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II年产 100 万吨电炉炼钢车间设计摘 要当前电弧炉正朝着大型电弧炉、超高功率供电技术、采用各种炉外精炼、发展直接还原法炼钢、逐步扩大机械化自动化及用电子计算机进行过程控制等的发展,所以我们进行了电炉炼钢的设计,以适应潮流的发展。电炉的主要产品是钢材,而钢的质量取决于电炉冶炼技术和工艺,目前我国钢铁产业大量整合趋向于集中,整合资源优化升级。本设计根据指导老师的课题范围,查阅相关资料,结合重庆地区实际条件,优化设计年产为 100 万吨的电炉间。本次设计查阅国内大型电炉车间设计的相关内容和文献资料,明确本次设计的目的、方法,并向老师请教可行性方案。结合炼钢设备及车间设计. 、 炼钢厂设计原理 、 炉外处理等资料进行设计提纲的书写。对电炉进行配料计算,计算出电炉炼钢的原料配比。对电炉电气设备、炉外精炼、连铸系统、车间烟气净化系统、炼钢车间布局,结合国内大型电炉进行设定并向田老师探讨可行的方法和数据。绘制电弧炉平面图和电炉炼钢车间平面布置图。关键字关键字:电弧炉 车间设计 连铸 炉外精炼ABSTRACTIIIABSTRACTThe current is moving large electric arc furnace electric arc furnace, high-power power supply technology, using a variety of refining, the development of direct reduction steel making, and gradually expand the use of mechanization and automation and process control computer for the development, so we were EAF designed to fit the trend of development. The main products are steel furnace, and the quality of steel depends on the electric furnace smelting technology and techniques, present a large number of integrated steel industry in China tend to focus on integrating resources for optimization and upgrading. The design of the subject areas under the guidance of teachers, access to relevant information, combined with the actual conditions in Chongqing, optimal design capacity of 100 tons of furnace plant.The design of access to large domestic electric furnace workshop content and related design documents, specifically designed for this purpose, methods, feasibility of the program to the teacher for help. With “steel-making equipment and plant design.“, “Steel design principles“, “ outside the furnace processing “, etc. to design the outline of the writing. Calculated on the EAF ingredients to calculate the ratio of electric steelmaking raw materials. Electrical equipment on the furnace, secondary refining, continuous casting system, the plant flue gas purification systems, steel plant layout, IVcombined with the large EAF set to Tian to explore feasible approaches and data. Electric arc furnace steel-making plans and drawing workshop floor plan.Keyword:electric arc furnace, plant design, casting, refinin目 录摘 要 .IABSTRACT .II绪 论 .11 设 计 方 案 .31.1 设计概述 .31.1.1 设计的基本原则及内容 .31.1.2 建厂条件评述 .31.2 产品方案.51.2.1 冶炼的钢种,代表钢号及化学成分确定 .61.2.2 钢种简介 .71.2.3 生产工艺流程.72 超高功率电弧炉炉型设计计算.92.1 电炉容量和座数的确定.92.2 超高功率炉型设计.112.2.1 熔池的形状和尺寸 .112.2.2 熔炼室尺寸 .132.2.3 炉衬及厚度()的确定 .142.2.4 炉壳及厚度 z.142.2.5 炉门尺寸的确定 .152.2.6 偏心炉设计 .15目录2.2.7 废钢的供应方式和预处理方案.182.2.8 炼钢过程的物料平衡和热平衡计算.182.2.9 全厂金属料平衡计算.303 电弧炉电气设备的计算和选择.313.1 变压器功率和电参数的确定.313.1.1 变压器功率的确定 .313.1.2 电压级数 .323.1.3 电极直径(d 电极).333.1.4 电极极心圆直径(d三极心) .343.2 短网的设计 .344 炉 外 精 炼 设 计 .374.1 炉外精炼的功能.374.2 LF 精炼炉 .384.2.1 LF 精炼炉的特点 .384.2.2 LF 炉设备组成.3843 真空吹氩脱气法(VD 法) .395 连 铸 设 计 .455.1 连铸系统的组成及工艺流程 .455.2 车间设备及参数的确定.455.2.1 连铸机型的选择 .455.2.2 连铸机主要参数的确定.465.3 连铸机生产能力的计算 .525.3.1 连铸浇注周期计算 .525.3.2 连铸机的作业率 .535.3.3 连铸坯收得率 .545.3.4 连铸机的理论小时产量 .545.3.5 连铸机平均日产量 .555.3.6 连铸机平均年产量 .555.4 连铸操作规程.565.4.1 浇铸前的准备 .
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