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许老师英语培训 在线答疑 :47875632 您的免费课程学习老师语法题析语法题析-基本句子结构基本句子结构结构指的是句子的基本结构,表达法所指内容极为广泛,概括地讲,它指英文句子中 词和短语的正确形式以及词与词,词与短语的正确搭配。这里主要讲解有关结构的命题, 即英文句子的基本构成形式。基本句子结构常考题型及解题要点基本句子结构常考题型及解题要点一般来讲,所考的有关句子结构的题目都比较简单,通常是正常词序的简单句和复 合句,即主语谓语宾语或主语系词表语两种基本词序。倒装句、省略句、强调 句试题也时有出现。但所占比例很小。基本句型基本句型 (1)简单句)简单句 主主 谓谓 宾宾主 系 表 (2)复合句)复合句 主句主句 连词连词 从句从句连词 从句 ,主句 (3)并列句)并列句 句句 1 连词连词 句句 2基本概念(1)有主语、有谓语方可称为句子,否则为短语。(2)主句和从句必须有连接词衔接。连接句可在两个句子中间,亦可放置于句首。解题要点(1)寻找谓语动词或系动词以确定主谓结构(2)寻找连接词以确定句子结构(3)分别检查主句和从句的主谓结构例题分析 1. 简单句中主语谓语要完整简单句中主语谓语要完整(1)In addition to pleasure, _ excitement, challenge, and relaxation. (A) the providing of garrets (B) games if providing(C) the games which provide (D) games provide答案 D 空格前为一介词短语、空格后为三个并列名。此句即无主语,也无谓语, 故选择含有动词的答案(D) 。寻找动词是最快捷的途径。(2) _has won consistent praise for her novels about Black children.(A) Virginia Hamilton who (B) Because Virginia Hamilton(C) Virginia Hamilton (D) The fact than Virginia Hamilton 答案 C 空格后面是谓语动词形式 has own, 故空格内应主语句词,即(C) 。许老师英语培训 在线答疑 :47875632 您的免费课程学习老师(3)With affection and humor, poet phyllis McGinley _ of ordinary life.(A) the virtues were praised (B) praised the virtues(C) she praised the virtues (D) her praise of the virtues 答案 B 此句有主语,但缺谓语动词,故选择(B) 。(4) _ became a state in 1876.(A) When Colorado (B) Colorado(C) It was Colorado (D) Colorado which答案 B 空格后的谓动词 be came 表明应选择一个名词作主语,即(B) 。 2. 主句和从句皆要有完整的主语和谓语主句和从句皆要有完整的主语和谓语(1)Because it hardens soft metals such as tin and lead, _ in alloys.(A) antimony is used (B) using antimony (C) antimony uses(D) to use antimony 答案 A Because 引导的状语从句主谓结构完整,而主句却主谓俱缺,故选择主谓 完整而句意正确的答案(A) 。(2) The dominant philosophy of the Age of Enlightenmers _ in the universe in terms of forces that could be detected by the human senses.(A) an explanation for everything(B) attempted to explain everything(C) everything was an attempt(D) explained and attempted答案 B 这是个含有定语从句的复合句。主句缺少谓语动词,故选择(B) 。答案 (D)亦为动词,但缺少宾语。(3)_ that both birds and mamma 8|5 become larger, their metabolite rates per unit of tissue decrease, and they generally live longer. (A) The truth (B) If true(C) It is true (D) To be true 答案 C 空格后面的连接词 That 表明此处应填入主句,即含有主语和谓语的答案。 四项选择中只有(C)是完整的句子。(4)Prescriptions for corrective lenses that are provided by an optometrist are often brought to an optician who _ the lenses.(A) grinding (B) grinds (C) they grind (D) are ground答案 B 空格前面的连接词 who 引导一个定语从句。此句缺少谓语动词,故选择 答案(B) 。答案(D)亦为谓语动词形式,但被动语态不适合本句。
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