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FITA 2006 射箭規則 1BOOK 4 第四冊第四冊 Field Archery Rules 原野射箭原野射箭 FITA 2006 射箭規則 2This edition contains all laws and by-laws approved by Congress through June 19th,2005. There may be additional by-laws and interpretations after this date as well as amendments to the by-laws which may affect this edition. Please check the FITA website (www.archery.org) for a listing of all new by-laws, by-law amendments and interpretations which may be in force. This version supersedes all previous versions. 本版本包含 2005 年 6 月 19 日國際箭總代表大會批准的所有規則和附則。在此日期之後,也 許會增加附則、規則解釋和對附則的修訂,並可能對本版本產生影響。請登錄國際箭總網站 (www.archery.org)查閱所有可能生效的新附則、附則修訂和規則解釋。 自 2006 年 4 月 1 日起執行本版規則,前面版本規則相應廢止。 節錄:第一冊節錄:第一冊 憲章與總則憲章與總則 原野射箭相關規則原野射箭相關規則 3. 19 PR A C T I C E 練習3. 19 PR A C T I C E 練習 3.19.2 At Field Championships no practice will be permitted on the courses set out for the competition. 3.19.2 原野射箭錦標賽之正式賽場不得提供作練習場地。 A practice range will be made available nearby or elsewhere for at least a week before the first day of competition. 在比賽開始前一週,必須開放附近或其他地方之練習設施。 On the days of the Tournament, warm up targets (one for every10 athletes) must be set up near Assembly Point(s) for the athletes. The practice range and the warm up targets may be one and the same. 比賽期間,須在選手集結地點附近安排數個靶位(每 10 位選手一個靶位) 以供練習。練習場的距離也可以跟比賽場相同。 On the practice field a number of targets equal to one eighth of the entries, arranged at all the different competition distances, will be provided to permit practice, before, during and after competitive shooting on each day of the competition, at times announced by the Organizers 練習場上,須安排與參賽者八分之一數量相當之練習靶,置於不同比賽 距離,於每日比賽前、中、後練習用,以及籌辦單位公佈之時間練習。 4.5.3 THE FIELD ARCHERY ROUNDS 4.5.3 原野射箭局 The FITA Field Archery Rounds may be shot by the Barebow, Recurve and Compound Divisions, in separate divisions. See Chapter 11.4.2 for non-Championship divisions in local tournaments. FITA 2006 射箭規則 國際箭總原野射箭局分裸弓、反曲弓及複合弓之各項目比賽。有關地區性 非世界錦標賽之比賽請參閱第 11.4.2 條款。 The FITA Field Round consists of any number of targets totaling between 12-24 targets which is divisible by four (4), and three (3) arrows to be shot per target. These targets will be arranged along a course with such difficulties in aiming and shooting as the terrain presents and the spirit and traditions of the discipline require. The distances for target butts are set out in articles and and The course may be all marked or unmarked or a combination of marked and unmarked and be shot with any number of walk-ups or fan targets. 國際箭總原野射箭局位於射箭區內安排 12 至 24 個靶,靶數必須是 4 的 倍數,每靶射 3 箭。這些靶依瞄準的困難度、地形的狀況及傳統因素的精 神等分別設置靶位 。 距離的設定依照條文 及 及 辦理。 場地可以全部都標示或不標示距離,或者有的標示有的不標示,也可以安 排不同高度的發射區或射扇形靶道。 The FITA Arrowhead Round consists of any number of targets totaling between 24-48 targets which is divisible by four (4), that is, two complete FITA Field Rounds. The distances are set out in articles, and The rounds may be shot on all marked courses, all unmarked courses, one marked and one unmarked course or two courses with a combination of marked and unmarked. 國際箭總箭徽局位於射箭區內安排 24 至 48 個靶,惟靶數必須是四的倍 數,亦即兩個國際箭總原野射箭局。靶位距離的設定依照條文第, 及 辦理。比賽時可選擇所有有標示距離及所有無標示距離的 賽局,也可選擇單一有標示及未標示距離的賽局,或僅有部分標示距離的 賽局。 The FITA Forest Round consists of any number of targets totaling between 12-24 which is divisible by four (4), with up to three (3) arrows per target. The Round is normally shot on unmarked courses but may be shot on marked courses provided the distances are kept within the limits set out in Chapter 國際箭總森林局射 1224 靶,其靶數須為 4 的倍數,每靶射 3 箭。該局通 常於未標示距離之場地上舉行,但也可在有標示距離之場地上進行,然距 離之規範必需符合條文第 之規範。 The FITA 3D Animal Round (see Chapter 11.3). 國際箭總 3D 立體動物賽局(參閱第 11.3 章) FITA 2006 射箭規則 The FITA Field Archery World Championship Round in which there are no walkup or fan targets, consists of: 國際箭總世界原野射箭錦標賽局,沒有多點發射區或扇形靶道,包括: The Qualification Round, two FITA Field Rounds each of 24 targets, one marked(long course) and one unmarked course; 資格賽局:國際箭總原野局,射 2 4個靶位兩次,一次有標示距離( 長距 離) ,另一次則不標示距離。 The Elimination Rounds, the 1st Elimination Round, in which the top sixteen (16) athletes in each class and division shoot twelve (12) marked targets, 3 arrows per target. In the 2nd Elimination Round the top eight (8) athletes in each class and division will shoot twelve (12) marked targets, 3 arrows per target. If there are less than 17 or 9 athletes, all of them will be admitted to the respective Elimination Round. 淘汰局:資格賽局每一項目及組別之前 16位選手,射 12有標示距離靶, 每靶 3箭,第二局資格賽每一項目及組別之前 8 位選手,射 12有標示距 離靶,每靶 3箭。如果選手少於 17位或 9 位,將直接進入淘汰局。 The Finals Round in which the top four (4) athletes in each class and division shoot two (2) matches (Semi-Finals) consisting of four (4) marked targets each, three (3) arrows per target. 決賽局:每一項目及組別之前 4名選手,射兩場(準決賽)各 4個有標 示距離的靶,每靶 3箭。 4
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