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本本科科生生毕毕业业论论 文文黑龙江省绥棱县商业健身俱乐部发展现状及对策目 录摘 要 .1AbstractAbstract .21.绪论 .31.1 课题研究背景及目的 .31.2 研究对象及方法 .32 研究结果与分析 .32.1 健身俱乐部会员的人员结构 .32.2 健身者的健身项目、健身锻炼的周次数及每次锻炼的时间 .42.3 健身者工作和生活情况 .52.4 健身者的健身动机 .62.5 健身效果反馈 .72.6 健身意识 .72.7 健身俱乐部工作人员及设施情况 .83 结论与对策 .93.1 结论 .93.2 对策 .9参考文献 .10致 谢 .11附录 .12摘 要随着黑龙江绥棱县经济的飞速发展,人们生活水平的不断提高和闲暇时间的增多,对良好生活方式的不断追求,使得市民对体育健身的需求日趋增长,在 20 世纪 80 年代末 90 年代初,绥棱县商业性的体育健身俱乐部应运而生,绥棱县商业健身俱乐部发展迅速,以百盛健身和东方健身为首的绥棱县商业健身俱乐部在经营管理等各方面都取得了长足进步,俱乐部在宣传策略、经营实践、市场营销、经营战略等方面逐步走向成熟。但是由于绥棱县健身业发展时间并不长,其各个方面发展并不完善。本论文通过采用文献资料法、调查法(包括现场调查法、访谈调查法和问卷调查法)等研究方法,对绥棱县商业健身俱乐部的发展现状展开调查,结果发现绥棱县商业健身俱乐部发展势态良好,但也存在诸多问题,如:法律法规体系滞后、经营项目的趋同化严重、俱乐部从业人员综合素质不高、对新产品研发的投入不够等问题。在此基础上,通过全面的分析,针对绥棱县商业健身俱乐部存在问题,初步提出以下对策:1.相关政府部门应充分发挥宏观调控职能:建立行业协会,加强商业健身俱乐部的法规建设;在税收、土地利用发面应给与优惠政策;加强全民体育健身消费意识的宣传。2.加强商业健身俱乐部内部经营管理:对俱乐部进行准确的市场定位;建立俱乐部产品研发部门,提供差异化的健身服务项目;加强俱乐部人力资源管理,提高俱乐部经营管理人员和员工的业务水平;加强俱乐部电子信息的应用;充分利用俱乐部的经营时间,设置灵活的卡种;注重俱乐部自身品牌及企业文化建设。关键词:健身俱乐部 发展及现状 对策AbstractAbstractWith the rapid economic development in Wenzhou and the continuous improvement of peoples living conditions and an increase in leisure time and the constant pursuit of good life, the growing demand for sports and fitness is found here. In the late 1980 and early 1990,Wenzhou commercial fitness clubs came into being and have been developing rapidly since then. Two top clubs of them, BaiSheng Fitness Club and East Fitness Club, have made great progress in management and other aspects. The clubs have gradually matured in promotion strategies, business practices, marketing, business strategies and so on. However, due toWenzhou fitness industry appears late, all aspects of its development are not perfect.This paper, by the way of documents and data and investigation methods (including on-site survey, interviews and questionnaire) and other research methods, carried out a survey on commercial fitness club development situation and the result shows that they are going on well. But there also exists some problems, such as the law and rule system lagging behind, the serious convergence of management projects, the overall quality of staff of the clubs not good, investment in research and development of new products not enough and so on. On this basis, through a comprehensive analysis of the problems of Wenzhou Commercial Fitness Clubs, thefollowing responses are made initially:1.Relevant government departments should give full play to the macro-control functions: establishing industry associations and strengthening the construction of the law andregulations of these clubs;giving them preferential treatment in taxation and landutility;enhancing promotion of consumption awareness of the national physical fitness.2. To strengthen internal management of commercial fitness clubs:making the accurate market positioning of the clubs;establishing the department of products research and development and offering of diversity of fitness service items;strengthening club human resources management and improving the level of operations of club management staff and employees;enhancing the application of electronic information of the club;making full use of the clubs operating hours and set different kind of flexible cards;focusing on the clubs own brand and its culture construction.Key words:Present situation and Development Countermeasures of fitness club1.绪论1.1 课题研究背景及目的从俱乐部在欧洲出现到 20 世纪 90 年代,已形成一定规模,成为百姓健身的主要形式,并为经营者带来了巨大的利润。随着我国国民经济的不断发展,国民健身意识的不断提高,以及国家相关政策的保障和支持,使国内健身行业也得到了长足的发展,投资健身俱乐部这一商业模式收到越来越多人的重视;国际著名健身俱乐部近年来的加入,更加剧了健身市场激烈的竞争。集地理人文优势于一体的黑龙江省绥棱县具有雄厚的经济实力和丰厚的体育文化底蕴,为健身俱乐部提供了优越的发展条件。快速发展的同时也带来非常多的问题。国内著名健身俱乐部连锁机构的进入,进一步加剧了产业内部的竞争。尤其是 2008 年以来愈演愈烈的金融危机背景下,很多健身俱乐部遭遇到了经济上的“寒流” ,部分健身俱乐部甚至“面临倒闭” ,这对快速发展中的绥棱县的健身业造成了很大程度上打击。如何使健身市场进行良性竞争,如何将健身企业管理水平提高,如何让相关从业人员的专业素质进一步提升,这是健身业自身必须正视的问题。因此,调查绥棱县健身俱乐部现状、研究绥棱县健身俱乐部发展的有效对策有着非同寻常的意义。为绥棱县健身俱乐部的经营管理者提供事实借鉴和理论指导,更好的推动绥棱县健身俱乐部的良性发
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