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教、民俗、必历史文化的名人故 成了在中西合璧的 Qingdao has beautiful sceneryof mountains, sea and city is painted in which one can see the windingcoastlineislandsand beautiful buildings whose red-roofs are held in thend pleasant climate. A harmonious picture Eriieaece ovsrdanititrees Many ofthe European-style buildings used to behometorianyfamoUsfigures:Zhanqiao 栈桥)前海栈桥是青岛的象征,建于1891年,时为简易军用码头,几经重修,向游人开放。现栈桥长440米,名四“回澜阅”。堤岸是景色如画的栈桥公园,花木掩映,藤绕长廊,可远晃小青岛绿岛芍范、白塔玉立之美景,是游人观光游恶的好地方。 Zhanqiao Pier built in 1891l, is the symbol of Qingdao.Aftersrestorations; from being a simple military harbon itis now open to-tourists. The pier is 440 meters long. There is an octagonal pagoda ofdistinetive Chinese style, ealled“ Huilan Pagoda”, at the end of the pier了rom the top, toirists can fully view the Maganificent Sea. Along the 2这“shore is the beautiful Pier Park, which is a pleasant and quiet place for 2- 一 tourists torestor enjoy the scenery ofLittle es Islandandits white 和r 2 aa 0 和 Zhan Qiao(栈桥) May 4th Square(五四广 场)各现代精神quare 芭 TeEdEOTGROFthe May #th MIOVYenieiilawhich tookplacejinoftwo squa Pa 芭 Saec E with 外 二ptain TDOGR a 7锭理 TS Se The sculpture is the symbol of MayFourth Square called “五月的风?”The first hundred-meter fountain oneain our country Ti gshan Parkei 己 本 theLU jher9- ce
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