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Quality is the only way to survive and prosper in businessQuality is the only way to survive and prosper in business产品环境教育教材 产品环境评估解说课程Quality is the only way to survive and prosper in businessQuality is the only way to survive and prosper in business前言本教材是以学习 产品环境培训基础课程教材结业的人员为对象。Quality is the only way to survive and prosper in businessQuality is the only way to survive and prosper in business目次前言产品环境的整体概念24对产品的生命周期的考虑13加强化学物质的管理224产品环境评估和变更管理29Quality is the only way to survive and prosper in businessQuality is the only way to survive and prosper in business产品环境的整体情况Quality is the only way to survive and prosper in businessQuality is the only way to survive and prosper in business1-1产品环境评估是指新产品是指事前进行评价是否是环境(友善型)的产品。 这里所说的事前,请注意包含有下面2方面:设计变更品、工程变更品 实施变更前(准确的说是:变更承认前) 生产销售前(准确的说是:品质认定前)评价内容环境(友善型)考虑的领域,大致分为以下三大领域含有化学物质资源有效利用资源循环节能降耗制品环境中, 新产品开发与变更管理方面运用此部分。(因变更含有化学物质有可能变化时)环境预测、评估 不要看成是(工场建设时等的环境评价)。小型化、寿命延长化、再生材使用、顾全解体的设计、等等无铅、RoHS指令对应、等Quality is the only way to survive and prosper in businessQuality is the only way to survive and prosper in business1-2产品环境评估的领域品质 管理体系 【 QMS 】外观尺寸电气特性含有化学物质资源循环节能降耗广义的产品环境 管理体系产品环境评估的领域现在的TDK的(狭义的)产品环境管理体系产品环境评估是辅助系统, 是从QMS引用出来运用的。 (作为一大重要要素)Quality is the only way to survive and prosper in businessQuality is the only way to survive and prosper in business19981999200020012002200320042005200620071997制定产品预测、评估细则初版 产品环境评估正式开始运用 制定TDK产品环境保证基准书的初版创出(创造)环保型产品的推进强化产品含有化学物质的确认制造优良环境产品的推进 产品预测、评估细则(04)版的发行TDK的活动计划20082009产品环境评估细则(07)版的发行 表彰制度的导入优良环境产品认定制度的导入 TDK主页优良环境产品的介绍 业绩评价指标的活动 1-3TDK致力于优良环境产品的活动计划Quality is the only way to survive and prosper in businessQuality is the only way to survive and prosper in business1-4与产品预测、评估相关的主要文件品质保证规程(QM-01/TSG-07)TQS9000要求事项(附册1)TDK制品环境保证基准书(QSP-27/附册1)产品环境管理细则(QSP-26/TSG-07-70)TDK集团的 品质管理体系的要求事项TDK集团制品环境管理 体系的程序基准(表格7)(表格14)产品环境评估细则(QSP-28/TSG -07-71)TDK集团的 产品环境评估的 程序基准(附表1)(附表7)(表格1)(表格6)Quality is the only way to survive and prosper in businessQuality is the only way to survive and prosper in business1-5产品环境评估的种类根据详细度、制定了【级别】【级别】【级别】。总公司登记的新产品必须实施水平 (指按照总公司登记的开发课题而开发的新产品。开发结束后,发行新产品新闻。)即使是很小的变更,产品中含有化学物质有可能变化时, 最低限度应实施水平C。注:产品含有化学物质有可能发生变化时的例子 (例1)材料和元件的变更(包括采购单位变更、多数公司采购化、向制造分公司的当地采购的变更、追记等。) (例2)产品上有可能附着的工装治具、易耗品的变更。Quality is the only way to survive and prosper in businessQuality is the only way to survive and prosper in business1-6产品评估体系一览表Quality is the only way to survive and prosper in businessQuality is the only way to survive and prosper in business1-7产品环境评估的必要资料Quality is the only way to survive and prosper in businessQuality is the only way to survive and prosper in business顾及领域 (附表4)在环境方面的 商品概念 说明书 (表)环境负荷 对策书 (表10)Green PaperA&B (表12)产品构成 化学物质 一览表 (表)生产工序 使用化学 物质一览表 (表)认定检查表数据应特记目标目标1-8产品环境评估所需的表格的主要关联Green PaperC (表13)Quality is the only way to survive and prosper in businessQuality is the only way to survive and prosper in business1-9产品环境评估的样式产品环境评估中所要求的表格有各自的目的。理解各个表格作成的目的很重要。确认作成的结果,确认”没有问题”才是终点。作成表格不是终点。Quality is the only way to survive and prosper in businessQuality is the only way to survive and prosper in business对产品生命周期的考虑Quality is the only way to survive and prosper in businessQuality is the only way to survive and prosper in business环境考虑的领域产品的生命周期制造流通使用废弃化学物質资源能源将生命周期和领域通过矩阵图体系化绿色采购不使用限制化学物质限制化学物质非含有限制化学物质非含有制造能源削减流通能源削减使用能源削减对省能源的贡献使用资源削减包装资源削减长寿命化再利用再循环2-1【附表4】顾及环境领域(1/2)基于这种考虑,作成了更详细的清单:付表环境考虑的领域。产品的环境友善度考虑的领域Quality is the only way to survive and prosper in businessQuality is the only way to survive and prosper in business在前页的概念汇总也增加了产品工程包装材的区分。2-2【附表4】顾及环境领域(2/2)Quality is the only way to survive and prosper in businessQuality is the only way to survive and prosper in business2-3【表格】在环境方面的商品概念说明书以什么样环境考虑(效果)为目标,进行开发(已开发)?的说明资料领域从 附表4中选择效果数字化。明确手段和效果。Quality is the only way to survive and prosper in businessQuality is the only way to survive and prosper in business2-4【表格10】 环境负荷对策书(1/3)将产品的生命周期方面的环境负荷通过投入(INPUT)和排出(OUTPUT),整理成的清单Quality is the only way to survive and prosper in businessQuality is the only way to survive and prosper in business通过生命周期填写环境负荷。(制造流通使用废弃)填写环境负荷削减的目标/成果。(评价品及以往品)流通使用栏为可选项。但是,表格表格12中要填写效果的内容,必 须填写。2-5【表格10】 环境负荷对策书(2/3)Quality is the only way to survive and prosper in businessQuality is the only way to survive and prosper in business详细参照填写指南说明2-6【表格10】 环境负荷对策书(3/3)Quality is the only way to survive and prosper in businessQuality is the only way to survive and prosper in business2-7【表格12】 Green Paper A&B环境友善度(效果)的达成状况的检查表(通用評価版)根据附表4顾及环境领域 ,分类设立问题。Y时的手段和效果的填写栏Quality is the only way to survive and prosper in businessQuality is the only way to survive and prosper in business2-8【表格13】 Green Paper C以化学物质为关注焦点,有关环境友善度(效果)检查表(化学物质版)Quality is the only way to survive and prosper in businessQuality is the only way to survive and prosper in business加强化学物质的管理Quality is the only way to survive and prosper in businessQuality is the only way to surviv
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