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http:/www.paper.edu.cn - 1 -转化生长因子转化生长因子 对人肠上皮细胞增殖、细胞总对人肠上皮细胞增殖、细胞总 RNA、 总蛋白质含量的影响、 总蛋白质含量的影响1 王卉,刘宁 东北农业大学乳品科学教育部重点实验室,哈尔滨 (150030) E-mail:ningliu6666yahoo.com.cn 摘摘 要:目的要:目的 本实验主要探讨转化生长因子 (transforming growth factor TGF-)对人结 肠细胞生长、增殖以及细胞总 RNA 和总蛋白质含量的影响。 方法方法 以人结肠腺癌细胞 (LoVo)为实验模型,分别添加重组人 TGF-0.1、1(接近人乳 TGF- 含量最低值)、10 (接近人乳 TGF- 含量最高值)、100ng/mL 后,观察细胞增殖能力、细胞总 RNA、总蛋 白质含量变化。 结果结果 添加 TGF-24 小时后,细胞较对照组有明显的增殖现象,且增殖率 随细胞浓度增加而呈上升趋势,并在 10ng/mL 时达到最大(p0.05)外,其余各剂量组细胞 OD 值与对照组相比均有显著升高 (p0.05 4. 讨论讨论 1998 年, Wagner4等人发现不同浓度重组人 TGF- 作用于婴儿小肠上皮细胞 (FHs 74) ,能够对后者产生明显的促增殖作用,且呈一定剂量依赖性,当浓度达到 5ng/mL 时促增殖效果最为明显,当浓度大于 5ng/mL 时细胞增殖不再随剂量增加而升高。而在本实验中不同浓度重组人 TGF- 对人结肠细胞(LoVo)同样具有明显的促增殖作用,且与 TGF- 浓度呈正相关。且当浓度达到 10ng/mL 时细胞增殖率达到最大值,而当浓度加大到 100ng/mL 时细胞增殖率较 10ng/mL 并没有升高。这与 Wagner 等人的实验结果有相近之处。 在本实验中重组人 TGF- 可以十分显著地提高 LoVo 细胞总 RNA 含量。且与 TGF-浓度呈正相关,随 TGF- 浓度的升高而上升为对照组的 1.674.2 倍。而细胞总蛋白质含量在前三个剂量组中较对照组并无明显变化, 但在100ng/mL剂量组中升高为对照组的1.28倍。而在谢华升等人2(1997)的实验中,同为人结肠细胞的 Caco-2 细胞在外源性表皮生长因子(EGF)作用下,细胞总 RNA 含量随 EGF 浓度的升高而提高。但细胞总蛋白质含量却随EGF 浓度的升高而有所下降。这说明 TGF- 虽然与 EGF 同属一个家族且在结构和功能上十分相似,但是对人结肠细胞的调节作用却并不完全一致。 本实验只是简单的从细胞增殖、RNA 和蛋白质含量的角度分析外源性 TGF- 对人结肠细胞可能起到的生理调节作用,但对于 TGF- 作用于人结肠细胞的具体调节机理尚不明确,在今后的研究中应着重探讨 TGF- 调节人体肠道功能的具体作用机制。 http:/www.paper.edu.cn - 5 -参考文献参考文献 1 BIRD A R. CROOM WJ. Jejunal. glucose absorption is enhanced by epidermal growth factor. J.J Nutr, 1994.124.231-240 2 Watson H.-S. Hsieh. Jane C.-J. Chao et al. Effects of epidermal growth factor on total cellular RNA, protein and leucine aminopeptidase in human colon adenocarcinoma (Caco-2) cells. Nutritional Sciences Journal.J.1997. Vol 22.445-456 3 CHANG Chun-Ju CHAO Jane C.-J. Effect of human milk and epidermal growth factor on growth of human intestinal Caco-2 Cells. J. Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, 2002; vol. 34, 394-401 4 Carol L. Wagner Donna W. Forsythe Mark T. Wagner. The effect of recombinant TGF-, human milk, and human milk macrophage media on gut epithelial proliferation is decreased in the presence of a neutralizing TGF- antibody. J. Biology Neonate 1998; 74:363-371 5 Seare NJ, Playford RJ.Growth factor and gut function. J. 1998. Proc Nutr Soc. 57: 403-408 6 Karnes WE. 1994. Epidermal growth factor Transforming Growth Factor-Alpha. Gut Peptides: Biocemistry and Physiology. New York, Raven Press, 1998; 553-586 7 Masaki Okada, Eiji Ohmura, Yoshinobu Kamiya, Hitomi Murakami et al. Transforming Growth Factor (TGF)- in Human milk. J. Life Sciences, 1991; Vol.481151-1156 8 Markowitz, S.D.Molkentin K et al. Growth stimulation by coexpression of transforming growth factor- and epidermal growth factor-receptor in normal and adenomatous human colon epithelium. J. J.Clin Invest.1990. 86:356-362 9 Karen J. Lessaris Donna W. Forsythe Carol L.Wagner. Effect of human milk Fortifier on the immunodetection and Molecular Mass Profile of Transforming Growth Factor-Alpha. J. Biol Neonate 2000. 77:156-161 Effects of Transforming Growth Factor on Cell Proliferation, Total Cellular RNA and Protein in Human Colon Adenocarcinoma (LoVo) Cell Wang Hui, Liu Ning Key laboratory of Dairy Science Ministry of Education, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin (150030) Abstract Objective The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of transforming growth factor (TGF-) on growth , proliferation, total cellular RNA and protein in human colon adenocarcinoma (LoVo) cells. Methods The effect of proliferation, total cellular RNA and protein of LoVo cells were examined after the addition of TGF- at 0.1,1 (close to TGF- min concentration in human milk), 10 (close to TGF- max concentration inhuman milk) or 100ng/mL. Results After incubation with TGF- for 24h, there was a significant proliferation of LoVo cells by concentration of TGF- were in creased. The proliferation came to the top when concentration of TGF- were at 10ng/mL (p0.01). And the total cellular RNA in the TGF- treatment groups was elevated from 1.67(p0.05) to 4.20(p0.01) fold of the control group as the concentration of TGF- were in creased. The 100ng/ml TGF- treatment group had significantly higher cellular protein as compared to the control and other TGF- treatment groups. It was 1.28 fold (p0.01) of the control group. Conclusions TGF- can make LoVo cells proliferation as the concentration of TGF- were in creased. It also can make the total cellular RNA and protein increased. Keywords: transforming growth factor , LoVo Cells, proliferation, RNA, protein 作者简介:作者简介:刘宁,男,博士,教授,博士生导师,主要从事营养与食品安全研究。
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