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ENGLISH GRAMMAR 英 文 文 法 課 程 講 義英 文 文 法 課 程 講 義 【2008年版】 國立豐原高商應用外語科教師 黃宏祿 編著 電 子 郵 遞 : hakkapie.com.tw 個 人 網 頁 : http:/deer.uuu.to 單元:動名詞I. exercise, is1Taking more _ exercise, exercises _ is, are good for your health.is, is2Knowing studying rules _ (be) one thing, but applying these rules _ (be) another. are, are3The studying rules _ (be) important and helpful, but until such rules _ (be) applied, they can be of no value to us. C4_ by transferring the blame to others is often called scapegoating (替人頂 罪). (89 TF) (A) Eliminate problems (B) The eliminated problems (C) Eliminating problems (D) Problems are eliminated C5His career has been an active one: _. (A) writing poetry, working on magazines, and the war in Greece (B) poetry, editing magazines, and the Greek War (C) writing poems, editing magazines, and serving in the Greek War (D)poetry work, editing magazines, and fighting in Greece II. C, D1He is proud of his _ rich and generous. (A) father is (B) that his father is (C) father being (D) fathers being (E) father be A2In spite of the _ shining, I still fell cold. (A) sun being (B) suns being (C) sun be (D) sun that being (E)suns been B3There was no need of both of _ such a decision. (A) thems making (B) them making (C) them make(D) them in making B4I dont remember anyone of _ here. (A) thems having come (B) them having come (C) thems being coming (D) them being coming G5We insisted on rich and _ alike. (A) poors being treating (B) poors treated (C) poors being treated (D) the poors treated (E) the poor being treated (F) the poor treating (G) poor being treated (H) poor treated being criticized6Bob is used to _ (criticize).III. REMEMBER, FORGET, STOP, REGRET, TRY (1) remember + to + Vrtremember + Ving (2) forget + to + Vrt forget + Ving (3) stop + to + Vrt stop + Ving (4) regret + to + Vrtregret + Ving (5) try + to + Vrttry + VingC1He remembered meeting her somewhere. (A) He did not remember to meet her somewhere. (B) He remembered to meet her somewhere. (C) He remembered to have met her somewhere. (D) He did not forget to meet her somewhere. (E) He did not forget that he should have met her before sometime. A2He tried _ the lost wallet, but in vain. (A) to find (B) finding (C) to finding (D) find D3He tried _ the engine of his car with alcohol, and he wanted to see if it worked. The car, though ran for two miles, broke down. (A) to power(B) power(C) to powering (D) poweringIV. (1)NEED WANTREQUIRE (2)DESERVEMERIT(3) BEARSTANDCANNOT + TOLERATEENDUREFORBEARCANNOT + HELPRESISTV. BE GET + USED / ACCUSTOMED + TO BECOMEVI.S + BE WORTH + VingS + BE WORTHY OF + BEING + PPS + BE WORTHY TO BE + VrtIT + BE WORTH (ONES) WHILE + VingIT + BE WROTH (ONES) WHILE + TO Vrtpainting/ to be painted1The room looks terrible. Painting is peeling off in many places. I think the room needs _ (paint). (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) to be mended A, D2A: Do you want your shoes _ (mend) or do you want to buy a new pair? B: I think they only need _. (A) to be mended (B) to mend (C) be mended (D) mending (E) to be mending C, D3His misbehavior deserves _. (A) punish (B) to punish (C) to be punished (D) punishing (E) punishment D4A: What if I cant stand eating American food? B: _ (A) Why not sit eating? (B) How about sitting eating? (C) Then you can sit eating. (D) Its OK, and you can tell the hostess the truth. She wont insist. (E) That will be great and the hostess will be happy. Just help yourself to it. B, E5This one is much more expensive, but it will bear _. (A) to wash (B) washing (C) washed (D) to be washing (E) to be washedVII.(1) TIMESPEND + + (in) + Ving+ on + N MONEY(2) HAVE + difficulty + Ving troublea hard timea good timefun VIII. VERBS FOLLOWED BY GERUNDS1acknowledgeHe acknowledged having been frightened. He wont acknowledge himself beaten. 2admit He was sentenced to death though admitted committing the crime. 3adviseShe advised waiting until tomorrow. She advised me to wait until tomorrow. She advised that I wait until tomorrow. 4anticipateI anticipate having a good time on vacation. 5appreciateI really appreciated hearing from you. 6avoid He avoided answering my question though he knew the answer. 7completeI finally completed writing my term paper. 8considerWill you consider going with us? 9delayYou had better delay paying them money if they do not make the delivery of the ordered goods. 10denyThe criminal denied committing the crime. 11discuss All afternoon they were discussing setting up a new branch office in Taichung. 12dislike I didnt say that I disliked going window shopping, but I didnt say I liked it, either. 13enjoyI enjoy taking a walk around the park af
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