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斗山巴布科克公司斗山巴布科克公司SCR技术介绍技术介绍斗山巴布科克能源技术(上海)有限公司斗山巴布科克能源技术(上海)有限公司 Doosan Babcock Power Technologies (Shanghai) Ltd2011年年05月月10日日1898 1997 Progressive establishment by Babcock UK of Associate & Subsidiary CompaniesACC Babcock Limited (India) Babcock Enterprise (France) Deutsche Babcock (Germany) B&W Espanola (Spain) Babcock Hitachi (Japan) Babcock Africa (RSA) B & W Mexico (Mexico) Mitsui Babcock Energy (India) Ltd. MBEL Pacific Limited (Japan) and other Licensees 1891 Babcock & Wilcox (UK) Limited Company established in the United Kingdom for all sales worldwide except USA and Cuba1979 Babcock Power Limited Renamed1987 Babcock Energy Limited Renamed1995 Mitsui Babcock Energy Limited Created by Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding purchase of companyDec 2006 Doosan Babcock Energy Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction (part of the Doosan Group) purchases Mitsui Babcock from Mitsui Engineering and ShipbuildingDoosan Babcock and Associated CompaniesOEM Product CompaniesDoosan Power SystemsDoosan Power SystemsDoosan Power Systems Turbine OEM Aftermarket Services New Build R&D Turbine OEM Aftermarket Services New Build R&D Boiler OEM Aftermarket Services New Build R&D Boiler OEM Aftermarket Services New Build R&D Boiler & Turbine services to Europe region Boiler & Turbine services to Europe region Boiler & Turbine services to Americas region Boiler & Turbine services to Americas regionDoosan Power Systems collectively offers BTG supply and EPC delivery capability as a single source across the world *Serves UK, Hong Kong and Sub- Saharan Africa regions Doosan Power Systems (Americas)Doosan Power Systems (Americas)Doosan Power Systems (Europe)Doosan Power Systems (Europe)Doosan BabcockDoosan Babcockkoda Powerkoda Power? Doosan Babcock and koda Power are the boiler and turbine OEM centres of the DPS Group ? Strong aftermarket service presence in fossil and nuclear power sectors ? Doosan Babcock is the number one mechanical construction contractor in the UK power sectorPage 3 BTG EPC CCS BTG EPC CCSPlantPlantFuture Technologies Doosan Babcock Energy are committed to delivering insightful and forward thinking energy solutions that exceed the expectations of our global customer base.Page 5Doosan Babcock - China Operation Business ModelNew BuildTechnical Supports + Tech TransferPlant UpgradeSCRSelective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) 选择性催化还原烟气脱硝技术选择性催化还原烟气脱硝技术 SCR - Selective Catalyst Reduction SCR - 选择性催化还原法 Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) is a post-combustion control technology based on the chemical reduction of nitrogen oxides (NOx) into molecular nitrogen (N2) and water vapor (H2O)。 选择性催化还原法是基于NOx化学还原成分子N2和水蒸气H2O的燃烧后控制技术。 SCR technology was firstly developed by American in 1950s and patented by Eegelhard company in 1957. The first industrial scale application was in Japan in the end of 1970s. SCR技术最早是在上世纪五十年代美国人首先提出的,美国Eegelhard公司于1957年 申请了该技术的发明专利。七十年代末最早在日本实现工业规模的应用。 SCR is the most widely used, the most developed and effective DeNOx technology in the world. SCR是世界上应用最广泛,最成熟和最有效的的脱硝技术。NOx Formation NOx的形成机理的形成机理 There are three mechanisms of NOxformation. NOx有三种形成机理 Thermal NOx热力型NOx Fuel NOx燃料型NOx Prompt NOx快速型NOx NOx Emission Control Technologies: 两种NOx排放控制技术:control combustion in the furnace 炉内燃烧控制 Flue gas Cleaning 燃烧后的净化SCR typical Installation SCR典型布置图典型布置图锅炉空气预热器送风机电除尘器脱硫脱硝反应器催化剂氨蒸发器氨空气混合器氨储罐NH34NO + 4NH3+ O24N2+ 6H2O2NO2+ 4NH3+ O23N2+ 6H2ONO + NO2+2 NH32N2+ 3H2OSCR Process ChemistrySCR 化学反应机理化学反应机理Catalyst160 - 600CCatalyst160 - 600CCatalyst160 - 600C从省煤器来的烟气预留催化剂和吹灰器位置均流板气态氨烟气去空预器催化剂温度测量点旁路门隔离门吹灰器调试/控制格和测温点省煤器旁路SCR System Box & Ducting SCR系统及烟道布置系统及烟道布置SCR Reactor Components SCR 系统组成系统组成 1 Catalyst 催化剂 2 Large Particle Screen大颗粒灰滤网 3 Static Mixer 静态混合器 4 Ammonia Injection Grid 喷氨格栅(AIG) 5 Soot Blower 吹灰器 ?Sonic Horn 声波吹灰器 ?Steam Soot Blower 蒸汽吹灰器 6 Reactor 反应器 7 Reagent 反应剂 ?Anhydrous Ammonia 液氨 ?Aqueous Ammonia 氨水 ?Urea 尿素CATALYST 催化剂Catalyst Function 催化剂催化剂-功能功能Provide reaction zone提供反应区域Flue gas flow through the catalyst and NOx and NH3 react at the surface of the catalyst. 烟气流过催化剂,NOx及NH3在催化剂表面发生反应。 Accelerate the reaction speed 加快反应速度At the normal condition, the reaction need the large energy to start-up , with the catalyst ,the energy required is decreased and the reaction speed increased.在通常情况下,需要耗费大量能量启动反应。催化剂参与后,所需能量减少且 反应速度加快。Catalyst Types 催化剂催化剂-类型类型honeycomb plate corrugated 蜂窝板式波纹Catalyst Loading system 催化剂催化剂-安装系统示意安装系统示意Ammonia InjectionFuture CatalystCatalystMonorailHoistEnclosed Hoist wayTurning device喷氨格栅电动葫芦催化剂单轨粱电动葫芦井催化剂翻转装置备用层催化剂Large Particle Screen 大颗粒灰滤网Large Particle Ash 大颗粒灰大颗粒灰Ash Screen Location 大颗粒灰滤网位置大颗粒灰滤网位置Flue GasFlue GasEconomizerEconomizer烟气流动方向省煤器滤网实物图Large Particle (Popcorn) Ash Screen (LPS) 大颗粒灰(爆米花状)滤网大颗粒灰(爆米花状)滤网Static Mixer 静态混合器Flue
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