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学号:毕业设计(论文)基于单片机的语音录放系统的研究题 目:作 者届 别2007系 别专 业电子信息工程指导老师职 称讲师完成时间2007.012007.05摘摘 要要随着公安、铁路等部门对语音记录的需求不断增长,出现了许多声音处理的产品。而数字录音系统作为其中的一种,经常用于某些监控对话系统中,在适当的时候用语音实时报告系统的工作状态和提示信号等。本文介绍了一种用单片机实现的嵌入式数字录音系统,该系统为一个数字录音模块,可以将其封装在上面进行二次开发。它采用数字录音的原理,录音时,单片机的CPU将语音信号转换为数字信号,存储存储器中。播放的时候,既可以播放录音文件,也可以播放提前存入存储器中的语音文件。本文首先介绍了实现嵌入式录音的几种技术,然后介绍了数字录音的原理,在这之后进行了系统的总体结构设计和详细的软硬件设计,给出了系统调试过程和实验结果。最后,对系统的应用前景进行了分析并提出了改进设想。从实验结果来看,本论文所设计的嵌入式数字录音系统稳定性较好。当然要真正做到商业化还需要做很多的改进工作,但它对许多要求录放的场合是十分有用的。关键词关键词: 嵌入式系统;数字录音;Flash MemoryIABSTRACTWith the growth of the need for sound record in the department of Gongan and Railway, many products for sound disposal have appeared. As one sort of the products, digital recording system is mainly used in the systems of industrial watch and automatic responsion, reporting timely the State of working and warning information, prompt information and explanation.The paper has devised the embedded system of digital recording on the basis of the principle of digital recording. When recording, the microcontroller will convert the analog signals into the digital signals and then store the digital signals in the Flash Memory. While playing the sound, the recording file or the .wav file can be both played. The paper firstly introduces several ways of designing the system,then the principle of digital recording, and then the main architecture of the system and the devising of the hardware and software. At last the future of the system and some thinking of promoting is provided.The embedded system of digital recording is proved to be stable after the test of it. Obviously the system has to be promoted before its commercialization,yet it is useful highly for the situation needing recordingKeywords: the embedded system;digital recording;Flash MemoryII目 录摘要.IABSTRACTABSTRACT .II 第 1 章 绪 论.1 1.1 论文背景.1 1 .2 当前嵌入式录音系统实现的方案.2 1.2.1 语音芯片的采用.2 1.2.2 DSP 芯片的采用.3 1.3 本论文的任务.4 第 2 章 数字录音的基本原理.6 2.1 模拟声频和数字声频.6 2.2 数字音频技术的概念.6 2.3 语音信号的数字化.8 2.3.1 取样.8 2.3.2 量化.9 2.3.3 编码.10 2.4 数字信号的检错、纠错及模拟信号的恢复.10 2.4.1 数字信号的检错和纠错.10 2.4.2 模拟信号的恢复.11 第三章 系统的硬件设计.12 3.1 系统的硬件总体设计.12 3.2 C8051F020 的简介.14 3.2.1 微处理器.14 3.2.2 C8051F020 的资源和特性.163.3 Flash Memory.
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