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中国矿业大学中国矿业大学2012 届本科毕业设计(论文)届本科毕业设计(论文)题 目 某企业的 IE 分析与改善 所 在 系 机电动力与信息工程系 专业班级 工业工程( )班 姓 名 指导教师 教务处制中文题目:某企业的 IE 分析与改善外文题目:IE analysis and improvement of an enterprise毕业设计(论文):共 37 页完成日期:2012 年 5 月 15 日答辩日期:2012 年 5 月 18 日某企业的 IE 分析与改善摘 要在东部沿海经济繁荣的背景下,企业发展迅速,市场竞争日益激烈,客户的需求越来越高,而且向产品的多样化、高质量、个性化方面发展,这对众多的企业在生产和管理上提出了更高的要求。因此,企业的生产经营管理革新变得非常紧迫,工业工程综合改善是企业增强核心竞争力的途径之一,是实现企业发展的重要手段。推行工业工程改善可以提高公司的整体运作管理,降低生产成本,提高质量,达到企业不断追求效益最大化的目的。本文论述了某企业自备电厂在寻求发展的过程中由于企业内部自身存在的问题成为制约企业发展的瓶颈而不断改革的过程。文中针对企业过去存在的问题,在进行了总结和分析的基础上,提炼了企业对存在问题的解决方案。并在此基础上,结合企业自身的实际情况与工业工程的相关理论,从整体到局部对其提出了工业工程综合改善方案。方案涉及火力发电厂的机组、运输、厂房、集控中心的优化,目的是希望通过改善方案的实施能提高企业自身的实力,使其进一步发展壮大。同时,经过合理规划,以提高火力发电厂的能源利用率,降低污染,降低造价,最终达到工业工程的目的:降低成本,提高生产效率和效益。关键词:火电厂,工业工程,改善IThe Comprehensive Analysis & Improvement of IE in a BusinessABSTRACTOn the eastern coast of economic prosperity in the background, the rapid development of enterprises, the market competition is becoming increasingly fierce, customers demand more and more high, and to the diversification of products, high quality, personality development, for many enterprises in the production and management has put forward higher requirements. Therefore, the production and operation of enterprises management innovation becomes very urgent, industrial engineering comprehensive improvement is the core competitiveness of enterprises and one of the ways, is the enterprise development important means. Implementation of industrial engineering improvement can improve the overall operation of the company management, reduce production costs, improve quality, achieve enterprise continue to pursue benefit maximization objective. This paper discusses an enterprise owned power plant in seeking development in the process of the enterprise and its own internal problems become the bottleneck restricting the development of enterprises and the reform process. Aiming at the problems existing in the enterprise in the past, are summarized and analyzed based on, refining the enterprises on the problem solution. And on this basis, combined with the actual situation of the enterprises themselves and industrial engineering theory, from local to the whole of the proposed industrial engineering comprehensive improvement plan. Solution to thermal power plant unit, transport, plant, centralized optimization, aiming to improve the scheme can improve the strength of the enterprises themselves, make its further development. At the same time, through the rational planning, so as to improve the thermal power plant energy utilization rate, reduce pollution, reduce cost, eventually reaching the purpose of Industrial Engineering: reduce costs, improve production efficiency and benefit.KEY WORDS: the plant of thermal power, industrial engineering, improve目录1 绪论.11.1 研究的背景与意义 .11.1.1 研究的背景.21.1.2 研究的意义.21.2 改善的内容与思路 .31.2.1 改善的内容.31.2.2 改善的思路.31.3 论文分析改善的内容及篇章结构 .32 相关理论综述.52.1 工业工程(IE)的形成与发展过程 .52.1.1 工业工程的特点.72.1.2 IE 在该企业的应用方法.82.2. 火电的发展简史及工作原理 .112.2.1 火电发展简史.112.2.2 火电分类.112.2.3 火电发电厂的生产过程.112.3 世界火电设备发展态势分析.142.3.1 火电设备发展态势.142.3.2 大型循环流化床炉火电机组.153 火电机组的优化.183.1. 火电机组主要参数介绍 .
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