:年年月月日日Chapter OneINTRODUCTIONThe employment interview has been but one genre of interviews in our currentsociety, in which we rely on numerous categories of interviews for different purposes inboth social lives and academic activities. This chapter gives an introduction of theresearch, which centers on exploring employment interviews in China, stating the needfor the study, as well as outlining the structure of the thesis.1.1 Need for the StudyWith the development of studies on talks-in-interaction in the past decades,employment interviews have been examined and explored with an inexhaustibleenthusiasm by quite a number of sociolinguists, sociologists, psychologists, andscholars from other related disciplinary fields. Meanwhile, interviewers from HRdepartments of organizations have
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