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毕业设计(论文)摘 要本设计为徐州市某单位综合办公楼设计,主体为六层框架结构。包括建筑设计和结构设计两部分。建筑设计包括建筑的平面图,立面图,剖面图,以及建筑说明图。结构计算内容有荷载计算,内力计算,内力组合,截面计算,基础设计等几方面。在确定计算简图之后,选取一榀框架进行计算,进行了重力荷载代表值的计算,通过顶点位移法求出自振周期,按底部剪力法计算水平地震荷载作用大小,用 D 值法求出在水平地震作用和风荷载作用下的结构内力(弯矩、剪力、轴力) 。用分层法计算竖向荷载(恒载及活荷载)作用下的结构内力,由所得的内力进行内力组合,找出最不利的一组或几组内力组合进行梁、柱的配筋计算并绘图。屋面为不上人屋面,采用双向板设计。基础采用柱下独立基础,包括荷载计算,基础承载力计算。关键词关键词 结构设计;框架;抗震设计;基础AbstractThis design for the Xuzhou Integration Office, the main body is 5 portal frame constructions, partial 6.Including architectural design and structural design two parts.Architectural design including construction horizontal plan, elevation, as well as building instructional diagram.The structure computation content has the load computation, the endogenic force computation, the endogenic force combination, the section computation, the board, the staircase, the foundation design and so on several aspects. After determination computation diagram, selects a pin frame to carry on the computation, has first carried on the gravity load generation of tabular value computation, then extracts using the apex deflection method the self oscillation cycle, according to the base shearing force law computation horizontal earthquake load function size, extracts with the D value law under the horizontal earthquake function gentle breeze load function the structure endogenic force (bending moment, shearing force, axle strength).With the delamination computation vertical load (dead load and live load) under the function structure endogenic force, carries on the endogenic force combination by the obtained endogenic force, again discovers most disadvantageous group of or a several group of endogenic force combination carries on Liang, the column matches the muscle to calculate and to draw a chart.Then carries on the floor, the staircase, the foundation matches the muscle computation.The roofing for on person roofing, uses the bidirectional board design.The foundation uses under the column the independent foundation, including load computation, foundation supporting capacity computation.Keywords structural design frames anti-seismic design Foundation目目 录录1 绪论.11.1 工程概况.11.1.1 设计资料 .11.1.2 自然条件 .11.2 结构设计说明.11.2.1 概述 .11.2.2 建筑平面设计 .21.3 建筑立面设计.41.4 剖面设计.5 1.4.1 层高和室内净高.51.5 建筑细部具体构造做法.52 结构平面布置及计算简图的确定 .83 重力荷载代表值计算.113.1 屋面及楼面永久荷载代表值计算.113.2 屋面及楼面可变荷载代表值计算.123.3 梁、柱自重(包括梁侧、梁底、柱抹灰的重量)标准值计算.123.4 墙体自重标准值计算.123.5 屋面女儿墙自重标准值计算.163.6 各层重力荷载代表值计算.164 地震作用计算.204.1 横向框架侧移刚度计算.204.2 横向框架自振周期计算.214.3 横向地震作用计算.224.4 验算横向框架梁柱截面尺寸及水平位移.255 风荷载计算.275.1 风荷载作用下横向框架侧移计算.276 框架内力计算.296.1 水平地震作用下横向框架内力计算.296.2 风荷载作用下框架内力计算.336.3 竖向荷载作用下横向框架的内力计算.377 横向框架结构内力组合.507.1 框架的抗震等级确定.517.2 框架梁内力组合.517.3 框架柱内力组合.528 截面设计.568.1 框架梁.568.2 框架柱.599 基础设计.659.1 工程概况.659.2 独立基础设计(4 轴 A 柱) .6510 楼梯设计.7110.1 楼梯梯段板设计.7110.2 平台板设计.7310.3 平台梁设计.74结 论.76致 谢.77参考文献.781 1 绪论绪论1.1 工程概况1.1.1 设计资料该工程为徐州某单位综合办公楼
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