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日本“文件盒”公寓/ Naf 建筑设计事务所日本“文件盒”公寓/ Naf 建筑设计事务所关键词:专筑网,专筑设计、专筑视界、专筑讲坛、专筑视频、专筑资料TRAYS由专筑网周韦博,刘庆新编译TRAYS,是一幢包含 12 户住宅单元的公寓。它位于相模原市,邻近火车站,到东京市 中心只有大概 40 分钟车程。项目基地位于郊区的居住区,周边混杂着独立式住宅和一个公 寓综合体。在两层楼木结构公寓建筑的设计规范限制下,“TRAYS”借由“文件盒”的概念实现 了对住宅私密性的保证。 一个住宅单元中包含了生活单元、 阳台和门廊等独立式住宅才有的 部分。而多个“文件盒”对齐并堆积就形成了一个居住公寓。Located close to Sagamihara station, approx. 40 min. from central Tokyo, “TRAYS”, a two-story apartment of 12 residential units stands in suburb residential area mixed with large apartment complexes and detached houses. Being designed within the framework of two-story wooden apartment building in architectural regulations, “TRAYS” materializes a quality comfort of privacy and space in living by introducing the concept of “TRAY”, a residential unit complete with dwelling unit, balcony, and porch as a detached house. “TRAY”s are stacked on top and aligned to form an apartment building.“TRAYS”占地面积达到符合要求的最大比例, 同时紧贴建筑红线, 因此最大化的利用了 规范允许的空间。两面墙界定了门廊空间,并留有拱门形的开口。门廊不仅提供了住户停放 自行车的空间,同时还起到连接不同“文件盒”的作用。“TRAYS” is built on maximum building coverage ratio as well as setback-line limit, utilizing the maximum volume allowed within the building condition of the premises. Porch, sandwiched between walls with arch shape opening, is a space in front of the door where tenants can put their bikes which also serves as corridor in continuation with “TRAY“s.
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