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法律格言(中英对照)第 1 页 共 39 页英文中文a sage punishes not because a crime has been committed , but rather to prevent its being committed;because the past cannot be revoked,but the future is being forestalled. (Lat. nemo prudens punit quia peccatum est,sed ne peccetur;reuocari enim praeterita non possunt , futura prohibentur) Plato 智者非因犯罪已然发生才去惩罚,实乃为了防止犯罪而施刑责;其原因在于, 过去无法逆转,而未来则可以预防。柏拉图The law is the last result of human wisdom acting upon human experience for the benefit of the public. Samuel Johnson 法律是人类为公众利益所作实践中探索出的人类智慧最终结晶。塞缪尔约翰逊In civilized life, law floats in a sea of ethics. Earl Warren 在文明的生活中, 法律漂浮在道德的海洋上。厄尔沃伦The law seems like a sort of maze through which a client must be led to safety, a collection of reefs, rocks and underwater hazards through which he or she must be piloted. John Mortimer 法律看起来就象某种迷宫委托人要想通过,肯定需要他人引导其通过种种暗礁。约翰莫蒂默The verdict acquits the raven, but condemns the 裁决认定掠夺者无罪,而给主张和平的人法律格言(中英对照)第 2 页 共 39 页dove. Lat., Dat veniam corvis, vexat censura columbas. Juvenal 判刑。尤维纳利斯The law often allows what honor forbids. Fr., La loi permet souvent ce que defend lhonneur. Bernard Joseph Saurin 法律允许的而道义上常常禁止。伯纳德约瑟莎伦Unnecessary laws are but traps for money. Hobbes 无用的法律不过是捞钱的陷阱。霍布斯Arms and laws do not flourish together. Julius Caesar 武力与法律不能同时兴盛。尤利乌斯凯撒It is safer that a bad man should not be accused, than that he should be acquitted. Lat., Hominem improbum non accusari tutius est quam absolvi. Titus Livy 不指控坏人较宣告他无罪更稳妥。泰特斯李维The prince is not above the laws, but the laws above the prince. Lat., Non est priceps super leges, sed leges supra principem. Pliny the Younger 不是君主高于法律,而是法律高于君主。小普林尼法律格言(中英对照)第 3 页 共 39 页The strictest law sometimes becomes the severest injustice. Lat., Jus summum saepe summa est malitia. Terence 最严厉的法律有时会变成最大的不公平。泰伦斯The judge is condemned when the guilty is acquitted. Lat., Judex damnatur cum nocens absolvitur. Publilius Syrus 如果犯罪之人被判无罪,法官应该判刑。普布里利亚斯西拉斯He who decides a case without hearing the other side, though he decide justly, cannot be considered just. Lat., Qui statuit aliquid, parte inaudita altera, Aequum licet statuerit, haud aequus fuerit. Lucius Annaeus Seneca 偏听一方而对案件作出判决不可能公正,虽然他自认为很公正。卢西乌斯阿纽斯塞内加I do not know the method of drawing up an indictment against an whole people. Edmund Burke 我不知道如何起草控告所有人的方法。埃德蒙伯克Arms and laws do not flourish together. Julius Caesar 武力与法律不能同时兴盛。尤利乌斯凯撒No written law has been more binding than unwritten custom supported by popular opinion. Carrie Chapman Catt 由民众意见支持的不成文习惯法比成文法更具约束力。卡丽查普曼凯特法律格言(中英对照)第 4 页 共 39 页Law is mind without reason. Aristotle 法律是无由的理念。亚里斯多德Necessity has no law. William Langland “必要”不受制于法。威廉朗格兰Let us consider the reason of the case. For nothing is law that is not reason. Sir John Powell 让我们来搜寻本案的理由,因为没有理由不成其为法律。约翰鲍威尔爵士I know of no method to secure the repeal of bad or obnoxious laws so effective as their stringent execution. Ulysses S. Grant 我知道取缔有害或讨厌的法律最有效的方法是严厉地去执行它。尤利塞斯 S格兰特At least in the law of the jungle, youve survival of the fittest. In Congress, youve just got survival. Robert W. Packwood 至少在法律丛林中, 适者生存。 在国会中,你得生存。罗伯特 W 帕克伍德He found law dear and left it cheap. Ulysses S. Grant 他对法律一见钟情,随即又见异思迁。尤利西斯辛格兰特There is a point beyond which even justice becomes unjust. Sophocles 公平与不公平仅一线之隔。萨福克里斯法律格言(中英对照)第 5 页 共 39 页The law exists to protect us all, whether we are union members, union leaders, employers or merely long-suffering members of the public. We cannot do without it. But the law is not a one-way street. Part goes our way, part goes against us. We have either to accept it all or else to opt bor anarchy. Sir John Donaldson 法律保护我们所有人,不管你是工会成员、工会领导人、 职员还是长期受苦的公众成员。 没有法律我们一事无成。但是法律不是一条单行道,有些是我们的方向,而有些与我们反向。我们要么全部接受,要么选择无政府状态。约翰唐纳森爵士There is nothing more difficult to arrange, more doubtful of success, and more dangerous to carry through than initiating change in a States constitution. The innovator makes enemies of all those who prospered under the old order, and only lukewarm support is forthcoming from those who could prosper under the new. Their support is lukewarm partly from fear of their adversaries, who have the existing law on their side, and partly because men are generally incredulous, never really trusting n 没有比开始改革一个国家的宪法在安排上更困难, 在成功方面更不确定,在实施方面更危险。 改革者要得罪所有在旧规则下获益的人; 而只是冷淡的支持者是那些从即将实施的新规则下获益的人。这些人不热心支持一方面是因为出于对那些站在现行法律一边的敌手的畏惧;另一方面因为通常不轻信新事物,除非它们已经过实践检验。结果, 改革随时遭反对变革者剧烈地攻击,而其他支持者又只是冷淡的。因此,改革者及友人都濒临灭绝。马基雅弗利The question is, not what may be supposed to have been intended, but what has been said. 问题不是推定的意图,而是曾经说过什么。法律格言(中英对照)第 6 页 共 39 页Lord Halsbury 赫斯布里勋爵It is found by experience that admirable laws and right precedents among the good have their origin in the misdeeds of others. Cornelius Tacitus 经验告诉我们绝妙的法律及正确的先例来源于他人的犯罪基础上的。科尼利厄斯塔西佗People say Ive had brushes with the law. Thats not true. Ive had brushes with overzealous prosecutors.“ Mark Duffy 人们说我与法律有过冲突,其实是
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