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智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料雅思小作文之流程图素材集锦-智课教育出国考试本文为大家带来的是雅思小作文之流程图素材集锦,希望对考生们 的雅思写作备考有所帮助。 虽说在流程图写作时按着指向一步一步往下写就相对容易多了,但 是即使把图看的再明白,思路、逻辑再清晰,不能准确的运用相应词汇 或是句式表达,只会徒劳。因此,今天,智课教育小编为大家整理了相 关素材,可供参考。 1)关联词和句子: It is easy to locate/to find that It can be seen from the graph that The picture illustrates 2)常用表达: 位于: A is located/ sited in/on/to the east of B. A lies in the east of B. 中间: A is in center/middle/central area of B. 紧挨着: A is near /next to/close to B. 对面: A is across B 建设: build、set up 转变: transform、convert3)变化词汇: 变化包括两种:图形原有事物的变化和图形新添事物。 (1)图形原有事物的变化: a. 原有事物可说成:The original/previous/former b. 原有事物尺寸上变大/变小:The size of the A has been enlarged/ extended/expanded/halved/reduced by half c. 原有事物在数量上增多或减少:The number of homes has increased/risen/grown/reduced /decreased/dropped/fallen/doubled/ tripled/ quadrupled to d. 原有事物没了:A completely disappeared/were removed. e. 原有事物被改为: A becomes BA is transformed/reconstructed/redeveloped/converted/chan ged/turned over to/ into B. A is replaced /substituted by B. = A gives way to B. (2)图形新添事物: A newly-built road A new car park was built/established/set up/constructed/ completed/opened in the middle of B. The year 2000 saw /witnessed two additions to the land. 写作素材对与考生的写作会有很大的帮助,但千万不可全盘照抄, 我们要学会学习其中的精华,通过自己的理解再完美的阐述出来,这样 才会有把握拿高分。
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