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论文题目:(中文) 农村地缘关系网络对模仿型创业的影响研究以江苏省睢宁县东风村为例 (外文)The study of the impact of Rural geopolitical relations network on imitating entrepreneurial Taking Dongfeng village in Suining county of Jiangsu province as an example 所在院、系、所 : 农业与农村发展学院 专 业 名 称 : 农业经济管理 论 文 主 题 词 :农村;地缘关系网络;模仿型创业 学 习 期 限 : 2009 年 9 月至 2011 年 6 月 论文提交时 间 : 独独 创创 性性 声声 明明本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研 究工作及取得的研究成果。尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致 谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写的研究成果,也 不包含为获得中国人民大学或其他教育机构的学位或证书所使用过 的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文 中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。签名: 吴翰传 日期: 关于论文使用授权的说明关于论文使用授权的说明本人完全了解中国人民大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定, 即:学校有权保留送交论文的复印件,允许论文被查阅和借阅;学 校可以公布论文的全部或部分内容,可以采用影印、缩印或其他复 制手段保存论文。签名: 导师签名: 日期: 摘 要经济发展模式一直是各国不断探索的一项重要课题,创业尤其是模仿创新型的创业对经济发展的促进作用不言而喻。日本韩国等二战后的新兴国家利用模仿创业及模仿创新型创业模式促进了经济的飞速发展,这也为我国的经济发展模式做出了很好的榜样。在创业发展过程中,农村地缘关系网络是不可忽视的一个因素。它是一种广泛存在于我国农村,却又被忽视的具有很强外部效应的存在体。江苏省睢宁县东风村是近两年才被社会大众所知的一个创业先锋村,其主要以网络营销为发展手段的创业模式更是被各界媒体广泛关注,发展模式的新颖和发展速度的迅猛为各界人物所津津乐道。本文即以这样的一个创业先锋村为研究对象,通过对有关模仿创新、模仿型创业和农村地缘关系网络的国内外文献和理论知识进行梳理总结后,提出了本文的研究假设,即农村地缘关系网络的存在,从多种角度上促进了地区模仿型创业的繁荣,而地区模仿型创业的共同繁荣也离不开农村地缘关系网络的支持。本文的研究采用案例分析法,在前三部分的理论基础上于文章的第四部分对本文的案例村的现状进行介绍,然后于文章的第五部分对案例村展开具体的研究分析。通过分析农村地缘关系网络对模仿型创业的构成要素、行业壁垒、行业发展等的影响,本文得出了如下结论:农村地缘关系网络的存在促进了创业的资金融通、技术流动、人力资本培养、企业家才能的发挥;农村地缘关系网络的存在减少了创业的成本支出和风险承担,以及增强了市场竞争力;农村地缘关系网络的存在延长了整个行业的产业链,促进行业的横向和纵向发展,进而促进整个行业的繁荣和和谐发展。关键词:关键词:农村地缘关系网络 模仿型创业AbstractEconomic development model has always been an important topic all countries continuously are exploring. The effect of Entrepreneurial, especially imitating innovative entrepreneurial, on economic development is self-evident. Japan South Korea and other emerging countries after world war ii, using imitating entrepreneurial and imitating innovative entrepreneurial model, promoted the rapid development of economy, which also made a good model for our countrys economic development pattern. In the process of entrepreneurship development, rural geopolitical relational network is one factor that cannot be ignored. It is a existence being neglected which widely exists in our country rural and has strong outside effect. Dongfeng village in Suining town of Jiangsu province is just known by public as an entrepreneurial pioneers village for one or two years, and it is also famous because of its main business model for development by the means of network marketing, and the novel and rapid speed of development mode which is complimented by all kinds of characters. This article takes such a venture pioneer village as the research object, and after summarizing some relevant conceptions from domestic and foreign literatures such as imitation innovation, imitating entrepreneurship and rural geopolitical relations network ,the author puts forward in this paper the research hypotheses, namely ,the existence of rural geopolitical relations network has promoted the prosperity of imitating entrepreneurial in this region from a variety of angles, however the common imitating entrepreneurship prosperity is inseparable from the support of rural geopolitical relations network. This study adopts the approach of case analysis and based on the theory in first three parts, the fourth part of the paper introduces the current situation of imitating entrepreneurship in this village and then the fifth part studies the village concretely. Through the analysis of the influence of rural geopolitical relations network business on constitution elements , industry barriers and industry development, this paper reaches the following conclusion: the existence of rural geopolitical relations network has promoted the venture capital financing, the technical flow, the human capital cultivation, the exertion of entrepreneurs ability ; The existence of rural geopolitical relations network has reduced costs and risks, and increase the market competitiveness; The existence of rural geopolitical relations network has extended the whole industry chain, and promoted vertical and horizontal development of industry, the prosperity and harmonious development of industry.Key words: rural; geopolitical relational network; imitating entrepreneurial 目 录第 1 章 前 言 .11.1 研究背景 .11.2 研究的目的和意义 .41.2.1 理论性目的.41.2.2 实践性目的.41.2.3 研究意义.4第 2 章 国内外研究文献综述 .52.1 关于模仿对经济的影响和模仿创新的研究综述 .52.1.1 模仿对经济的影响.52.1.2 模仿创新的概念和应用主体.52.1.3 模仿创新的特点和优势.62.1.4 模仿创新企业的行动策略和进入时机.62.1.5 模仿创新的成就与我国的实际情况.72.2 关于模仿型创业的国内外研究综述 .
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